Comments on: Socialism: thick lipstick on a global pig Mon, 04 Sep 2017 16:47:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: arcadia11 Mon, 04 Sep 2017 16:47:28 +0000 lol. i kind of gravitate to it.

yes, i would kid a guy, but i am not kidding about this. (as long as it is hippie decaf)

By: truth1 Mon, 04 Sep 2017 01:21:44 +0000 What! What! What??? I thought that WWII brought us all back to work again. Plus the loans we floated to Europe, who now had to pay us back. Having a world war to recover? Madness. Let me guess, We got another War coming, right? I’m sick already.

By: truth1 Mon, 04 Sep 2017 01:11:27 +0000 My 5 favorite words: “you can have it all!” Music to my ears.You wouldn’t kid i guy, would you? 😛

By: Lowell Joseph Gallin Sun, 03 Sep 2017 10:28:16 +0000 Right.

By: Leslielandberg Sat, 02 Sep 2017 05:38:32 +0000 OMG I just said virtually the same thing, minus all the fine historical details you provided, on another blog! The British are coming! And they want their shit back, yo. It’s the Fed and who stands right behind them. Bank notes are what the name implies: debt. And the central banks are all broke. The Jackles from Jeckle Island are sharpening their teeth and claws and waiting for the big currency crash. Buy and hold those precious metals. The petrodollar is all that stands between us and the abyss.

By: paschnn1 Fri, 01 Sep 2017 21:34:12 +0000 Fool. As with MOST in this addled culture, you immediately condemn national Socialism. Tell me, what’s your “learned” opinion of democracy? communism? theocracy? capitalism?

“I thick you have been slathering something on thick…”

Can you translate that bit-o-wisdom for me, stain? Or is it a direct result of “common core” education? Another to-be-hailed grand idea of democracy?

Allow me to take your shallow ass for a walk down memory lane trough the WONDERFUL history of this pig-sty’s “democratic” accomplishments.

In it’s foul history they have suckered imperialists such as yourself into +/- 500 military actions, paid for with OUR lives, OUR tax dollars, OUR reputation.

With a bit of research you’d find out that literally EVERYTHING this sewer has foisted on this world is what THEY say National Socialism/Germany was supposed to have done

So, enlighten me on just what the hell YOU find so moral or great about which ever political ideal YOU find worthy, penis breath?


Do you even HAVE an opinion? ALL political ideals SOUND great while being sold to a disgruntled culture. I’m sure that the Bolshevik Jews laid it on VERY heavy in Russia to get enough of the people to back them while they tore that nation a new ass, of course when they wrested the reins of POWER from the established norm things suddenly became vastly different from what was promised – JUST as will happen here when Soros et al get the snowflakes to rip THIS pig sty apart, Chaos/misery/death.

Before Sewer Nation, Britain and the City of London crushed Germany they had enacted the world’s FIRST animal rights laws, environmental laws, 40 hour week week, over time, paid holidays, healthcare etc. Dunce, have you looked into what THIS democratic sewer’s people had to do to achieve same BEFORE they pissed it all away?

ANY political idea is great, when applied/run by honorable men – it’s when DIS-honorable men hold the reins and govern over shallow fools such as you that they become a bad thing.

By: kennyalligood Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:43:59 +0000 That last paragraph is fascinating, thanks for sharing. I believe the mercantile economy continued into the new world and evolved into crony capitalism … if I could add to your theory?

By: arcadia11 Fri, 01 Sep 2017 05:45:45 +0000 lol. this was a total pleasure to read.

By: arcadia11 Fri, 01 Sep 2017 05:41:39 +0000 ahahahaha

you’re right. it is strange. but it makes me laugh so i don’t care. (anyway, i notice you have no problem relating to that which is termed strange)

life on this plane is distressing. lately i just want to
say what i feel and not worry about what anyone else thinks. it is so unnaturally hot here in nocal that i feel my brain cells are melting. maybe that has something to do with my mood. it is hot and dry and we have two or three wildfires in the area so the sky was smoke-filled all day. with all that is going on in the world, including the man-made evil weather, the fires are just a terrible addition of insult to injury. it is so difficult for the animals and flora. i feel the need to stay awake and hold a place of protection for them all. some are still babies.

a lot of my energy has been sent to the houston area. now i need some for my own space too. if there is anyone out there with a bit of protective, fire-dousing energy to spare, we would be very grateful to have it. for the flora and fauna. i can pay in kind.

yikes. my own comment is starting to depress me. i had better sign off.

two things first: one, no tattoos. i was an executive biker chick. (lol. stole that from eddie izzard) and two, what are you going to write on your note?

cheers and good health & spirit to all –

By: Bunny Thu, 31 Aug 2017 18:14:12 +0000 I heard that the state of OHIO was trying to pass a bill that would eliminate property taxes, which means that the people in that state could actually live in a self sufficient manner.

The two linchpins of modern free range serfdom are property taxes (and insurance) and INCOME tax.

You never actually OWN your property, if you think you do,stop paying property taxes and watch government jackbooted thugs kick down your door and shoot the family dog.
That “FREEDOM” is a byatch.

In contrast, medieval serfs had a right to the commons, celebrated over 100 holidays and feasts a year, and paid top rate of 30% gross tax to the feudal lord.
In fact when proto capitalism was coming in, and the Lords were selling land out from under the serfs rendering them homeless, the incoming horrific mercantilist system was resisted by the serfs. There were so many serf uprisings, led by women, which may have been what actually sparked the inquisitions and witch-hunts.
