Comments on: Socialism: opiate of the masses Thu, 07 Sep 2017 15:49:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Burns Thu, 07 Sep 2017 15:49:41 +0000 Spiritof42:

Crypto-curriences (CC) are the worst of Ideas. Solely dependent on the internet, digital currency that can divide into even smaller, and smaller, nth denominations.  Anyone can create a cryptocurrency. But who will survive as the mad race to create even more varieties of these currencies end-falls to the monopoly of whom ever controls the Internet and creates laws opposing other forms cryptocurrency. And that time is nearing and has been ever-present.

CC is not secure, it far too easy to steal or to counterfeit or control…except if it is the main controllers.

The fallacy exists that encryption algorithm is the basis reality of all Cryptocurrency. It is unstoppable, it is unbreakable, so therefore secure. Well, not so…

During the second world war, the enigma encyphala-machine, a form of cypher was created by the Nazi to encode secrets and messages to military and intelligence personal working against the allies. It was believed it was unbreakable, until the right kind of knowledge was applied. Even though one had the machine, it did not mean they would be safe in their communications. Time broke down what at once was considered unbreakable.

Why would a CC be safe in a world were the NSA know so much about each and every individual, and are gaining power to intercept every piece of communication on planet earth. Your phone, your tablet, your e-mails. Your conversations even within your own home through the Internet of things. Are sent back to central control. CC are not immune to this…

Gangs of hackers work tirelessly to find ways. They always find ways. They know as most don’t, that there are always back doors built into software, primarily in algorithmic software, it cant’ be allowed to run it own course. Logic reasoning software can not be allowed to run autonomously. It can get out of control. Logic, long ago prefered an off switch. A non physical currency is the easiest currency to steal. One steals the device, or the user is convinced to give up his code. Or exact imitations are created.

From where I stand this is exactly the world that the UN’s Agenda 2030 is moving us towards…a cryptocurrency world were the exact amounts of resources; food, shelter, energy, health care etc will be alloted and digitized and currencied. World currencies, are cryptocurriencies. I use my ATM card 95% of the time, most payment systems are made online. Cash never really passes hands. Except in small gray or black market situations. There are now stores that will not except cash.

Currencies across the planet are unifying in a sense with the computer calculating exchanges. Currencies across the world are made cheaply to take the sense of value away from the object. And that is purposeful. Now dollar bills in Canada are made from plastic, the cheapest of materials.

When I was a young man, Canadian quarters, dimes were made from silver. Nickels were actually nickel and the penny was made of copper.Changes have been ephemeral, that world has died and been replaced with, tokens…

Cryptocurrency is the currency of choice in a Socialist world, a new world, ordered for all; a redistribution of wealth is anticipated…

Cryptocurrency is the sole and honored currency of Socialism.

CC is the state of perfecting usury to a greater efficiency of the digit. CC will eliminate or suppress greatly petty crime, but will inspire greater criminality. It will improve taxation so no one escapes tax. Were ya going to hide all that wealth? CC enables only those with the greatest of Internet power to excel.

Cryptocurrency is subservient and endangered to specific hardware and software of the day. But it has no control or foresight of advancing future software.  Malware can make life difficult if not impossible for CC users. It does not need to necessarily to steal it, which is a crime; it might simply make it difficult to find it or utilize it, and that is not a crime as yet. Correct me if I am wrong. There is the problem of loss of media. Actually losing the physical computer. The chances of losing the currency is much greater than fiat currencies. Cryptocurrency cannot be insured as it is not a physical object.

CC does not abide by current banking laws.

CC relies on nothing to back its value; in essence it is really only a pyramid scheme, which eventually would top out. Accumulating wealth is extremely difficult for CC users. And the system is primed and to kill it, if they cannot ultimately control or tax it.

The dollar has gone through many changes; a promissory; a silver backed currency; a gold backed currency; a currency based on oil; and now its final transition to a cryptocurrency. 

Simply because currencies like BitCoin have anticipated the end of money does not make them permanent.

Crypto currency is pro globalism and globalism is a form of socialism.

