Comments on: Robots are inventing their own languages Sat, 30 Sep 2017 05:24:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: arsenios Sat, 30 Sep 2017 05:24:19 +0000 We always deliver a pick, despite being told every Clarence Day you get into’t deliver one.
undetermined or concealed expect helps, are in force(p) skills to deliver, too.

By: Theodore Sun, 30 Jul 2017 17:31:18 +0000 You bring up some excellent points.

Just as an aside: an “UNadulterated” UBI model: I would most certainly think, it would become inherently adulterated once implemented and operating in the real world — devolving into a defacto ‘expanded welfare model’ — managed by ‘vestigial governments’.

Yes, without reading up on the full details of the UBI model, I just assumed it was a slick ‘DIGITAL-only, spytech-tech expaned welfare’ scheme — with the bonus of being ripe for abuse by those the running the database and software that comprise it, not to mention the black-hat hackers.

But, all that aside, Zuckerberg (the face of multi-billion dollar facebook) is now pushing UBI,…

This implies to me that those the behind the big software corps have already ‘actuaried out’ (a) how much increased profit margins they’re are going to make using AI software and AI-based robots, and, (b) how many (low to medium to high -skilled) human jobs these types of roll-outs are going to kill.

And, I would say further, that it was never a question for them to NOT roll-out the AI and the AI-based robots, but, just whether or not they need to start assuaging those potential pitch-fork humans now. “Zuck publicly talking UBI (and Zuck possibly running for prez in 2020)” is the tell of what their “actuary studies” showed them: start assuaging those potential pitch-fork humans now.

And, I would say further, as a side-effect of this AI and AI-robot -based world they are creating, the roll of the average masculine male in society will become severely limited.

By: yenetedla Fri, 28 Jul 2017 09:17:35 +0000 Subtle, entertaining and informative article about the future of AI and power dynamics.

By: CPP Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:29:48 +0000 I like your third paragraph.

By: CPP Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:25:11 +0000 If you’re paid by an employer or significant amounts by individual clients, then that’s tied to your SSN as well, along with any earnings declared to the IRS, of course. So I’ll take that too, lol.

Under an adulterated “UBI” model, I can see the idea of credits expiring as plausible, and if you could invest such credits, maybe only in “their market”. But the idea with UBI is that everyone gets it, and if you make enough that you pay significant tax, then it’s just a tax deduction, although some models claw it back as earnings become higher. To make some distinction between those who receive it, directly or via tax credit, and those who don’t, regarding saving or investing (even of earned $), wouldn’t make much sense. You seem to be thinking of it as expanded welfare, where there are strings and conditions and a monitoring bureaucracy attached, rather than as what actually defines the UBI model. Any expiring credit and limited use model, which is not cash convertible, is not a UBI model but an expanded welfare model (which I’m sure many in gov. would favor).

By: arcadia11 Tue, 18 Jul 2017 04:02:01 +0000 lol. a refreshingly good point.

By: Greg C. Tue, 18 Jul 2017 00:09:41 +0000 But mother nature has her own disasters that would easily wipe out AI. A major sun event could fry all our electronics, and we’d be back to having to rely on our wits and basic skills. AI needs a huge infrastructure to support it, so it is vulnerable. We could adapt, but AI could not.

By: arcadia11 Mon, 17 Jul 2017 03:15:24 +0000 well that totally cracked me up. i had to pause the transgender info video i was watching to watch your video.
nothing like being on the same page, yes?


By: arcadia11 Mon, 17 Jul 2017 03:08:15 +0000 yes – i fear that cash will be a use it or lose it proposition.

i have no credit cards. it can be done.
what are you willing to change in your life? it comes down to that.

By: Jennifer Mon, 17 Jul 2017 02:54:48 +0000 Thanks, Terri, have some websites bookmarked for future perusal. Yes, the erosion of the family is the crux, because the strength of the family is the foundation upon which all rests.
