Comments on: The mayor of New York embraces Karl Marx Mon, 26 Jul 2021 15:27:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mayor DeBlasio Wed, 20 Sep 2017 12:40:46 +0000 You take all the horrible things I read and knit them together into a tidy fabric that allows me to inform those I know better than the ranting I tend to do every night.
I can’t thank you enough for work over the years. I also really enjoy listening to you when you are on Rense Radio. Last night was no different.

By: Jennifer Tue, 12 Sep 2017 14:42:38 +0000 Our mentor did give up his empathetic ability to have a family and then, when he was ready to fight the maggots again, took up the mantle. The individual knows and can’t think that God would have taken it away if it wasn’t in His plan.

Our mentor, who we called Bab, pronounced Bob, was laying to rest the evil in his days until they sent their black, unmarked helicopters to spray poison on him to stop him from telling the truth. He was a Job, a Prometheus, because it was Prometheus who was laying the evil to rest in his days. So did JeSus, the Lamb of God. Our mentor’s Hebrew friend called Bab a Lamb of God also, and we didn’t understand this for a long time, but remember Prometheus was chained to a rock and everyday an eagle would come and peck out his liver, but because he was immortal he would regenerate that liver and the next day another predator would come and do the same. The eagle represents the evil, what we call the Alien Mind, and they must be sentient creatures and they get a choice just like all of humanity. Prometheus was a sacrifice, a Lamb, and if he was attacked, Zeus or Man/Lord God would mark them and take them. We are not sure how this done, but it must be a mental thing. Man/Lord God cannot come to the Earth to do this because the portals were closed so the infection, the Alien Mind, couldn’t get off the planet.

Zeus gave knowledge to Prometheus to give to humanity, but when he did that the myths say Zeus was angered and chained Prometheus to a rock and he had to suffer these attacks. Zeus was not angry, but since He couldn’t come to the earth, he set Prometheus up as a target so he could Mark the Beasts and take them. If he didn’t do this, then the knowledge He gave to Prometheus wouldn’t get humanity into the future. JeSus did the same thing; his understandings propelled us into the future until now they destroy His truth at every turn and many think he is a myth.

Humanity is so much under the sway of the Alien Mind and Delamer Duverus is working through others now to Mark the Beast and to separate as many as He can from it. We think this is reflected in Revelations, removing Satan for 1000 years so that we can learn to live in peace. Humanity can only evolve if it learns the lesson that we are not to be a threat to anyone. This is why we were cast down to this penal colony. All it takes is for us to turn to God and walk and talk with Him. If we are quiet, then we will hear Him.

By: Terri Mon, 11 Sep 2017 22:25:23 +0000 The empath you knew should have not refused the gift they were given. We have a responsibility to fulfill our destinies in this life. Too many have failed, which is why things are so messed up.

Obama is a monstrosity, as are the rest,one of the reasons they switched to digital is so this could not be seen anymore, and they could create more fake everything. Obama is not so much possessed as he is evil incarnate. What your friend saw is the real obamination, not the fake one they portray as a human body.

Thoth in the emerald tablets talks about how he laid the evil to rest. They are seeking to release it, and have pretty much already done so. If only Uncle Thoth could come again and lock it up again, but do the people in this world deserve this when they give their acquiescence to evil? At this point, how many really wish evil would go away and rely on it in so many ways and defend and support it?

By: Terri Mon, 11 Sep 2017 22:16:12 +0000 Anything called crispr can not be good. wi fi could be called we fry….
there is a pattern here……

this is the way they get around poisoning organic foods more than they already are??

Those who create these monstrosities and those who cheer them on, should be first in line to consume their own evil.

By: amnesiaclinic Mon, 11 Sep 2017 09:21:08 +0000 Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:

By: J-Dart Sat, 09 Sep 2017 21:09:39 +0000 The quote from Marx should be rephrased as “TAKE from each according to his ability, then GIVE to each according to his needs(!)” This might be more descriptive of how the “welfare system” operates. Marx does not elaborate on those providing according to their ability as to volunteering the fruits of their labors.

Let’s go one step further with: “Those in need will TAKE from those who can provide from their ability to do so.” And yet it is never that 0.1% or even the 1% who own it all who provide anything. What we have in reality are poor people taking care of poorer people.

Wattle and daub everywhere, castles here and there.

By: Thx1138 Sat, 09 Sep 2017 13:18:21 +0000 Stitched together. So much more beautiful than what nature can produce!

By: Theodore Fri, 08 Sep 2017 22:46:13 +0000 Comrade Frank Marshall Davis Jr aka Barry Soetoro aka Obama

By: smoke and mirrors Fri, 08 Sep 2017 22:20:13 +0000 Comrade Barry Soetoro aka Obama should donate the proceeds from his $70 million book deal to the south side of Chicago to show he is down with the struggle of the proletariat.
What…he was too busy frolicking on Martha’s Vineyard or on a private island owned by a billionaire to be reached for comment?

By: Theodore Fri, 08 Sep 2017 21:28:00 +0000 Big Bird!

