Comments on: Charlottesville: black and white conflict in America Tue, 03 Oct 2017 06:05:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: SanityClaus Tue, 03 Oct 2017 06:05:14 +0000 The above post was not placed there by me. The only author I have accused of treason in any commentary is Paul Craig Roberts.

By: CPP Wed, 23 Aug 2017 02:51:30 +0000 Who’s “we”? Do “we” control the justice system? No.

By: CPP Wed, 23 Aug 2017 02:46:54 +0000 Yes, attending to MSM news can rapidly build up a certain irate steam in the increasing numbers of us who see just how obviously contrived and agenda-driven it is. Strawmen would be an improvement for the MSM — they just construct an entirely absurd and backwards one-dimensional universe and then act as though it’s obviously real and every premise and conclusion is self-evident and you’re insane if you think otherwise. So no, I can’t exactly fault you for “drinking responsibly” in response to that. Being a junky for a “drug” that leads one to “drink”…well that’s one way to conceive of it.

There should be a quote on the front of every Coulter book: “I don’t drink. Instead, I read Ann Coulter.”

By: Terri Mon, 21 Aug 2017 23:18:57 +0000 The government has no jurisdiction or authority to do any of these things. The people are the ones who are supposed to do these things you mention. Perhaps if you and others did some research on what our Constitution really was designed to do, things would not be such a mess. You begin with a false premise and of course can only disparage and complain rather than come up with a solution.

You want accounting? Look up cafers. All the money is there and accounted for, just not accessible to the serfs because they choose to remain ignorant.

By: Terri Mon, 21 Aug 2017 23:14:51 +0000 There are some amazing farms helping communities right now. We just don’t hear about it. You also don’t hear about people who live in the country and help their neighbors and choose to be free.

You cant underestimate the power of nature and animals and plants to heal. This is what humans are missing and why they are going insane. They have lost their connection with what is real and with their own souls.

Have you heard of equine therapy and other such programs? They work.

By: Terri Mon, 21 Aug 2017 23:10:21 +0000 The whole thing is ridiculous, like what happened to the guys in the helicopter?
funny how we don’t hear anything about that. How does a helicopter crash out of the blue like that?
How does the police get away with violating their oaths and committing treason, as well as the mayor and the governor?
What is it going to take for the people to wake up?

By: Terri Mon, 21 Aug 2017 23:07:07 +0000 None of these wars were meant to be won, except by those instigating them, and they are winning. They know you cant win the war against poverty because poverty like everything else is just a choice based on beliefs we have been taught that are lies. Anyone can choose prosperity consciousness and change their lives, but it has to be their decision and they must do the work themselves. Taking full responsibility and then practicing a new way of thinking will change everything.

You cant be a victim and control your own life. It doesn’t work that way. It is not easy to change, and get over the ego and the false satisfaction of blame, if it was then everyone would stop choosing to be a victim and live.

I was taught to buy into the feeling sorry for others but after spending my life working my ass off to accomplish what i have accomplished, I have no pity for anyone who is not willing to do the work. If i can do it, anyone can.

By: Theodore Sun, 20 Aug 2017 16:22:41 +0000 [VIDEO] [Spiritual] Warning from Ivan from Bulgaria…

I get more spiritual uplift from the listeners of the Alex Jones show than from practically any Preacher of the Word of God.

By: Theodore Sun, 20 Aug 2017 03:45:14 +0000 @CCP You bring up excellent points. And, I don’t disagree with the larger issues you raise.

But, I do like Coulter’s sarcasm — exactly the way she writes it.

I’m a news junky PLUS I’m also someone who doesn’t drink. So, for me, reading someone like Coulter is my way of “taking the edge off” — after delving into a session of seeing what various strawmen the MSM have clubbed today.

Certainty, you can’t fault a man for “drinking responsibly,” can you? 🙂

By: arcadia11 Sat, 19 Aug 2017 19:27:54 +0000 good. thank you.
