Comments on: Yes, Bill Clinton ASKED Russia to interfere in a US presidential election Thu, 20 Jul 2017 16:16:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Thu, 20 Jul 2017 16:16:36 +0000 The Trump/Russian connection is a pych-op to keep you distracted, from what really is going on. If the media really had any tooth…

There is a growing mistrust of Trump.

Why hasn’t Trump put Hillary in jail? She is a criminal. Why did he donate $100,000 to the Clinton foundation, when we know it is was pay to play. was he paying to play.

By: paul Anderson Thu, 20 Jul 2017 16:00:12 +0000 I’m pretty certain the Avian Flu is a real virus and in ’97 the Chinese were inoculating their flocks in order to try to prevent its spread.

By: Jennifer Thu, 20 Jul 2017 13:00:13 +0000 It’s too bad we don’t just adhere to the Ten Commandments and incarcerate those who break them.

“Thou shall not kill.”
“Thou shall not steal.” It’s easy to see all the government/corporate plunder.
:”Thou shall not commit adultery”, which is now much more than sleeping with someone other than your own mate, it means adultering the natural world, like putting poisons like vaccines into our children, and erecting nuclear plants and putting glyphosate on plants we eat, and using GMOs at all.

We wouldn’t have many left in government/military/corporations if we did.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 19 Jul 2017 22:10:47 +0000 I have given up on you completely FQ, your obsessed completely and totally. I can only think this is a rare illness of some…

But what has Trump really accomplished besides, raising bloated, military and Pentagon budgets, supplying head-choppers with the largest arms deal package in American history; all with the latest tech in armaments. Put a freeze on government hiring. Hasn’t added ‘One’, I will say that again…One single new job to the American economy. Lots of service industry enslavement to below minimum wage, but jobs…real jobs. Nada, zilch, zero…in fact he has added to the jobless.

As a matter of fact people are poorer since Trump took office. In the words of Paul Craig Roberts:

“As I have emphasized for a decade or two, the US is devolving into a third world workforce where the only employment available is in lowly paid domestic service jobs that cannot be offshored and that do not pay enough to provide an independent existence. This is why 50% of 25-year olds live at home with their parents and why there are more Americans aged 24-34 living with parents than living independently.”

“It is an extraordinary thing that although the US government itself reports that if even a small part of discouraged workers are counted as unemployed the unemployment rate is 8.6%, the presstitute financial media, a collection of professional liars, still reports, in the face of the government’s admission, that the unemployment rate as 4.4%.”

Trump has escalated the number of civilians deaths in Syria and Iraq. Above what was Obamas. he is killing babies! And old people, and children.

Poppies are still guarded by American soldiers in Afghanistan, and there is still no health care for Americans.

He has lined his administration with Wall Street, Bankers and other weird-looking swamp dwellers.

“Trump calls Chelsea Manning an “ungrateful traitor.”

Trump is pro-NATO.

Trump in the end is a liar and a bully. A self-aggrandizing sock puppet, who plays on Titter, and is not mature enough to be the POTUS, who kisses the rather large ass of the deep state, and lick their genitals lovingly. He is cowardly and obsessive-compulsive self-promoter. A narcist of the extreme variety.

A list of his Executive orders…

amongst all this bullshit you will find nothing that aids or helps the life of the average American. All-in-all, it seems George Soros has created more jobs in America, the paid protesters at least are get paid in the streets. 


By: paul Anderson Wed, 19 Jul 2017 16:04:36 +0000 No. I’m not a journalist in any form.

By: claimyourpowerblog Wed, 19 Jul 2017 15:09:54 +0000 Thank you kindly for this concise data!

By: From Quebec Wed, 19 Jul 2017 03:51:02 +0000 Do you work for CNN/.

By: Oliver K. Manuel Wed, 19 Jul 2017 03:24:54 +0000 Thank you, Jon, for having the intelligence to see and the courage to report the unvarnished truth to the public

By: From Quebec Wed, 19 Jul 2017 00:22:32 +0000 To truth1

Except for President Trump.

He has almost accomplished 50% of what he said he would do.

So far, here are his accomplishments.


– Climate Paris Accord, Gone

– Useless regulations, Gone

– Signed 90 executive orders in his first 100 days in Office

-Renegotiating NAFTA

– I*migration law win., confirmed by SCOTUS

– Border Wall has already started in in South Texas

– Illegal Immigration Down by Unprecedented 73%

– Defund Sanctuary cities, Done.
HR 3003, called “No Sanctuary for Criminals Act,” passed largely along party lines 228-195 on June 29, 2017.

– Asked NATO) nations to pay for their fare share, or else,,,

– Trump orders revival of Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines

– Opening of a new coal mine just outside of Pittsburgh – the first to open in at least 10 years.

– Destroyed pedophile rings . 1,500 pedophile arrests made nationally since Trump took office

– ISIS is almost gone in Iraq and Syria

– Obamacare will be repeal. If the second bill does not pass, Trump said we will repeal Obama care totally. I even think that this was his plan all alone, presenting two stinking bills to then allow him to just repeal it.

-Think about the thousands of Jobs he said he would create and did.

– The massive tax cuts will be the next move in September

– Etc, etc, etc… And so much more that I did not mentioned.

By: Sara Lee Langsam Wed, 19 Jul 2017 00:00:26 +0000 Thank you Jon for leaving no stone unturned in investigating the facts in this situation. As you said, “It’s not the conspiracy it’s the coverage. ” Lack of coverage of a crime allows the perpetrator to go free and conversely twisting the facts to make it appear that there has been a crime when there hasn’t been causes an innocent individual to appear guilty.
