Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: logic and hypnosis Fri, 28 Jul 2017 09:04:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Merlyn Fri, 28 Jul 2017 09:04:32 +0000 Hello!

I went looking to see if you had ever interviewed Dr. Jordan Peterson. I didn’t find much other than a article comparing you and him as both being great thinkers. It would really be very interesting for you to have a good 2-3 hours interview on YouTube with him.

What would be epic would be for you to talk John B. Wells into having a panel with both of you on Caravan to Midnight!

Here is a quote from the article at:

“Both Demartini and Rappoport, like Peterson, weaves together complex arguments in language and storytelling that helps the audience and readers to go on an intellectual journey that only be described as “consciousness expanding.”

Epic!, there are Interviews, then there are INTERVIEWS!

Thank you for consciousness expanding level of discourse in the world!

By: truth1 Thu, 27 Jul 2017 21:40:37 +0000 You know, hypnosis can be easily defeated. All you have to do is ignore what the hypnotist asks or commands or suggests. Pretty simple, eh? But if you willingly obey anything he commands, the sub-conscious will take this to be a sign of trust. We do this with our parents. Once trusted and hypnotized, the hypnotist back put in anchors and you won’t know he ever did it if he tells you subconscious not to let you know. Therein in the real danger of hypnotism, a field rife with CIA controlled hypnotists. Oddly, the Bible in Deuteronomy 18 forbids charmers or those who cast a “spell” over someone. The bible was the first conspiracy book of its time, 1500 BC. It is also proof that hypnosis has been around for a very long time, too. Be afraid! Be Very afraid!

By: Mark Thu, 27 Jul 2017 15:05:47 +0000 Hi Jon,
Thanks for your blog, I love reading it.
There is an article on awe I chased up today after getting a hint from New Scientist. Search for ‘Dacher Keltner awe’. In summary, experiencing awe helps one become part of the collective, while an awe deficit equals individualism.
What is most amazing is that the aim of collective bliss should be the raison d’etre for research. Why do we need this? Because, apparently, ‘our culture has become more individualistic, more narcissistic, more materialistic, and less connected to others.’ As usual, of course, collectivists get it all about face. A collectivist culture tends to set people against each other, an individualistic one tends to encourage voluntary cooperation.
Moreover, irrespective of the author’s claims, I suspect awe enhances a sense of self. Now, that might result in greater empathy for others, but that would not be through collectivisation, but the reverse, through the realisation of self.
Cheers, Mark