You desire to fight the Fiat dollar, Fiat currencies? Create local currencies, actually objects with a value base. Every state should have its own physical currency, every town, village and hamlet should have its own physical currency. For that matter every individual should have their own currency. All communities should create their own currency.

By: marblenecltr Wed, 06 Sep 2017 20:02:03 +0000 Reblogged this on necltr and commented:
When Bill Clinton says, “I feel your pain,” keep in mind that he caused much of it.

By: Jennifer Wed, 06 Sep 2017 14:11:52 +0000 This must be the new Seat of the Beast. Look where it’s at. Nation of Deseret

By: Michael Burns Wed, 06 Sep 2017 03:34:22 +0000 With the UDC (Utah Data Center) executing petaflop computations. That’s 10 to the fifteenth floating point operations per second. Capable of storage of data in the 3 -12 exabytes and much higher, it brags at processing the complete communication of North America in a single day…this 1.5 million sq ft machine is by 2013 standards of computing. It is now four years later….

“The data center is alleged to be able to process “all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Internet searches, as well as all types of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital ‘pocket litter’.” – Wikipedia

Professing it’s data crunching abilities are a diversion to the truth of this machine. It dominates everything. Facebook, Google and all the rest, are really only stations in a network controlled by this device. And some odd things have been happening.

Facebook had to shut down what it called a AI program, because it invented a language of its own. And that scared the powers that be..

The UDC computer is believed to be new technology, not available to the public. If this is true, then they are within a hair breath of creating some creeping version of machine sentience; wherein sentience knows it exists. But that is far from consciousness. Which is another thing altogether, I don’t believe a machines can be conscious. Can they hold a consciousness, I don’t think so. It can know it exists, and there fore protect itself. What is scary is that it gains dominace of the Internet, and creates a program capable of utilizing that great power of world data.

By: Terri Tue, 05 Sep 2017 00:35:28 +0000 Here is a great example of how indoctrinated humans have become and how “successful” socialist programming is .

By: Terri Tue, 05 Sep 2017 00:32:56 +0000 Middleway,here is an article that talks about what is going on in the AI surveillance department. It is astounding.

Socialism is one step away from the AI takeover and being hooked up like in the Matrix.

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 04 Sep 2017 02:54:02 +0000 I disagree with you on one point here, Jon.

No it HASN’T always been the same. In fact it was only when true Rosicrucian standards were abominated after the death of Gnosticism that Roman “vision” hybridised into current Pharisee backed Zionist dominance.

Babylonian systems were very different to today’s. They [at least] attempted to run the Atlantis model.

Of course the reptiles were around to influence the Aztecs so that society doesn’t bear thinking about. The “Mayans” (FYI] would be classed as “extra-terrestrials” by our sciences (sic).


By: Michael Burns Sun, 03 Sep 2017 22:08:10 +0000 “There is NO difference between communism, fascism, marxism, nazism, progressivism or socialism, they are all rebranded FEUDALISM.”

Of course there is, don’t be ridiculous. there is not enough room here to banter with that argument.

By: Spiritof42 Sun, 03 Sep 2017 12:15:36 +0000 Socialism cannot be made to work. That’s why it is in the process of collapsing. The globalist dreamers and schemers are hitting the wall of reality. Endless streams of debt money cannot save them when it’s cause of collapse. It is what chemotherapy is to cancer. Second, they can’t stop the rise of economic power in the east led by the China/Russia/Iran axis. Third, is cryptocurrencies.

The central banking monopoly on money is in process of being displaced by cryptocurrencies. It’s a peer-to-peer system in which a keycode is assigned to every transaction. The user identifying key is physically kept by the user; it is not in the system. It can’t be hacked. It can’t be seen at border crossings. It’s taxable only when converted to fiat.

It’s designed for the worldwide internet. Anybody with a cell phone can use it. Cryptocurrencies don’t compete; they are indexed to each other. Their purchasing power is dependent on their free market value. This is a youth movement that the powers can’t shut down, though they’ll try with scare tactics.

I can’t do the subject justice in this post. “The Internet of Money” by Andreas Antonopolous explains why I am so excited by this. The author is a popular spokesman. A native of Greece, he explains how he saved the family fortune when the banking system collapsed.

