Comments on: Brain-computer hookup equals mainstream news Thu, 20 Jul 2017 04:04:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: W. Chubb-Baggins Thu, 20 Jul 2017 04:04:03 +0000 Robot Lives Matter:

By: name hacked by Russian hackers Wed, 19 Jul 2017 23:06:09 +0000 Ahhh…the techno triumphalists and their technology über alles fantasies.
Humanity better hope it never happens.
Lest you think these techno triumphalists come up with these gadgets for your convenience or pleasure, it is for your surveillance and enslavement.

By: amnesiaclinic Wed, 19 Jul 2017 12:39:44 +0000 All that money really could have created a paradise for all on this planet….

By: Greg C. Tue, 18 Jul 2017 21:41:58 +0000 AI could be a blessing in disguise. If you could take any processing program that the brain can run, and run it under AI, then we might come to the realization that some of us, anyway, just run programs all the time in our head. We process info, we handle people using layers of rules and conventions, we set priorities. We make lists and check them off. We guard against the future in light of past or imagined hurts. We make rules for ourselves to follow, set limits. These are all programs that could run under AI. For some of us, that is the totality of our experience. There is no real adventure, no opening up to possibilities that are not firmly grounded to our present experience and knowledge. Because it is not possible to run that as a program.

What we need is a way to shut down most of the unnecessary programs that keep us busily running on the hamster wheel of life. Maybe dreams are an attempt to do just that. Computers do not dream.

By: Jennifer Tue, 18 Jul 2017 13:51:21 +0000 These psychopaths, John, are people who are lost to the Alien Mind that has been attacking humanity since the beginning of our species and where we seem as each separate individuals, their minds work together, not unlike the hive mind of the Borg. They are many years ahead in their planning to destroy us.

We see them as actually wanting to be God, thinking that, in their robot-like minds, they want to control everything and will find every avenue to do so, and because of the technology they have given us and using against us, they are making it possible to control our thinking processes and decisions.

But what Vetch says is true. Our minds are not our brains. Our minds are part of our Speciel Mind which is a part of God unless we allow ourselves to be dissimulated and separated from Him, which drugs of abuse, fluoridated water, and many fluoride containing medications cause to happen.

There is still hope because there are people like these who comment on Jon’s blog, like yourself, who can gain guildance from God, by asking, and asking, and asking and listening for His guidance. If it happened to us, then it can happen to you. It is the individual who through God will be able to makes changes for the future, so we will have one.

By: From Quebec Tue, 18 Jul 2017 05:27:55 +0000 Have you noticed that recently, most of the new innovations are here to destroy humans.?

-:Big Pharma: poison: pills and vaccines.

– Agriculture:., GMO and pesticides.

– NSA: Chemtrails who makes you sick.

– Wi-Fi: who fries your brain.-

– Scientists: Nuclear bombs to blow the whole world.

– AI: Robots to render working people poor and irrelevant

– Self driving cars: You have no power.anymore, Might as well buy a horse.

– Etc…….

And now, they want to create a brain-computer interface? This is the sherry on the cake.

Count me out. I have never been so happy to be in my seventies, I hope I will never see that coming true in my lifetime,.

This World has gone bat crazy!

By: arcadia11 Tue, 18 Jul 2017 04:00:35 +0000 thank you, ot. a good, welcome read. i appreciate it.
nice to see you again.


By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 18 Jul 2017 03:00:22 +0000 Jon, good article, as usual.

However (underlying) there is a much deeper problem. I outline it as follow in my latest article (which gives you a number of healthy plugs too):

“…Overrated opinions require a muted discovery tour that is only (or primarily) committed to validating existing belief systems. As all belief systems are responses to rooted guidance (whether progressive symptoms of subservience or bloody-mindedness or not), plausible denial of (contradicting) truth is the commonest and easiest way of anchoring beliefs. Those of sweet tooth would find it implausibly possible to reject chocolate given correct educational stigmata or, should I say, stimuli. Anyone refusing to taste chocolate under any circumstances is in no position to make rational product judgement (though, perhaps, better highlighted by underage sex hysteria), so ignorance capitulates a fait accompli. Rhyme champions reason and that’s why proverbs were used to sell morality in ancient times. Modern day politicians expand erosion of intellect tyranny by their incessant promotion of oversimplifications geared only to skewing truth in favour of commercial objective goals (also usually “verified” by stacked statistics as well). The modern way of labelling or branding is just as effective as proverbs used to be and, perhaps, better.

The net result is people have woken up as slaves, powerless to think outside their masters’ terms of engagement. Annoying rebels regularly identify the flaws, but, because they are trapped in the same conspiracy bubble as the rest, their rhetoric is largely limited to after-thoughts or musings. Let us take money, for instance. The brightest and best recognise it is “worthless”, but I have failed to find anyone that doesn’t use it. In fact, everyone I know of (without exception) clambers after money as though it was their end salvation. Fixing this, fixing all those prior unnoticed problems (the consequence of deliberate ignorance) that are now apparent takes sacrifice. Indeed, it might take the ultimate sacrifice. Therefore most people, even when vaguely aware, chose the path of relative ignorance and ambivalence to remain plausibly safe. “Affairs of state” are the banes of orated opinions for most people, though many would claim otherwise, are devout cowards. Bravery is not going to war. Bravery is peacefully refusing orders facing a loaded gun. You can generate as many labels and statistics as you like, but truth will never succumb to overrated opinions.”


By: Spiritof42 Mon, 17 Jul 2017 22:40:52 +0000 For an outrageous sum, Kurzweil’s idea promises to make you super intelligent by frying your brain. It parallels Big Pharma’s business model.

By: John Mon, 17 Jul 2017 16:07:16 +0000 The original 1956 Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers with Kevin McCarthy is the perfect film which exemplifies humanity today. The only things missing from this movie are the puppeteers who pull the strings.

The freaks bathing in narcissism who think they know what is best for all of a mankind. The scumbag elites like Obama, Merkel and Macron who believe they are gods and every action they take is a gift to us. What a diabolical and sick society we live in today. Trump is up against a living hell. His actions tell me he is trying to stem the tide of globalism. The ideological liberals are so lost in their group thought they can’t see the huge difference between Trump and the above globalists I mentioned.

We now live in a society incapable of using logic. These psychopaths are actually rooting for machines to control every aspect of their lives. At no other point in history have people gone so willingly to their enslavement. To buy into the technocracy means buying into statism and conformity. The individual is nearing extinction, the society of human drones have taken over. Does it really matter if they merge with robots? They already exhibit every characteristic of a robot. I am afraid you have missed the transformation Jon, it has already happenened.
