Your strong work ethic is commendable, as a father and husband, its natural for you to want to provide for your family. Most males have been emasculated (chemically as well as socially) and do not have the motivation to be men.
]]>Yes, I’ve been through all the brands of silver and believe it or not Now brand Silver Sol has been the most effective, i can feel the die off reaction when I take it. I’ve not been taking it for months, thanks for reminding me, I still do the Cat’s Claw. Once again instead of trying to heal myself, I should be seeking the God first of all. Funny how sometimes we know all the Bible, and principles and even get into the meatier, fringe areas, yet forget to apply the basic milk to our everyday lives. at least I do quite a bit. Thank you and may God bless you.
]]>We have been given so much, and it may seem we can never repay it, but this is not the point, all we need to do is to accept this gift with appreciation, and then shine our light and live this present the best we can. We don’t need to punish or judge ourselves. I have a feeling you already know this, but just wanted to give you a friendly reminder.
I have found that colloidal silver is very good and much needed in this world where nano particles are everywhere and causing problems for our health. I use sovereign silver and I would suggest you take it with aloe so it absorbs better in your system to combat the lyme disease and whatever else physically is impairing you. There are many studies out about silver. Dr Mercola just wrote an article about Lyme disease you may want to read. I don’t have the link to the article, but here is his website.
you can do search and find info about anything on his site.
]]>I totally feel you on the mega churches. They are nothing more for profit glorified self help centers. I completely understand the way you look and see self righteous christian in name only people. The Letters that compose the New testament speak expressly on people like that. It even says that in the last days the Christians would only listen to those who made them feel good or said what they wanted to hear. I don’t attend fellowship regularly, the Bible does say not to forsake the gathering together, but when I do, I go to small church, like most around here. Our preacher is not paid, he works a job, nobody is paid. Any money collected goes to help people in need only, other than utility bills. This was the way it was in the early pre Catholic hijacking of Christianity.
Jesus said be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We are supposed to get a good understanding of the enemy and how he works so as not to be deceived. I’m free to study the things I find interesting. You remind me much of my Uncle Tom, in PA where I am from. He will vehemently deny any type of conspiracy, and will simply say “i think there is a higher power and the world would be a better place if people lived by the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.” What if this Jesus really was the creator of the universe and humbled himself, lived the perfect human life we never could, took the punishment we deserved, and died in our place and rose from the dead three days later? No man comes to the Father but through Me. Stop judging and watching the tares, if you watch me you will see my faults, the thing is we all fall short, we cannot be in the presence of a perfect being as filthy as we are, so simply by believing he died for you, the Father see’s Christ’s righteousness in your place, He gave us an easy way out, the road will be hard, but worth it. Why would governments want a bunch of people who have their allegiance to a higher power than they? That is why communist countries always remove religion and become the god.
That is the essence of the magician. But whose desires are we fulfilling, and how much are we truly concerned with manipulating this world to fit our desires?
On the subject of co-creating and the occult, Jesus seemed to know a thing or two about how to reach the (un)created reality:
“They [the disciples] said to him, “Then shall we enter the (Father’s) kingdom as babies?”
Jesus said to them, “When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom].”
— The Gospel of Thomas
]]>But you really think that Jesus’ intent was for his followers to become sleuths? Experts in Jewish or Sumerian legends, or ancient relics?
This whole surrendering to God business – another impenetrable metaphor, and a strange one, too. It makes to surrender to your enemy, but to your friend? I must have missed the part where the twelve apostles surrendered to God. “I give up, don’t shoot!”
But the surrender idea is at the center of cultic systems. Christianity, as it is practiced today, is a cult, because it teaches this idea. And funny thing, I don’t see too many churchgoers surrender their BMW’s or Audis – I mean, just glancing at the parking lots on Sunday, you can tell a lot. They don’t exactly travel light – they have more than two tunics, they’ve got lots of wealth stored away for the future. So it’s just talk, really, but the whole idea is to maintain control, to have an organization that keeps the money coming in, and to keep all the sheep in their pen.