Comments on: The trick behind Occult systems Mon, 17 Jul 2017 16:52:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: steve f Mon, 17 Jul 2017 16:52:57 +0000 amen

By: truth1 Tue, 11 Jul 2017 02:42:33 +0000 well, for me, I have the hope of God restoring what needs to be after our lessons have been fully learned. Who could have imagined that things could get so out of hand by telling God to go to hell. Instead, we end up in hell. No flames maybe, but lots of cruelty,.

By: truth1 Tue, 11 Jul 2017 02:32:55 +0000 Apology accepted. You know, there was talk of urging Cali to secede from the nation. Some even suggested the detonation of some of the fault lines to help Cali slide off into the ocean, along with all their welfare and immigrants and the cost of that. You couldn’t talk that up over there, could ya?
😛 😛 😛 😛

By: arcadia11 Mon, 10 Jul 2017 16:11:58 +0000 i must apologize for the state of my state as it is not yet evolved enough to apologize for itself.

By: honestliberty Mon, 10 Jul 2017 13:26:20 +0000 I started to look into all that and was so disgusted the darkness was consuming me. How people can turn a blind eye and pretend there is no validity to that stuff is sickening. Seeing that there is literally nothing I know if that I can do here in Colorado, to save those children, I had to stop investigating because my blood was boiling over.

And, honestly, with the internet and the average citizen, it’s a daunting process to discern reality from fiction. However, I think the child abuse worldwide by the elite and mid level players is real, but the truth behind satanic ritual abuse, I can see it being true but man, how friggin disgusting and disturbing plus the only evidence I’ve known of is anecdotal or witness testimony. I don’t have the knowledge or experience to make a judgment call for or against their claims.

Whatever it is, there must be a reckoning. Or is this just the fate of every centralized society? The most violent and dangerous collude their way to the top and then Grant themselves immunity. Then we get smacked by some space object and it all resets.. I dunno but what I know is that most of my anger stems from the lack of control to snuff out the evils that plague this world. If I knew what action I could take that would make a difference, I would. Immediately

By: truth1 Mon, 10 Jul 2017 06:03:16 +0000 Well, well well, Cali is not far removed from the UK in some ways. Cali was a big Mind control state for the CIA. Hollywood was a magnet for celebrities, vice, and the like and was used often for holly parties where Bob hope was like the main operator of blackmail operations to compromise politicians and others. Brice Taylor’s amazing life and a counts are in her book, Thanks for the Memories. A bit of sarcasm in her choice of Title But God bless her heart for a masterpiece of dishing the dirt, like no other, has. The world owes her a debt of gratitude and they do not even know it. You know, I sure wish I was just making this all up. the kids that brutally suffer in this sick operations are so many and so horrific. There really isn’t a hell hot enough.

By: truth1 Mon, 10 Jul 2017 05:32:54 +0000 I agree with you, H.L. The US attracted people who wanted to get out from under the bottom and have more freedom and options, too. They saw a chance to have some land and opportunity which had long ago disappeared in Europe. They came over here, with the willingness to work, but also see benefit and profit from the work instead of as slaves who had most of their labor confiscated by land holders. And no control over religion in the US for a while.

But alas, wicked forces seek to deprive us of the legacy started in the 1500s onward. Really, many began in the 1600s in the north. But there is no other nation on earth that enjoys the amount of freedom we had for a brief time. In the UK, it is an oppression you can not imagine. The upper do absolutely anything they want with the kids of citizens and punish any who dare protest or resist. They steal children routinely, thru social service for, and get this: possible future emotional harm. No bruises required. No evidence of abuse or possible future abuse, even if just hurt feelings, is needed to steal children from parents who are not doing anything wrong.

May the God of heaven and earth, Jehovah since 1209 AD, strike me dead where I type if I lie even the slightest bit about this. There are no words to express the evil and vile wickedness that abounds in the UK. And Scotland is the very worst. Entire schools in Hampstead that routinely, every week, sexually abuse all the students, young kids, and prostitute them, too. And the police, social services and courts and lawyers all cover it up. The Media all help, too. They censor and ban the net over there thru facebook, Youtube, WordPress, No one is allowed to talk about a case while the case is being tried. I know we do that, too, but its wrong. Their family courts, used to steal children, are carried out in secret, so that parents are not allowed to have their country men hear what happening to them. God, damn the UK, please!

I am sure this will be coming our way, sooner or later.

to steal a line from Blade Runner, Rutger Hauer’s character: ” I have seen (heard) things you would not believe . . . passing like tear drops in the rain.”

By: arcadia11 Mon, 10 Jul 2017 02:46:48 +0000 : – }

By: truth1 Mon, 10 Jul 2017 02:09:56 +0000 I never doubted you, arcadia, I just distinguished parents due rights from those of government.

By: arcadia11 Sun, 09 Jul 2017 21:16:45 +0000 truth1 says:
July 9, 2017 at 3:18 am

“Yes, but parental authority is like training wheels on a bike or similar. The boy needs to have respect for the experience of his much older father and mother. But once he is an adult on his own 2 feet, he will not need some damn government treating him like a child and saying what is right and wrong. How’s that?”

hey t1. i agree. someone has to be in charge and naturally it should be the parents. i have seen so many parents who reinforce antisocial behavior and thus limit the freedom of their kids to a few who are willing to put up with their nasty little brats. i have even experienced parents who do not stop their children from abusing animals while expressing concern about it. ??? it is unfair to children to expect them to monitor and correct themselves initially – especially when proper modeling is non-existent. often parents are afraid to say no to their children. that is a mistake and could be dangerous for the child. you cannot let your kids run your life. that would be an injustice for them and for you. i did not mean to imply that there should be no proper monitoring and adjusting. keep them reasonably safe, educate and guide them and always allow them recourse. maybe not right away, but eventually they will respect you and that will be demonstrated in their behavior and consciousness.
