Comments on: Art is dangerous to authorities Mon, 07 Aug 2017 23:59:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Guy de Simon Mon, 07 Aug 2017 23:59:15 +0000 Eliza Ayres, is it really? Kieth Jarret said that not being to improvise was like not being allowed to pray. Creativity is a result of the artist’s spiritual connection and projections; it is not going through the action of being arty and a mimic.

By: Guy de Simon Mon, 07 Aug 2017 23:49:11 +0000 Well said Joshua Sinistar. Modern art, especially abstract and conceptual art are movements that have castrated and ridiculed art’s original purpose of narrating and illustrating.

By: Guy de Simon Mon, 07 Aug 2017 23:43:05 +0000 Roy’s comment is utter green fantasy bullshit amounting to artists and the art world having toxic minds vis a vis toxic materials. This is toxic bollocks. Give us examples and the evidence Roy. I cannot believe that anyone could post such absurdities and think people are dumb enough to give it credence, unless they work for the European Commission for example who have severely depleted the artists’s palette over the years in pursuing their agenda.

By: Joshua Sinistar (@Joshua06716) Mon, 07 Aug 2017 19:42:48 +0000 Art is more than product and substance. It is a way to say something without words and without long winded explication. However, modern art is the reverse. A shapeless hideous farce without meaning and without talent. The Left is a collection of trash. Its art i a reflection of this. It is not drugs or perversion that inspires true art, but a talent to shape something that speaks from the inner spirit. The Left is the bottom of the gene pool. Rejects, defects, addicts, whores, and criminals. The sublime and the beautiful make them feel bad. Health lies in symmetry and form. Modern art is a creature of the defective. No talent, no purpose and always ugly. The lying smirk of these swine that show an empty canvas and compare it to Renaissance Art. That take feces and blood and smear it and dare say it has some value. An attack on the productive and the talented no less. From lazy creeps and defects who see Bohemia as a crackhouse. They naturally deplore the real modern. The industry and the work just seem to offend these swine. When they talk of artists they care not really for their art, but talk about how they were unmarried and childless and maybe ghey. Insane perhaps, envious always. They despise real art that has talent and requires hard work, but get an animal to spray it with bodily fluids of some kind or some crazy old maid to bleed menses on it, and they say its better than anything in the Louvre. What has happened here is all of you have been to kind. Tolerating the bad and feeling sorry for them. Do not forgive those who ask not for forgiveness. This madness has already gone too far. The human spirit is crushed under it.

By: Terri Sun, 06 Aug 2017 18:37:39 +0000 Thanks for sharing that, Roy. What is the saying, does life imitate art or art imitate life?

By: Spiritof42 Sat, 05 Aug 2017 15:36:48 +0000 Contemporary symptoms can be seen in dull and boring cars, noisy and violent Hollywood movies and music that all sounds the same.

Ever notice that Egyptian art hasn’t changed during its 2,000 year history of empire?

By: Guy de Simon Sat, 05 Aug 2017 09:55:41 +0000 Great article Jon Rappoport. The following link is a perfect example of what art is about.

By: Ft. Nolan Sat, 05 Aug 2017 01:10:11 +0000 Well put.

By: ErnieM Fri, 04 Aug 2017 16:13:03 +0000 Excellent. I artistically create freedom of language and thought at Ordinary language is indeed “a frozen dead consciousness of models and algorithms and ‘solutions’.” With ideograms you can take creative control of language and ideas: give graphic reality to your own takes on what words and ideas mean. “Individual creative power launches from a platform of freedom and rises through layer upon layer of greater freedom.” This is what I do–every day creating new appreciations and insights and points of strength.

By: Roy Theisen Fri, 04 Aug 2017 14:39:28 +0000 Art started the Renaissance era. The unique quality of art flourished with new colors and exquisite attention to detail, but paint contained toxic ingredients that slowly poisioned the minds of the artists, leaving them with acute mental (eclectic) personalities and chronic physical “side effects.” The toxic effects passed onto the art owners and viewers who regulairly breathed in the paint dust that slowly flaked off the paintings, thus slowly causing chronic mental (eclectic) personalities and chronic physical “side effects.”

The mental states changed as the artists changed the toxic ingredients of their paint palat. The Impressionist era was the pinnacle of the toxic paints. The toxic soup drove the artists, art owners, and those viewers with chronic exposure to a variery of new mental and physical states (depression, bipolar, ADHD, blindness, promiscuity, Alzheimer’s, etc).

Interestingly this is where the birth of psychology and psychiatry began and has been gaining medical credibility ever since. When the American military invaded the IG Farbin ink factories after WWII, they captured these secret chemical correlations and have been reverse engineering the toxic mental and physical effects for weaponization purposes ever since. Do you recall the secret experiments such as MK Ultra? Due to the backlash of those secret experiments, they now just openly prescribe the drugs to anyone who asks for a pill.

Today, the power of corporate money, corrupt government officials, corrupt medical establishments and corrupt syndicated news squashes any attempt expose a correlation between mental/physical injuries and exposure to minute concentrations of toxic chemicals.

This is the true history of art that no instructor will ever reveal since they are provided the censored text books that are written by only corporate owned publishers and investors. Welcome to the wonders of capitalism.
