Comments on: If the EU goes down, all life ceases to exist Thu, 20 Jul 2017 15:22:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: cavemanhippy Thu, 20 Jul 2017 15:22:32 +0000 This is perhaps as concise and direct a commentary of accuracy as I have read concerning the whale manure agenda of NWO BASTURDS. He dials in specifically on who the culprits are and their endgame. The one thing left out is the fact that the Georgia Guidestones say that 90+% of the global population must ALL DIE FIRST WHICH IS THE PLAN and you can bet your lower end that these scumbags have the most luxurious bunkers imaginable to survive whatever they have planned that cometh soon save for surviving other survivors who will remember who they are and where they live and as soon as the do the groundhog thing to see if it’s safe to come out….BAM GOES THE GOLF CLUB TEEING OFF ON THEIR HEADS!
It’s such a sad fact that America STILL hasn’t seen the charade for what it is with this Broom Rider Clinton debacle with scandals still on and more coming by the day. Amazing nobody reported about her Whitewater investigations records being transferred from Little Rock to Denver but somehow getting diverted in early April of 1995 to….the Alfred O. Murray Federal Building just daze before the ATF were told not to come in on 4.19.95 yet they DID come in and along with FBI agents, they stopped an active rescue operation to handcart out files that weren’t destroyed and we can only speculate that they were destroyed off site since Thee Evil One wasn’t indicted FOR THAT CRIME EITHER!
Oh if only the sheeple (word coined by the late, GREAT William Cooper) knew how close they are to the funnel into their own slaughterhouse, do we think they would rise up THIS TIME? They didn’t in Germany and “it can’t happen here?” Really?
It’s already happening here and the already built concentration camps are waiting for the livestock to blood let. My only question is…..Will the people assigned these duties have the bloodthirst of their masters to carry out the orders?
We shall see soon enough.

By: Nicholson Thu, 20 Jul 2017 12:44:30 +0000 Still holding your breath, Theresa?

By: Sam Nelson (@Sam194275) Mon, 17 Jul 2017 19:35:10 +0000 To the point article Jon; it all boils down to we don’t have a choice, none at all. Whomever owns the Banks owns the Leadership, whomever owns the Media owns the mind’s of the people, the Rothschild Family owns these and everything else. We, the people, don’t have a chance, never did actually. 95 percent of us are going to die, we are dying now, we just haven’t figured it out yet. We are being microwaved, fed poison and mentally taken apart, we haven’t a chance in heck of surviving, never did. If we could convince Jacob that we really love him and want to do things his way, wonder if he would let us live?

By: kommonsentsjane Mon, 17 Jul 2017 16:27:22 +0000

Reblogged on kommonsentsjane/blogkommonsents.

These leaders, Obama, Cameron, Hollande, and Merkel, are the ones who created the mess Europe is in. As usual the men abandoned the woman – Merkel – and left her holding the bag – which is always the way men do – create a mess and leave the woman to deal with it.

You would think WWII would have taught Europe how to keep their powder dry – but from what is going on now – Angela Merkel is a true blue communist who is trying to work communism into the picture. Show me any country where socialism works – they always run out of other people’s money – look at the world right now – just one big “holy” mess.


By: Steelerdude Mon, 17 Jul 2017 15:07:44 +0000 So John, how much gold would you pay for a bitcoin?

By: amnesiaclinic Mon, 17 Jul 2017 08:52:43 +0000 Again, Jon says it as it is. Great article. Those who remember life before the mountains of regulations will rejoice when it does go down. The elite are fighting back dirty but people realize the tyranny and it ain’t pretty.
Great post!

By: Mary Silva Mon, 17 Jul 2017 05:50:24 +0000 Jon makes complete sense to me.

By: From Quebec Mon, 17 Jul 2017 05:09:24 +0000 DR. MICHAEL COFFMAN, PATRIOT WHO EXPOSED AGENDA 21, PASSES AWAY
The resistance loses a hero of rural America, but he won’t be forgotten

By: From Quebec Mon, 17 Jul 2017 04:30:17 +0000 Here is the rest of the interview:

Sci-Ops Expert: Why Trump And Putin Like Each Other

By: From Quebec Mon, 17 Jul 2017 04:14:38 +0000 After the commercial break, , the interview continues, and it is the best part.