By: truth1 Sat, 02 Sep 2017 02:35:07 +0000 You know, I can’t believe that people can be so stupid and blind. Jon calls it Generalism and that is as good a word as any. But the essence is that people love tokenism and generalisms because you do not have to think hard when you choose those. Take it at surface value and accept it. Besides, no one in power would be that bad or do anything really harmful. That’s just silly talk.

Yet, the systematic global engineering of the many harmful practices and malevolent medical practices do not impress most people. They took the trust pill their parents gave them. It never dawns on them, the many tragic wicked genocides that have taken place in just the 20th century alone. And you go back in history or in the present, where many millions die by ways that could be easily avoided if we did not have psychopaths in power.

Caring and sharing! What could be better, huh? Well, let me put is this way. In WWI and WWII, men on both sides shared misery, hate, and bullets and death. So not all caring and sharing is good.

Now how about this! The government takes our money in the form of taxes, often placing many od us in hardship in doing so, yet corporations pay little to nothing by comparison. In fact, one of the most honest people in history told us the truth. Leona Helmsley told us that on the little people paid taxes. She was honest to a fault, But those at the top did not appreciate he doing that so they sent her to prison for a while to give her time to think about her sins.

Did we thank her? Oh, hell no. We threw rocks at her for telling us the truth. Ungrateful is what we were. We should have spread her message everywhere. I would love nothing more than to be called the N word. Why? Because its the truth. If I am to be treated poorly as a slave, then I want to be called that. Don’t whisper sweet nothings in my ears and then stick a knife in my back and screw in too many ways to recall them all.

So, the government takes our money and then give it back to us to help us with our children’s expenses. And they remind us that they are investors in our kids. What? They give me back my money and tell me I should be grateful for my money. Maybe I’ll try that at Xmas time. “Kids, look at all the money I spent on you thru our wonderful benevolent government who keeps us alive and who we could not live without. so no present this time, because you got plenty from Satan government. You should be grateful.” Warning! Do not try this at home. Your kids will kill you in your sleep. Perhaps they smarter than you in that respect.

Here is the puzzle for me. Why do we find the governments so trustworthy and benevolent? Well, here is why I ponder this in a state of perplexity. You don’t have to take this as preaching. For a moment, I only bring this up as a mere man suggesting something, even though I have a far higher regard than that, normally. Jesus spoke of a future time, when men’s hearts would be evil and be up to nothing but wickedness and deceit that would culminate in a destruction on a scale never seen or heard of before.

What the he11 gave him an idea like that? and he said that people would take no note of the preparations going on and that the day of our demise would overtake us like thieves in the night you were not expecting.

The reason I find that so spooky is that, indeed. most do not see anything wrong going on. Vaccines, GMOs, contrails, pollution, medical fraud, poison drugs that are said to heal, build of repeatedly of arms and weapons, Growing censorship and so much more. The pattern is quite clear, even to someone who lived 2000 years ago and told us the formula. The dumbing down of schools. Simplistic stupid TV programming. Let me put is this way. Which of the following was the the worst show ever? Gilligan’s Island? Lavern and Shirley, Oh, I can’t go on anymore. I’m getting sick to my stomach. I could list many programs, but then I would be no better than Uncle Joe or Mao.

How did this Jesus character put this all together. I’ll take a stab at it. He knew what Rome was like. He new of empires that came before. He saw a repeating pattern. He recognized that most people did not question anything. What he saw then is what any of us have seen if we took an inquiring review of things around us. But none of us thru time was able to predict what he did, and did so accurately. Why? Cause most do not question anything, ever.

What is going on now is outrageous. How outrageous is it? I think readers here know full well, how outrageous our world is.

Jon mentioned the importance of parenting and families the other day. This is where the battle is lost most of the time. We don’t know how to live life or teach it to our children. Their instinctive trust makes our job easy, but we don’t know how to use it right. And we just let them grow like weeds and let others program and teach them. End result? The end!

We came so far in history and yet, we have end up nowhere. We are lost and failing.
