Comments on: Forgotten history: US bankers financing US enemies—and why it is important now Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:32:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: BRF Thu, 31 Aug 2017 02:32:15 +0000 The globalist elites are really working it. Neo-liberalism and accompanying trade deals (NAFTA re negotiation = TPP) to tear apart national sovereignty at the macro and corporate sponsored NGO inspired movements to create utter solvency fear and chaotic divide and conquer mechanisms at the general public micro level. Instituted as the problem for the public to react to, with the solution yet to be offered as faux socialism wherein the public gives up all rights and any significant property in order to be saved in the next paradigm shift. Add in Agenda 21 to this shift and we have a system very like the Chinese model with the exception there would never be a change in leadership, only in the managerial class, politicians et al. While the differing branches of the world elites fight it out to see who will be first among equals in this coming “One World Order” – (Peter Koenig) – the rest of us face a completely dislocated future under yet to be new offerings of a new world culture, without any freedom to dissent should the thought even pass into one’s mind. A true mixture of Orwell and Huxley’s nightmares as “Hope and Change to Make America Great Again.” Always follow the money and who creates the damned stuff.

By: arcadia11 Wed, 30 Aug 2017 19:07:09 +0000 : – }

By: Michael Wed, 30 Aug 2017 17:17:01 +0000 Postscript: Now I feel bad, rushing and not paying attention. I think the other commentors might have thought that I wrote this. my apology.

By: Michael Wed, 30 Aug 2017 17:13:57 +0000 Oh no…I can’t take credit for this fine piece Josh; took me while to track down were I read it.

This is a excerpt is from the book by the great Anthony Sutton. Were I failed to give credit and authorship.

I think this chapter was dealing with the Bundys. And the other families that have been dominant in the Order. The initial beginnings of Skull & Bones. I have so many books on Sutton. And he spoke about them in so many times.

I am still not positive on the chapter and verse, but the book is definitely

THE ORDER of SKULL & BONES” – By Anthony C. Sutton

By: Broos Wed, 30 Aug 2017 15:30:37 +0000 THIS Is ‘Flake “NEW$” Company propaganda against Russia for its takeover By GLOBALI$T$ !

By: Josh Wed, 30 Aug 2017 02:58:01 +0000 Although I’m the furthest thing from a card carrying member, it seems to me that ‘Hegelian Social Engineering 101-401’ must be prerequisites at Skull & Bones and all elite Ivy League secret societies, as well as the inner circles of the Round Table groups, Illuminati derived groups, and Fabian sorts.

It’s the only thing that explains the fact that I’m constantly seeing it in operation throughout civilization at all levels. They’re quite diabolical a setting up dialectics then doing their best to manage all of the manufactured and co-opted ‘sides’ to get what they want

That’s a really great post, Michael. It deserves to be its own blog post (rather than a post at the bottom of Jon’s post)

By: Falcon101 Tue, 29 Aug 2017 23:33:05 +0000 When all goes to hell in a handbasket, Jon is just another person to me, he puts his pants on one leg at a time and I don’t know him personally so how do I “Respect” ANYONE If that “Respect” hasn’t been earned on a personal level? Jon is a nobody to me, I don’t know his personal history and I don’t care as you can’t just EXPECT to be respected by everyone because of who Jon may think he is. GET REAL!

By: arcadia11 Tue, 29 Aug 2017 21:38:31 +0000 i love that you’re so flexible, michael. but in all fairness i need to make another dislcosure (i’m still female. this is a different disclosure). that rare reptilian blood type you mention is 0 negative. i would have to recuse myself re the executions as i too am 0 negative. but i do want to
go to the party.

By: Michael Tue, 29 Aug 2017 20:47:50 +0000 Oh yeah…there ya see.
Let’s have a revolution… can’t be messy.

Now your talking reprieves, good god, we’ll have to set up another committee to commitee the first commitee.

Maybe we could compromise. I tend to agree, it would be messy, and slippery. I’m not for letting any of them off…

How about we exsanguinate all of them first before we cut their heads of, we could take the blood to the local blood bank…make a few bucks. Of course its all the same blood type, no good in that, and it’s reptile blood…never know, ya might find a rare type, and Bob’s ya uncle.

Maybe… throw a party afterwards with the proceeds. Hm…how that suit ya A11. How about that, one of my better ideas eh.
That solves the mess.

By: Terri Tue, 29 Aug 2017 19:08:59 +0000 See Jon’s other article which goes even more into detail than that. Prescott was charged and fined by congress several million dollars. Of course, it was just a slap on the wrist..
Jon deserves more respect than merely scanning thru his articles.
Funding both sides is just good sense to these creatures, they do the same with the medical industry/ chemical industry.
