Comments on: Google will help diagnose your clinical depression: it’s wonderful Tue, 29 Aug 2017 00:56:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tony Tue, 29 Aug 2017 00:56:50 +0000 You might also like to check out Jon Ronson’s ‘The Psychopath Test’ if you haven’t already:

Good video here by the author:

By: judgingjudi Sun, 27 Aug 2017 08:36:13 +0000 Jon. Keep up the good work about his tragedy of drug induced mental health issues. The treatment is much worse than the “illness”. Judi Day, author of Juding Judi, Taking a Closer Look.

By: nmartinez1938 Sat, 26 Aug 2017 19:44:29 +0000 I fear many reading your posting have no idea, or had a personal experience, to understand the deep danger known to be a part of these drugs. A fellow church missionary comrade, called home from work by his wife, because their son, not taking his meds, became violent in their home. Arriving home the husband determined the necessity to dial 911 for ambulance and police assistance. His son shot his father in the head, that was the end of his life. This was a personal loss not only to the son, temporarily off his meds, the total family members and church members were beyond the world shocked. It immediately brought tears to my eyes and grief to my heart.

By: Jennifer Sat, 26 Aug 2017 14:56:08 +0000 Wow, 1984 at its best. We took off our blog and books because they were changing them, what we call 1984-ing them. We can’t even get Wikipedia to correct lies on one of its pages. More 1984.

By: Jennifer Sat, 26 Aug 2017 14:52:08 +0000 You are possibly right, Jacqueline, those dissimulated are just sociopaths.

Our mentor was an empath and he could see into the spirit world and he noticed that most people had a veil which covered their minds, what he said was protection or God’s blessing from the worst of the Alien Mind, However, many did not and they didn’t because their father had committed some grievous sin and lost the veil for their children. This is what the good book tells us, that the sins of the father continue into the next so many generations. These are possibly the beginning of the psychopaths. They are the ones who can be possessed or moved by the Alien Mind.

It was a remote viewer who saw an entity on George Bush when he was calling for war in 2003. He even drew a picture of what he saw, and called it an Armageddon Entity. Another empath saw one on Obama and it just hung by his side until he was inaugurated and then it encircled his head. Well, we know Bush Sr. had committed many a crime, and possibly Obama’s father had also.

A man and his son visited our mentor one evening and the man wanted our mentor to help his son. What our mentor saw was a green monkey demon hanging on the young man like an albatross and every so often the young man would open up his shirt and speak gibberish into it. The man had murdered someone. So, why didn’t his son become like a psychopath, we don’t know. Perhaps he was not usuable by the Alien Mind.

By: justanthropology Sat, 26 Aug 2017 13:45:42 +0000 Here’s the best part of this free offer: “…its Instagram service recently started offering support to users when their friends report concerning posts…” Translation: Having you friends spy on you, and, without your permission report you to the “authorities.” Sound familiar? Mental illness, as others have mentioned, has been used arbitrarily against an individual for purposes of exploitation. Take the spouse who wants to avoid paying his due to a former spouse and demands complete custody of his children. Often, this slime has the wherewithal to hire expensive lawyers who win their cases. Another example: Some slimy offspring of elder parents, rather than help them, would prefer to take over their property. Incompetence lawsuit against them (mental illness) wins the day.

By: John Sat, 26 Aug 2017 05:10:47 +0000 Google is a corporate sponsor of the Rockefeller CFR. Google chairman Eric Schmidt is a CFR member, and his senior advisor Jared Cohen is a CFR fellow. See lists in the CFR annual report.

The Rockefellers and their various organizations (including the CFR and the U.N.) have been primary promoters of big pharma, eugenics and population control for over a century. This is now rebranded as “sustainable development”. See the book “Murder by Injection” by Eustace Mullins for a review of the history.

By: Jacqueline Sat, 26 Aug 2017 04:16:15 +0000 Andrew, Thanks for pointing out the brain’s need for fat and fatty acids to stay healthy and regenerative. Here’s some scary information: Mother’s milk is comprised of around 40 percent saturated fat; in contrast, the primary ingredient of numerous baby formulas is corn syrup solids. It doesn’t take a medical scientist to deduce its deleterious impact on a growing and developing brain. Total madness.

By: Jacqueline Sat, 26 Aug 2017 04:06:38 +0000 And the impact of the SSRI’s on serotonin is to prevent its reuptake into those cells which are responsible for taking in and repairing/renewing the spent serotonin. The serotonin remaining in constant circulation degrades and ultimately totally breaks down, which is what creates the ensuing problems of suicidal and homicidal behavior, as well as the ‘mania’ – for which the shrinks then hold no reservation in slapping the hapless patient with a second diagnosis of Bipolar and the issue of even more brain-degrading drugs. As so callously stated by one interviewed psychiatrist (paraphrased): What difference does it make what caused it, it is Bipolar and needs to be treated. How much more disconnected can a physician get from his supposed original purpose? It is the perfect example of how physicians are more adept at CREATING illness than healing it.

By: Jacqueline Sat, 26 Aug 2017 03:47:04 +0000 Jennifer, These people are sociopaths versus psychopaths… they know the difference between right and wrong but choose the ‘wrong’ – ‘those of the Alien Mind know what they are doing’ – while the psychopath possesses no ability to differentiate between the two. Interestingly enough, the shrinks who draft up the DSM conveniently eliminated the diagnosis of ‘sociopath’ two or three years back. I concluded this was intentional; now if criminally prosecuted, the ‘elite’ sociopathic scum qualify to plead ‘insanity’ to spare themselves a jail sentence. Instead, they can received court-ordered ‘help’ from the very ones providing this path of escape.
