Comments on: If you want to avoid jail time, run for president Sat, 29 Jul 2017 18:02:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: From Quebec Sat, 29 Jul 2017 18:02:12 +0000 Prosecute Obama, Hillary, Bill Clinton,and the Bush family. They have all ruined your country. They all belong in jail.

Go Trump!, Put pressure on Jeff Session and let start draining that swamp.

By: Theodore Sat, 29 Jul 2017 14:01:01 +0000 agreed.

And, western-civilization citizens need to do their part to keep the institutions of ‘western rule of law’ in place and honest. Learning about the barbarous ways of the sharia-law mooslims woke me up to that fact.

By: willardly Sat, 29 Jul 2017 05:08:15 +0000 When laws do not apply to ALL equally, we are no longer a nation of laws!
If we are not a nation of laws, we are an oligarchy.

By: rightwingconservativenewsblog Sat, 29 Jul 2017 00:20:14 +0000 Reblogged this on Conservative News Blog Site and commented:
I always thought the only reason she ran for Senate was to avoid being arrested. She is a real work of evil dross.

By: BlueyBlogger Sat, 29 Jul 2017 00:17:04 +0000 I would love to run for president of the USA, except they have no presidents any longer, only CEO’s.
Bill Clinton announced publicly, “I will be the LAST president of the United States”.
I would make the best president you ever had, but nobody is interested.
Conscription of everyone over 16, and a Debit Tax, with the removal of all other taxes, would make America “great again”.

By: Mark Fri, 28 Jul 2017 19:58:02 +0000 I recently mentioned to my next door neighbor, when the subject of Hillary came up, that the Clintons and Bushes are crime families like the Giancanas, Lucianos, and Gambinos. Judging from the blank look on his face it was news to him and he didn’t believe me.

When a crime family, such as the bootlegging Kennedy’s, attain sufficient power and hold some high offices they become untouchable, but they’re still crime families. If one follows the money trails of heroin, cocaine, human trafficking, and war profiteering, the trails will invariably end at the doorsteps of the “town’s leading citizens”. Any serious study of the ruling families will reveal this fact. In relative terms, organized crime families like the Mafia are minor league.

“My research has shown very clearly that organized crime really consists of a coalition of politicians, law-enforcement people, businessmen, union leaders, and in some ways least important of all, racketeers.” – William J. Chambliss, On The Take: From Petty Crooks To Presidents, 1988

The real reason the establishment hates Trump — and this isn’t an endorsement — is that he is not one of Them, one of the leading crime families. The Clintons and Bushes have long established their territories and Trump is seen as an invader, the same way a street gang sees an outsider. Trump represents a rival gang and a smaller one at that.

By: Dana Doran Fri, 28 Jul 2017 14:35:11 +0000 I think you’re on to something here….when mainstream media realizes that Hillary is the new OJ, there might be some interest in prosecution. After all, where would mainstream media be without the advertising dollars generated by OJ and by extension Caitlin Jenner/The Kardashians? Without OJ and his trial, Kim and her family would be living quietly in the Valley.

By: low voltage Fri, 28 Jul 2017 13:41:04 +0000 The only way a politician goes to jail is if they bite the hand that feeds them.

By: truth1 Fri, 28 Jul 2017 13:03:45 +0000 Well, ya know, politics and law have nothing in common. Politics is power and law is non-existent. I think Confucius said that . . . ah ha ha ha ha ha!

By: SamAdamsGhost Fri, 28 Jul 2017 12:00:40 +0000 This is the first thought that came to mind when Jamie Diamond from JP Morgan recently announced that we was thinking about running for US President.
