Comments on: The trial of John Doe vs. [Censored] Wed, 30 Oct 2019 13:01:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terri Wed, 30 Aug 2017 21:20:44 +0000 Jennifer, The Deros you speak of sound similar to the archons or fallen angels that David Icke, Wes Penre Robert Stanley and others talk about. They want to keep us imprisoned with them in their insanity. What is going on is a run up to the new “Game” and people don’t realize the decisions they make or don’t make now will affect them for the next cycle, or millennia.
It is not just about money or power, its about souls. The splitting of the worlds is occurring right before our eyes.
I will continue to send blessings and love to all people.

By: Terri Wed, 30 Aug 2017 21:07:11 +0000 Doreen, I haven’t seen Robert talk about this on Alex Jones or anywhere else yet. This would be a good start, and I would recommend making under penalty of perjury mandatory in front of a clerk, not optional, as well as their commitment to their oath to the Constitution of the united states of America.

Then we need enough people to show they are serious about restoring our Republic and any of our public servants who are not are out of office (Anytime public servants violate Rights guaranteed to Citizens in the Constitutions, they act outside the scope of their limited delegated duties and authority, thus, by their own actions, invoke the self-executing Sections 3 and 4 of the 14th Amendment; thereby vacate their offices and forfeit all benefits thereof, including salaries and pensions).

Our Constitution already provides us with the remedy, but we need many to enforce it and the majority of the people in this country are not willing to do so. That is why I asked how can this be done? The people have failed themselves and our Republic, and continue to do so. Voting for Trump saved their skins for a while, but voting is not enough. Trump can not do this alone. The people have sold their souls for trinkets and collectivism, next stop for them, the Singularity.
As individuals, we can do much to ensure our own quality of life, and at this point, this is where we stand. Everyone is ultimately responsible for their own choices.

By: amnesiaclinic Wed, 30 Aug 2017 08:47:05 +0000 Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
Makes 1984 seem like a Sunday school party……

By: From Quebec Wed, 30 Aug 2017 06:33:41 +0000 Too bad that John Doe could not get a pardon by Trump, like Sheriff Joe Arpiao did.

Joe Arpiao Talks Trump Pardon & Senate Run With Alex Jones

By: Doreen Agostino Wed, 30 Aug 2017 05:06:09 +0000 You wrote: How do we restore our Republic to its original intent.

Unrigging the system.

By: Zombie Mike Tue, 29 Aug 2017 22:32:39 +0000 Who needs Horror Movies?

By: brabantian Tue, 29 Aug 2017 22:02:20 +0000 One of the very powerful points being made in the Charlottesville censor-the-alt-right aftermath, is that the internet web censor companies & organisations, & media including the New York Times (see below), are giving extensive quiet support or indulgence to paedophile networks – they denounce the ‘racism’ etc of the alt-right as if that is ‘very bad’ but paedophilia is ‘protected free speech’

This includes companies like Cloudfare, giving some services to paedophile-tinged sites without apparent difficulty … and also the ‘non-profit’ Tor browser, which appears to be extensively used by paedophiles, who can use Tor to access paedophilia & trafficked children without local police agencies or internet providers observing

Tor lets you browse whilst hiding what it is that you browse, & Tor can access ‘private’ websites which have no normal web url address but only ‘float’ amidst the ‘Tor nodes’ … Tor was developed by CIA-tied spooks (US Naval Research & DARPA Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) … Tor developers seem to fully indulge paedophile users of Tor, but loudly critique Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin as ‘beyond the pale’, unlike the Tor-using paedophiles … After being forced to host on Tor, but getting verbally slammed by the paedo-friendly Tor pooh-bahs, Anglin writes:

“The Tor Project is primarily run by Jewish paedophiles who have created a huge networking platform for child pornography & slave trafficking while hiding behind some gobbledygook about Chinese political dissidents who can easily just use a normal VPN & host their site on any western server.” [VPN – Virtual Private Network, tool hiding your actual internet ‘IP’ address]


By: Jennifer Tue, 29 Aug 2017 21:34:00 +0000 Richard Shaver and our mentor talked about the Deros, or degenerated robots. Shaver said they caused all the evil on the planet. These men were empaths and knew that mind. But the Deros are empaths, too, and they work with those willing to destroy humanity, have duped them with promises of power and riches, to wipe us out not realizing that it is an insane mind which guides them and which will lead to their own demise as well.

At the beginning of our generation, we were a pure species, but the rebellious one of the previous generation caused us to mix our seed with that of the lower animals, causing a confusion in our Speciel Mind, and in that confusion it could hide. God could not separate out our generation from the previous to cast them out, because of the confusion of minds, but He could see that our generation would evolve, so He let the Wheat, our newly planted generation, mature alongside the Tares, the rebellious one, and at the time of harvest He would separate out the Tares and burn then. As history repeats itself, and as you know, they are here trying to create another confusion in our mind and bodies so we won’t evolve by adulterating the soil, air and water and thus our food which sustains us..

God’s will be done, we pray continually.

By: Jennifer Tue, 29 Aug 2017 21:25:16 +0000 All we can do is to walk and talk with our Creator every day and listen. Sometimes, it is best to just do nothing, because the evil has such an upper hand. However, to do nothing is the hardest thing to do. Patience.

It is interesting our mentor talked about the Man Child of Revelations and he said the Man Child first manifested in the Magna Charta and then in the Constitution of the United States, the Original, when it was a negative government. The Man Child is freedom from the Alien Mind which controls the Oligarchy, but we think that the message in the Good Book gives us a clue. “Who is like the Beast? Who can make war with it?” We cannot without God. His vantage point is way higher than ours.

By: Terri Tue, 29 Aug 2017 20:46:04 +0000 Jennifer, It is frightening the difference between the children isn’t it.. Going to the playground and seeing even 2 year olds with no spark in their eye is truly sad.
So glad you are standing tall and honoring yourself and your son.
How do we restore our Republic to its original intent when the masses completely accept and take part in the planks of the communist manifesto and insist on entitlements.This is the question that only our Creator can answer. We can only continue as individuals in working towards this for ourselves, and our loved ones.
