Comments on: CIA mind control morphed into psychiatry? Tue, 30 Apr 2019 18:54:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marilyn Tue, 30 Apr 2019 18:54:58 +0000 J ha e Co e to know this , only as the mother of a 59-yeard don, who fir the past 39 years has been forced medicated with prescribed psychiatric
medications. It has affected this family in al
It’s all these ways. END PSYCHIATRY! Please. It’s killing citizens, families, individual lives!!

By: Rachel Nichols Sat, 27 Apr 2019 14:13:32 +0000 The spirit is not separate from the body unless you are dead.

By: justherelivinglifestoriesofsurvival Mon, 16 Apr 2018 01:49:06 +0000 I suffer from agoraphobia since a young child and family ties to Air Force as well as the father of my son working on a base and have been harassed and labeled so many times. I know now after waking up after the Hurricane Irma in Florida that the real evil is unknown to us until it’s too deep to feel like you can deal with it. I have you in my prayers.

By: Theresa Kaplan Amuso Thu, 22 Feb 2018 01:35:49 +0000 I just turned 67.
I’m an MK ULTRA survivor.
Facebook: Theresa Kaplan Amuso

I have fragmented memorys & looking for a psychiatrist who deals with trauma based mind control. If you can suggest anything I deeply appreciate it.
My 2 son’s, 42, 47 think I have dimentia I swore to God they’d never find out. I’m also an experiencer/contactee & a vortex formed on my property in 2011. I have been on Starships & in underground bases, from New York now living in New River, Az., about 35 minutes north of Phoenix.
Widow to fallen Marine, agent Orange but I realize now he was a victim too.i was in Montreal twice for a couple weeks, stayed at St Jeans Royal Air Force Base, I had missing time I attribute to being programmed…, I was with Civil Air Patrol 3 years. I come from a completely dysfunctional military family and more. All my life I’ve been trying to connect the dots. Even though I was interacting with et’s I knew I was going through something more. No matter what I went through in my very rough life I always felt there wss more to me. I had a near fatle car accident in 7/2016. Major injurys. There was no reason for that accident. I don’t remember anything except waking up in hospital. I always felt I was a target. I apparently veered off the road & hit a solid concrete pillar head on in my Honda civic. That pillar which was reinforced with rebar went airborne, came down & crushed my roof then rolled off. I had a concussion, 2 broken eye sockets,, crushed cheeks, broken nose, stents, stitches, 4 broken ribs & blunt force trauma. I never had a car accident. How fast everything happens so fast which reminds me that we have absolutely no control over our lives at all. Sure we make choices, I’m accountable for what I do but I’ve been so manipulated. Things that make no sense. I know I’m electronically targeted. If you see any of my pictures of the ufo/paranormal activity that go’s on here hopefully you’ll understand with all the energy 24/7 it leaves me weak & I have health issues. I have agoraphobia. So, if you know someone I can talk to when I get up the strength, please suggest someone.
Most sincerely, ….theresa

By: Lori Kemper Thu, 11 Jan 2018 18:29:16 +0000 I am desperately needing some information about mind control I have torturing voices stalking me in my mind .I’m singled out of society almost .I’m scared for my life .they know everything about me and a sychoparhic group of phycologically santanic group I believe or gov ? It’s the highest gov that git a hold of me and my family I beleive ..m hoping you can scan me or find who is behind it ..I’m not crazy …just very limited now

By: Dalel Sat, 12 Aug 2017 06:20:48 +0000 Please search Joanna Moncrieff mental illness and capitalism

By: Dalel Sat, 12 Aug 2017 06:19:19 +0000 Caffeine is approved and encouraged for the exploited working class….keep them working harder with an artificial feeling of optimism

By: Dalel Sat, 12 Aug 2017 06:07:21 +0000 Interesting that the discipline of psychiatry as we know it today developed in the 50s during the cold war. This is exactly what I have surmised but could not find anything to back it up

By: RRChief Mon, 31 Jul 2017 15:54:22 +0000 Utez,
It could simply be as simple as the phenomenon ofthe bodies own homeostasis being thrown off kilter by caffeine, taurine, Guarana etc, and then taking timefor your bodies natural levels to return to ‘normal’ justmy five cents worth. Good luck with recovry, and stick to good wholesme Speedwell tea, it hasa beneficial energy boost quality without the downsidesof the aforementioned stimulants, and were even used fromroman times onwards. The official name is Veronica Officianalis.
Best wishes.

By: prRRChief Mon, 31 Jul 2017 15:32:57 +0000 Spot on my friend. I couldn’t have put it more accurately nor eloquently myself. We are one and yet not the same, and that is OK!
