Comments on: Revelations of a hypnotherapist Fri, 04 Aug 2017 18:23:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: truth1 Fri, 04 Aug 2017 18:23:15 +0000 I liked a point in this article. I liked the whole article, too. But it was the idea that we should dare to trust our own abilities and ideas. We blindly follow our parents with the idea that once we can stand on our own 2 feet, we can rely on our own mind and senses, along with some sound careful reasoning.

Of course, if a child was brought up by bullying parents who punished the kid for not obeying their commands and hidden thoughts, too. Nice parents, huh? Or for what ever reason that the child might have felt insecure and not dare to have a will of their own. Odd that most parents resent a child having a mind of their own. But if we don’t encourage, constructively, a mind of their own, then we doom them to a lot of struggling and fear.

Parents need to emotionally nuture the children, which empowers them to feel good and loved and maybe dare to feel they have something worth saying.

Jon, when ya get this, I wish the part with Jack True were available seperately and yes, thereby some savings over buying the whole package. While my religious convictions do not allow for practicing hypnosis, the fact is that hypnosis is something that takes place on many levels, anyway, but more naturally and most of our problem are in false ideas and strategies. Jordan Peterson has a video making the point that if you help people fix a few of their problems, they become more happy and feel better and of course, if you experience a very positive thing like this, it often changes your life and makes you dare to try more. I know that happened to me in 8th grade.

Anyway, I love posts that make me think, even I only guts me a guberment education, which means I might even be retarded. But ain’t that what beer, sex, and TV is for? I ask you!

By: Helena Jessie (Smith) Ackley Fri, 04 Aug 2017 18:16:31 +0000 usually, this means recognition of the same things. So, I thank you very much.

By: arcadia11 Fri, 04 Aug 2017 02:52:42 +0000 a good read, helena. i enjoyed it.

By: Helena Jessie (Smith) Ackley Thu, 03 Aug 2017 23:07:02 +0000 To offer you my blog,

By: Helena Jessie (Smith) Ackley Thu, 03 Aug 2017 23:01:26 +0000 Jon, I am 92. I naturally emerged from the hypnotized mind set, in 1955, and the one decision was, to relate and interact, to wake people up and do not use their hypnotized state for my advantage. There IS the individual way to do this. There are those who do this, but, they must find their own way, I assume you mean to help trigger it. Some are not ready for this, in the sense of spiritual wrong intent, or immaturity. But, reach all you can. We are lo learn our own spiritual functioning. It goes beyond any psychic ability, in all directions. It is more than our own creativity.,
