Comments on: A message to Wikileaks: release this leak Tue, 17 Mar 2020 01:45:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bernard C Mon, 03 Dec 2018 18:39:32 +0000 Absolutely Don. Wikileaks is as bankster establishment as facebook is.
We live in polarities and to control one must control both polarities.
They create and control the opposition( in groups as the numbers are potent) .
The good thin is if you do not identify with either pole, you are not totally mind identified and therefore cannot be controlled by the mind control( thoughts infecting people like a mental virus) they use.

By: Anabel Mon, 03 Dec 2018 02:23:19 +0000 Wikileaks is CIA. Like facebook.
If you need to catch the whistle blowers what do you do …you create your own company to risk manage the leaks. Thats why wiki leaks full of old stuff, crap and fear mongering thoughts.Why it has nothing to inform the public about the state of the medical system( big pharma run)
Thats why CIA’s man assange is a celeb running around living in embassies as a Wikileak posterboy.

By: Pam Vernon Sat, 01 Dec 2018 20:59:38 +0000 Reblogged this on Rangitikei Enviromental Health Watch.

By: Sue Wed, 16 Aug 2017 20:51:29 +0000 Thx1138, I read the article that you provided with a link.

It is, first of all, outrageous, that the Pharmaceutical/Medical Mafia has attained SUCH a degree of POWER, that the article has to include this: “DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. This information is not backed up by scientific evidence. This is just for your information. This information and these products have not been evaluated by the FDA.”

The corrupt FDA gets to evaluate and decide what is “true” and what is not? Prime example of the foxes guarding the hen houses.

The lack of information on vaccines also is disturbing, since I consider vaccination to be the major source of implanting diseases of all kinds (from allergies and asthma to cancer, leukemia and auto-immune diseases, and a whole lot in between) at a young age, sending so many back into the medical cartel system in search of relief from what has been implanted into them by that very same system!

And this is why the U.S. government, and several others, have now entered into an unholy $$$$ alliance with the biggest corporate power in the world, ABSOLVING it of ALL LIABILITY for the deaths and damages caused by their vaccines, denying citizens due process in court regarding the effects of those products, and being allowed to set up their own special ‘court,” with their own “experts” at the helm, to decide what vaccine catastrophes the taxpayers will be paying for, while the manufacturers laugh all the way to their offshore banks.

By: Thx1138 Wed, 16 Aug 2017 09:59:48 +0000 Up until five years ago in 2012 the CDC reported its own numbers, you didn’t need any leaks. Then they just stopped reporting the statistics.

Doctors Kill 1,000,000 People Each Year in the U.S. Alone

By: Bunny Tue, 15 Aug 2017 17:28:04 +0000 Exactly, I was going to post something similar, but you beat me to it..The two I was thinking of are Richard Horton of the Lancet, and Marcia Angell of NEJM.

And no it is not just medical science but all of science full stop.
they have found quid pro quo going on with peer review..(saracasm: o there is a surprise)

I am not surprised , having advanced degrees in hard sciences and having seen things that turned me off to the entire white priesthood for good.

The other thing that pisses me off, is scientists setting themselves up as the final arbiters of philosophy, while not being aware of the actual underlying philosophy they espouse…not aware at all, but terribley eager to ram their materialist reductionism down everyone’s throat as The Only Truth. Really not that much different from Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson.

By: Sue Tue, 15 Aug 2017 15:03:13 +0000 That is an EXTREMELY conservative number. Most people don’t connect the dots on drug and vaccine deaths/ damage, others don’t report it, and still more have been difficult to prove in the past because if there was anyone investigating it, I’m very sure it has been suppressed. I would put the numbers at least 10 times what is reported.

By: jbh Tue, 15 Aug 2017 13:21:46 +0000 Every person I know who has or had cancer was offered a new drug they are a fit for on a trial basis.most are now dead, one survived and some said no thanks

By: jbh Tue, 15 Aug 2017 13:14:00 +0000 absolutely, from an early age into adulthood people are taught not to trust themselves but to trust govt. and it’s make believe experts

By: Skid Marx Tue, 15 Aug 2017 11:26:33 +0000 Read on interweb tubes that the indispensable better than thou members of gov are not exempt from Castrocare aka Obamacare. (He cares)
The government subsidizes 80% of their coverage.
Not so much for the serf/peasants in the free and equal worker’s utopia.
