Comments on: The world is not you Sat, 15 Jul 2017 17:28:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: arcadia11 Sat, 15 Jul 2017 17:28:01 +0000 a new and improved F word. it works – good call.

By: messianicdruidmessianicdruid Sat, 15 Jul 2017 14:52:59 +0000 Fight, Flight or Freeze. Freeze is unmentioned so as to keep you unaware of it. Most are stuck in freeze – contemplating fight or flight, never taking action.

By: betty Wed, 12 Jul 2017 01:33:26 +0000 You could make soap, and sell it. I doubt if you even need a licence to sell soap. Also can’t you sell alcohol online?

By: Greg C. Tue, 11 Jul 2017 23:05:52 +0000 Just one more thought – the “dream” is often a hidden desire for recognition. We want to be recognized as good, and the bad guys to be recognized as bad. We dream of recognition, then go after it, and when all our hard work and creative energy is dissed, the dream gets eaten up in anger. But the real secret, speaking from my own experience, is we knew it all along, what would happen – we chose our path based on a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we opened our eyes to how the world works, we wouldn’t have to go down that road. But my choice was to suffer for my ideals, a noble thought straight from Cervantes, but unnecessary. As Jon said, many people put their life on hold as another kind of sacrifice, until their ideals are vindicated in the political arena. Still others just want the recognition, but just aren’t serious about actually doing the things necessary to get it. The scoundrels just want to steal the recognition by fraud.

So it seems to me we just need to get over this recognition thing, and just get on with finding something doable to do that is its own reward.

By: Greg C. Tue, 11 Jul 2017 21:36:37 +0000 Hey HL, I’ve been through similar trials. I’ve been through the wringer of the so-called justice system, been ripped off by it. Yes, the game is rigged. I took me years to get over it and get on with life. And, to learn that life is not found in the arena of competition, the free-enterprise system. It’s not winners and losers. I think we’re all sold this idea that you “dream” for something then go fling yourself at it. It’s the stuff of Hollywood, and parodied in the character of Don Q. I did it myself for decades. I built my own house in the country – to prove to myself and everyone that I had what it takes. No one was that impressed. I worked 70-hour weeks writing cool software. I got sued when a client got miffed that I dropped them. The lawyer actually argued that I was under contract to work for them until they gave me permission to leave. The person who owns that company now is a convicted criminal. I rescued a couple software projects – but didn’t want to join the firms, so was treated like dirt. I earned a 6-figure income, so my wife decided she was entitled to most of it. I wasted years burning with anger about it all. I mistook anger, the desire to fight back, as part of my creative energy. I ran for congress, symbolic of my anger at the system that just wanted to take and take, and not let me keep what I earned. Talk about Don Q! That’s all in the past now. I only talk about it now to let you know I’ve been there too.

By: arcadia11 Tue, 11 Jul 2017 21:05:44 +0000 wow, you guys. i confess i did not know much about p’s personal life even though i watched him every afternoon for a few years. i certainly had no idea he was a sagittarius. i love learning. thank you.

By: Michael Tue, 11 Jul 2017 19:46:02 +0000 Oh a smart guy….a-gah-gah-gah-gah-gah-gah.

Wiki doesn’t tell the whole truth though; as a little fella Popeye worked in spinach mine along side an old spinach miner. The old guy took Popeye under his wing and toughen up little popeye’s arms, that why they are balloon like, from shovelling spinach all day. Down deep in a spinach mine. Egad…the horror. Thats were ole one-eye learnt to love his spinach. Squeeze those cans of spinach and pow gazinga…the flying windmill fist for the big brute…Brutus. Tryin to to steal popeye’s squeeze.

Yeah the original 1954 would have been black and white. Now it’s remastered; for the life of me I can’t grasp the concept, to ‘Remaster’…regurge. They even remastered the sistine chapel. In the end we will all be remastered.

By: barn moose Tue, 11 Jul 2017 16:26:58 +0000 Popeye was born on December 8, 1894, and raised in Chester, Illinois, a small town near the Mississippi River.[1] The son of a handyman, his earliest work experiences included assisting his father in house painting and paper hanging. Skilled at playing drums, he also provided musical accompaniment to films and vaudeville acts in the local theater, where he was eventually given the job of film projectionist[2] at the Chester Opera House, where he also did live performances.[1] At age 18, he decided to become a cartoon. He took a correspondence course in cartoon acting from W. L. Evans of Cleveland, Ohio.[2] He said that after work he “lit up the oil lamps about midnight and worked on the course until 3 a.m.”

By: barn moose Tue, 11 Jul 2017 16:25:41 +0000 Cad! What have you done with my Popeye?? This film completely misremembers him. A Disservice!

By: honestliberty Tue, 11 Jul 2017 15:24:21 +0000 Still find* the energy
