Comments on: Hurricane Irma as a symbol for America Sun, 15 Mar 2020 19:13:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neysa Sun, 15 Mar 2020 19:13:59 +0000 I have lived in Florida for almost twenty years, and I am appalled at “hurricane coverage” by the media in the last few years. Like you said, no useful information, and I have the impression they ‘tweaked’ the algorithm that interprets radar data to have the most confusing and apocalyptic predictions possible, to keep the population on the verge of panic and glued on the TV.
Then, as the hurricane approaches, what was expected to be a Cat 5 becomes a 2 and we all breathe a big sigh of relief, sure that we dodged a big catastrophe.
Our population is becoming so gullible it’s infuriating!

By: Noelle Fri, 15 Sep 2017 16:33:29 +0000 Terri, A MOST beautiful and spot on answer!

By: Terri Fri, 15 Sep 2017 16:09:12 +0000 Yes humans do, or they would reject the drama and the violence they are told to participate in. No one makes them watch all the crap on tv and cable or on the internet. they choose to.
we cant give the victim pass out any more. It is the people and their arrogance, ignorance, apathy and refusal to fulfill their duties and responsibilities as American citizens and see to it our Republic is carried out the way it is intended.
Instead they walk around with their hand out saying gimme and not fair and blaming others for their lack of initiative all day long. Its a part of poverty consciousness.
You are just enabling them or perhaps yourself in your comment.

By: artemisix Fri, 15 Sep 2017 08:04:38 +0000 Humans don’t need drama and disaster, the Elites do. to control, prevent masses of humans from see who the real bad guy is….

By: arcadia11 Tue, 12 Sep 2017 22:27:30 +0000 no. not for several years. but sometimes i paint in my mind.
it is surprisingly fulfilling.

i so agree : – } i have many tree friends. we have talking trees here.
a large grove of eucalyptus trees, all along the hiking trail just a few
yards from my front door. they ask questions – clearly. what, why,
how? all it takes is a little breeze and they go on and on. one cannot
help but respond. it is a wild and wonderful experience. especially
at night. i knew children who were afraid of these trees : – o

‘ Perhaps we only need to decide the waiting is over; how many are
actually just waiting for themselves?!? ‘

oh, surely, lol. when it is time it is time. pulses are quickening. we are
expanding and expanding, filling all the space where once was other.

one of my favorite books when i was ten or so was ‘the talking tree’. do
you know it?

cheers for the turning of the tide –

By: Terri Tue, 12 Sep 2017 21:42:31 +0000 Arc do you still paint? Do you have a website with any of your pictures?

Yes, to make good our word and to allow our best and brightest dreams to manifest, now is always good. We have all waited a long time. Perhaps the waiting is finally over. Perhaps we only need to decide the waiting is over; how many are actually just waiting for themselves?!?

I have said the same, many times, I did not come here to see everything destroyed. There is no way I will allow that. Many of us are gamblers who are suckers for a lost cause. Underdog was one of my favorite characters when i was little.

Maybe the aspens would appreciate a visit from you this fall. Our cousins the trees are very wise and sometimes enjoy telling stories. Their generosity, love and patience is quite rejuvenating and nurturing. They really need the love and encouragement from us, many of them are having a hard time.

By: arcadia11 Tue, 12 Sep 2017 17:30:06 +0000 ‘How many of us promised ourselves…’

terri – this may be the most timely and important question ever. i am guessing that a great many of us have made this promise. now it is time to


and make good our word. what a grand ripple effect that will create. memory of our promise/knowing and necessity level will inform. we know what to do.

i contacted a knowing when i was five. it was simply ‘it is going to be different this time or i wouldn’t be here’ those exact words. at the time i took it to mean that i wasn’t going to die again (source of my fascination with painting/arcadia). i knew it was the most important thing for me to know. as i was only five i had to file it away for future reference, though i never lost sight of it. it was that knowing that kept me going when i wanted to give up with all my heart. many times.

yet here i am, here we are, every one of us. on a blog in 2017. it has been a long time.
and there is no fear. just a knowing that it is time.


ps i have seen them. i drank them and breathed them in.

By: Terri Mon, 11 Sep 2017 22:07:52 +0000 Arc, the veil is lifting, that is the meaning of the apocalypse. This scares the controllers and their followers. They don’t want us to know how powerful we are and that we do have a choice.

Many of the native people in all countries understood there were other planes to go to. It is a good day to die was their mantra as they chose to leave, on their terms, so they would not be part of a sacrifice used to feed evil and make it stronger..

How many of us promised ourselves it would not have to be that way this time, and new options were created, by us. But that option always remains, one of many, on the table.

I am looking forward to the aspens changing and breathing and drinking in the beautiful yellow, and the contrasting reds and greens of their cousins.
Have you seen them?

By: Terri Mon, 11 Sep 2017 21:54:36 +0000 Kent, its never too late. this world is stuck on a loop that keeps repeating itself. the mind itself functions in this way, never able to create anything new, not understanding infinity or unlimited possibilities. the only way out is thru the heart, and everyone has that choice every day. To remember who we really are and to do whatever we can to not opt in and fund the very people who seek to destroy us.

The mind says its too late, it says nothing is possible, change is scary. As jon says, the imagination is unlimited, so just make up a new story.

The planners are here because the peasants refuse to take responsibility for themselves. So long as they give away their power, there will be those who will say, thank you i will use it for you. Once you stop feeding parasites, they leave and look for a new host.
The question is what can i do to refuse to feed them today and instead feed and love myself and take my power back and use it for the good of all people.

By: Terri Mon, 11 Sep 2017 21:39:15 +0000 Blessings to you and your mom, bunny, she can fly now. You could check in with her to make sure she doesn’t get sucked back in. I have just started doing tarpanam and I think it has many benefits.

So many have been trapped in the paradigm of father knows best, i think we were the first generation after that to start questioning things and wanting something better. A couple of generations later has not improved anything, now most children have no father or mother and healthy relationships, and love and care to serve as a foundation for a good life. The children continue to suffer in all ways from the assault upon them from poisons; physical as well as spiritual, emotional and mental.

This whole concept of we have evil to appreciate good, or evil teaches us a lesson, is a lie, created to make people feel better about the harshness in this world. For example, do you spank or drop a baby so it can appreciate being held or loved? of course, that sounds stupid, doesn’t it. because it is. All that scenario creates is a dysfunctional person who develops attachment disorder to whatever degree, based on the amount of abuse. Therefore, this whole theory is just a way for people to have an excuse not to do the work to break out of the paradigm and accept something to serve someone else’s agenda.

As Don Miguel teaches in the 4 agreements, and many others teach, attachment leads to suffering every time. The more we can rise above this stupid game by refusing to play in this manner, the easier it is.
