Tell me are your any relation to Colonel Klinck….”I know noth think, noth-think.
]]>And Capitalism is an economy based on unearned income, where the very rich sit on their arse, and suck blood from people who DO produce stuff.
]]>It’s certainly true that Rand’s position is incompatible with working toward general societal improvement. Like Karl Marx, her inclination was to prefer to see the whole enterprise blown up. I suspect that this is what lies behind the sedulous promotion of her writings, which effectively remove her adherents from the lists as contributors to the incarnation of the City of God.
The flaming hypocrisy that Rand displayed (although it should be mentioned that her key supporter psychiatrist Alan Blumenthal eventually gave the alternative explanation that her behavior resulted from serious personality disorders) is a trait that elicited some of Jesus’s harshest judgmental pronouncements.
This type of treachery makes me doubt even their “best seller list”. How difficult would it be for the snakes to bulk purchase a few hundred thousand books of a “favored” title, warehouse them, post on “the list” which will invariably cause sales to shoot up, then, covertly leak those warehoused copies BACK into the market?
When you consider the RAMPANT censorship of google/amazon/Facebook to anything critical to whom THEY consider untouchable, I can see people being thrown in prison for years for not blindly following the holocaust narrative as they have been in 17 “free” nations in the west (and others) for years now.
I’m dumping their list in favor of just speaking to friends (who may have read a given title) about what they think of it
]]>No she did’nt, how do you think the Ayn Rand institute survives. She left around $750,000, her notes and letters, poetry and what-not. That was published and sold. She had rich friends who liked her.
That transgender man story giving birth…too funny. Way too funny.
Slummin it are we…hm.