Comments on: The Individual vs. Globalism Sun, 01 Oct 2017 18:08:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: jhblackcraig Sun, 01 Oct 2017 18:08:58 +0000 Carl Jung one of the for runners of psychology once said “Give me a sane person and I will cure him of that”. Colin Wilson who wrote “The Outsider” tackles the minority, those who do think outside the program/system.
The question: Have we been bread to be a hive species, a slave species? I suspect yes we were and our only true freedom will come from evolving away from this hive mentality.
However like the inquisition throughout history any who descent from the hive tend to be persecuted there is always the inquisition waiting for those who can see the system for what it is.
The movie “Quatermas and the Pit” explores the hive mentality and even goes so far as to point out that this was likely bread into us, our generic code, developed by some form of alien life form.
The globalists are the great modern exterminators their grand plan is to reduce population by any means including damaging further our echosystem. I detest corporations their mission statements, aims all bull. Self reliance is being systematically destroyed the deposable society has reduced our ability to mend and make due.

By: Steven Hudson Mon, 04 Sep 2017 19:09:21 +0000 [Jon] presents individualism and globalism as the only two alternatives, labeling everything other than complete individual social isolation as “collectivism” and of the devil. In the real world there is a whole spectrum of collective entities–friendships, families, clubs, political groups, cities, states, countries, international do-gooder groups, etc.–that it is absurd to condemn categorically. I believe that good governments that protect the rights of citizens are our main defense against totalitarian corporations that have banded together to . totally enslave us with globalism. (Thank goodness that Trump looked out for the collective interests of Americans and stopped TPP!) I believe that radical individualism of the absurd kind espoused by Ayn Rand and here by Jon Rappoport has been promoted as a “divide and conquer” strategy by TPTB. Without “nationalist” governments to make laws to protect their interests, mere individuals are able to do very little. Taking care of the environment, of the safety of our food, of the health of our economy and culture, are not just individual but collective concerns and require collective actions and entities.

By: Bob Klinck Tue, 29 Aug 2017 09:43:38 +0000 You really ought to work on overcoming that mental reflex based on television garbage designed to stupefy society.

By: bob klinck Tue, 29 Aug 2017 01:11:18 +0000 “…the group is essentially atavistic; it is something from which the individual has emerged, and his return to it is in the nature of spiritual death.” –C.H. Douglas (1947)

By: jhblackcraig10662017 Mon, 28 Aug 2017 14:18:16 +0000 What I see is a small group of very powerful people sitting around thinking of ways to depopulate the earth without letting people know. I see the very same final solution being discussed like in Nazi Germany. I watched the movie “Conspiracy” recently it is about the final solution set during the WWll. It shows secret meetings held by a small group of Nazi elite. During these meetings the group discuss ways to rid the WORLD of jews. They look coldly at serialisation other for termination one remarks on how expensive it to shoot jews and how it demoralises the soldiers doing the shooting during their various experiments. They then discuss what dilution of jewish blood should be considered to be terminated or sterilised. Mobile gas chambers are tried but are found a good idea but now efficient enough and finally they come up with the concentration camps with trains leading directly to the camps purely for efficiency.
Now we see experiments going on, on a global scale Chemtrails (geoengineering) containing toxins, , vaccines once harmless now showing signs of toxins, food pumped full of toxins hormones pumped into everything to reduce the ability to breed.

I have seen huge push in every doctors surgery in Canada posters about end of life choices as euthanasia is now legal in Canada. They even tried to passed a law that mentally ill should be given a choice to end their lives. By the very nature of mental illness one cannot choose, this is all extermination by the back door.

Huge numbers of people are now injured due to working conditions no not covered by Health and Safety just used and discarded. The medication I believe has been purposely engineering to cause addition and doctors blindly push this like a cheap drug pusher. Now you go to the doctor you better know what is wrong what medication is given and what is in it as you will likely receive the toxic chemical they call medication which is nothing more than snake oil, while making huge profits for so many greedy corporations.

True fact: I was given “Depo Paveria” for anaemia I was so tired I didn’t look at the side effects or what was in this injection I stupidly trusted the doctor. The result was near death and permeant side effects. My heart raced so fast I nearly had a heart attack and my blood pressure shot through the roof and I had to be put on medication to reduce the blood pressure. I found out one chemical found in this drug is also found within chemical weapons? This injection is more commonly used in third world countries as a contraceptive and is banned in most European counties. It is used in Texas as a chemical castration and my doctor gave it to me for anaemia?

WTF is wrong with doctors have they lost their minds? Ask a doctor what about side effects and they just say oh all medications have side effects, they don’t read them and then if you show side effect signs they try to say it is in your mind or other crap when it is written as a known side effect. If we look at most modern medications the side effects can be worse than the problem and death is a side effect mentioned in many of these modern snake oils. Why?

The extermination experiments continue!!! I am all for population reduction by healthy family planning and rewards for small families, penalties for large families. Also eduction on why we should have smaller families, tell the truth. Help those in the third world to control birth rates using good medications not toxic ones.

By: Terri Thu, 24 Aug 2017 23:18:33 +0000 Again, you show yourself to be clueless and yet appear to be proud of it Bob. having a heart is necessary to understand anything.
Are you related to the klinck in hogans heroes, cause every time I see your name that is who I think of.

By: Bob Klinck Wed, 23 Aug 2017 08:07:24 +0000 How many people do you really hold in high esteem, as opposed to regarding as being potentially good? If it’s only oneself, the phenomenon is called narcissism and it is most pronounced in sociopaths.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 22 Aug 2017 10:59:48 +0000 Correct, but “how big”?

By: Terri Mon, 21 Aug 2017 21:24:22 +0000 It is eerie how looking back i can see this same exact rhetoric being spewed by the people who raised me who punished me every day for refusing to join the collective. From the time I was little, I had to fight every day to keep my soul which they wanted to stake claim to, on behalf of the “order” .

I had to finally stop speaking to them which i wish in retrospect, i would have done sooner, but i kept thinking love would conquer all. I learned its a choice like anything else, and you can give love but it has to be received.

You should never put anyone else first and sacrifice your well being for anyone. Only your children should be put first when they are young. For parents to steal from their children and hold them hostage in this way is truly evil and creates the victim and poverty consciousness that is rampant in this world. Vampires really do exist.

Giving and receiving are in sacred relationship and have been bastardized and made profane. To take what was otherwise freely given is an obamanation, a grave error.

Love they neighbor as thyself means just that. To hold yourself in high esteem, then and only then you can love others is a recipe for a happy healthy world of people who “have it all” instead of “want in desperation, with no hope”.

By: Terri Mon, 21 Aug 2017 20:53:28 +0000 So glad you made that choice!;)
