Comments on: A totalitarian society has totalitarian science Mon, 16 Oct 2017 15:07:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Franz Reichelt Mon, 16 Oct 2017 15:07:00 +0000 We’ve found all the dark matter and can prove it. Try us, our science is bulletproof at Scientists Now Say.

By: Dr. R. Zarro Wed, 06 Sep 2017 21:17:28 +0000 Aloha Jon ~
This is a Powerful , Germane and Logical Word☆Sculpture expose’ of the medical industrial state complex☆☆☆☆☆☆
The new world religion western *medicine
This is the most concentrated, distilled explanation of fact re: totalitarian **tobacco science** I have yet come across~
It is an Honor & Pleasure to digest your insights and life experience ~
Mahalo nui loa for all you have done~are doing~and continue to do to facilitate awareness, discernment and logic in evaluating and analysing the machinations of the ruling corporatocracy and it’s elites~
You Are DEEPLY appreciated~○~
I Am Honored to Share Friendship and Infinite Expanding Fractal Consciousness with you~
I share knowledge freely~with Passion and Enthusiasm ☆
I have been practicing Holistic Medicine, Naturopathy, Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Sound Healing, Indigenous Wellness Systems, Plant Medicine facilitation…..and…. ….
since the 60’s ~ ~ ~
I a at your service ~
Stay in touch ~
See You Along the Way ~○~
Love Light Eternal ~
Dr. Z.
☆ Peace ☆
Presently in the Portland, Oregon area~
caring for our precious family elders,
99 & 97 years young ~ both WW 2 Vets
I do not do religion-
or any isms of anykind-
I access the privately and directly……
I Am an Imagineer☆☆☆
Wrote this at Woodstock, August 1969,,
” Imagine Love ~
Love Imagination ♡
Imagine Love ~
Love Imagination ♡ . ”
Aloha 🙂

By: Fizan Thu, 31 Aug 2017 15:55:40 +0000 I do agree and share most of your views. However having a medical background I want to point out that having antibodies does not automatically mean a person is ill or has a disease. It is usually interpreted within context. That is, either the person was vaccinated or had the disease in the past or is actively having the disease etc. The antibodies may be different in each case. In themselves they are generally considered good. In fact some special treatments might involve giving antibodies to the person. A good doctor would only start treatment when it is felt that the body cannot on it’s own manage to fight the disease. Alternatively people may want to get better faster and ask for treatment (as happens for many infectious diseases) however personally I don’t like the latter reason.
In AIDS the more important thing is the CD4 count, which is the number of white blood cells. If the white cell count has droped sufficiently low then thats considered bad because white blood cells are needed to fight of pathogens. There are ways to distinguish whether someone has been vaccinated or actually has the disease because in an active disease the core parts of the pathogen can usually be isolated.

Having said that on the whole I do agree that we have started to place science as a source of ultimate truths and everyone seems to takes leaps of faith without much question if anything is declared as ‘verified’ science by scientific authorities. By having an authoritative model science is becoming more of a tool for control rather than being an exploratory and creative exercise.

By: truth1 Tue, 29 Aug 2017 05:31:37 +0000 I asked this question several days back. Why is it that there are stars/constellations that are only seen in the southern hemisphere and others that are only ever seen in the northern hemisphere? A flat earth should let me see both. An explanation?

By: Terri Tue, 29 Aug 2017 01:57:26 +0000 Hauntingly beautiful John. Thank you.

By: Glen Mon, 28 Aug 2017 17:41:21 +0000 Science explains the natural world, things we do not understand in the same way “witch doctors” explain the natural world to “primitive tribes”. The possession of knowledge either way puts the one with knowledge in control of the village or civilization they are in. That is why the “official scientists” control of knowledge is so critical.

By: reyrey Mon, 28 Aug 2017 14:39:13 +0000 deceit is everywhere….if you lie to someone and they believe you then you have the power and become the leader. that’s government today and an extension of tyrannies of the past.
the newest discovery for me today is the flat earth debate. there is no question that the earth is not a globe spinning 1037 mph and traveling thru space at 66k mph. weve never been to space out far enough to see earth so we dont know what it looks like. satellites dont exist.we did not go to the moon nor have we ever left earth atmosphere. but mention these thing to any body and they wont give you the time of day. they will trust their education and programming that have occurred since birth.

By: 50 Shades Of Pissed Off Sun, 27 Aug 2017 00:36:34 +0000 That’s not creepy

By: John Sat, 26 Aug 2017 00:57:46 +0000 The candle flickers as the warmth gives way to the darkness of night,
Nothing left but worry and misery which now consumes the fading light,

A downward trend, surrounded by many bought souls who can no longer fend,
Life goes by, time never questions why, no more effort to spend,
The bottom line about life, it has become engulfed by a society with many actors and players drifting aimlessly within a game of pretend,

Conviction is lost, moral clarity its main cost,
Nothing left with meaning, only condemned empty souls which have been brazenly tossed,

Tossed lives attaching their souls to the constant propaganda and endless lies, just existing but never resisting, seeking only a manufactured high, lost in the drug of illusion which only binds and ties,

Strapped down by the invisible chains connected to their own bias, illogic and false outrage,
Just willing naive drones content to exist in a “politically correct” cage,

Google is their new god, their leftist global indoctrination machine,
Concocted lies and confirmation bias stealing from those who dare to think for themselves and who still wish to dream,

For the bold and the fake are trying to take over reality, people no longer wishing to heal,
Being a mindless robot to them is more comforting than expressing one’s true feelings and being real,

Group thought consuming society like an out of control wild burning fire,
Individualism feeling its fatigue and becoming oh so tired,

Straight ahead with an ideology dearth of logic and filled with emotionless hate,
Content to exist in the newly formed surveillance state,

All the cookie cutter drones now willingly get behind their cages within their “safe” spaces and conformist zones,
No more real music to play, a society rotting to its inner core and very bone,

Brittle and fragile, liberty and freedom have slowly become,
Now shunned by the zombies walking hand and hand to the beat of their own lazy and hypnotic drum,

Thinking replaced by the corruption of the soul and the selective outrage of those looking to erase,
A doomed society with no sense of pace, consumed with their meaningless outrage and hate, becoming ruled by Marxist social misfits who are so out of place, always obsessing, trying to create wars over class and race,

So naive the sheep are, always claiming victimhood and actually believing a government can take care of them and their individual needs,
Never knowing they will only been left with hollow promises, darkened souls and aching bodies which constantly bleed,

Unable to seek wisdom with their God given eyes and ears,
Refusing to hear, lost within their own vapid world of crocodile tears,

The propaganda, the spoon fed lies of the deep state, the ever increasing manufactured hate,
A bunch of propagandists looking to tear down, who have no skills or capability to create,

Time ticks by as the mind war increases, souls are at stake,
Now surrounded by many useful idiots who are all willing to swallow up the substance less propaganda and bait,

Society has now become Ancient Rome on steroids under fire, nobody with moral conviction or virtue to save it from its ominous fate,
When will people realize it’s becoming too late….

By: bob klinck Fri, 25 Aug 2017 22:36:57 +0000 “End the Fed” isn’t a policy that takes you anywhere. Didn’t Ron Paul also espouse limiting human creativity to the amount of some yellow metal you can dig out of the ground? This is surely one of the oddest examples of abstract thought divorced from reality the human mind has produced.
