Comments on: How many drug scripts do doctors write per year? Mon, 02 Oct 2017 03:45:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: erikagbojos Mon, 02 Oct 2017 03:45:25 +0000 yes It is true

By: Rastafari Tue, 26 Sep 2017 17:19:06 +0000 for migranes, cook 2 ounces of high grade on slow simmer (below 260 degrees) in castor oil or coconut oil. strain thru support-hose pantyhose toe. the oil itself will collect in a jar, then use the bag of cooked buds on forehead. let the oil drain out good, and when you get headache, put on the bag and headache will move into the bag of weed. works every time.

By: Rastafari Tue, 26 Sep 2017 17:16:43 +0000 cbd oil is made from GMO cannabis developed at the U of Minnesota in 2010. they breed the THC out of the plant because the THC is where actual healing happens. CBD is one part of the plant, now they made a whole plant have mostly cbd via genetic engineering.

THC in combo with other ingredients in cannabis indica/sativa, produce true healing, like curing cancer, diabetes, alzheimers, etc. That’s why they take the THC out. And give you a symptom-fixing thing like CBD. yes, you may get a little pain relief but if you want to fix the problem, must use whole-plant cannabis extracted into resin. Rick Simpson oil, etc. Not fake CBD-GMO.

By: Janice Tue, 26 Sep 2017 15:32:01 +0000 I ave been checking out cbd oils what is the difference in this & the indica plant for migraines

By: slydog1960 Sun, 24 Sep 2017 14:51:26 +0000 Can you say drug dealers?

Then they have the audacity to say you can’t smoke a joint or we are going to arrest you. That’s messed up folks. We the people need to get a handle on these control freak criminals who in reality just want to kill any competition.

Pretty soon it will be “Only your doctor can tell you what to eat, if your sitting there with a bag of Cheetos in your lap call your doctor immediately and ask them is this right for you.”

By: Rastafari Sat, 16 Sep 2017 15:02:18 +0000 In America, even if you want to eat healthy, non-gmo, non-poison-sprayed food, it’s almost impossible to find unless you are in a city.

obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, crippling posture, … all these are caused by the poison food, poison sprayed on the food, and poison in the food. this does not cost “US belated healthcare alot” (whatever that means).

all these things made money for US healthcare industry. big moneymakers. that’s why they’re everywhere and the food, plants, procedures that contribute to your actual health, not just the healthcare industry, are hard to find, too expensive, unavailable, or (like cannabis plant) illegal.

access denied for most people. not billary or obomber or any of the other hoaxsters.

it’s not practical to think americans can bike much of anywhere, those who want bikes can have them, it’s very well known in america about bikes. not a new idea. but everything is far apart, we travel with our families, haul stuff around. doesn’t work with bike unless it’s like a rickshaw, and someone pulls the fam around. now that i go for.

By: Rastafari Sat, 16 Sep 2017 14:54:46 +0000 you do not want me to take what she says seriously? are you serious? haha. then you misdirect over to the pope, then saying the Irish people control Ireland. how absurd. she’s fringe? laughed at? mocked? yes, sounds like my kind of gal.

what was it she said here that you disagree with?

By: Willem van Es Sat, 16 Sep 2017 10:34:39 +0000 You do not take her seriously? She is laughed at her own country. Belongs to a reliable badge of political movement which is not taken seriously in its own country. Wants back to the time the Pope ruled over Ireland and not the people. Something like Le Pen’s father in France or Alexander Gauland (AfD) in Germany. Do not listen to it seriously.

By: PJ London Sat, 16 Sep 2017 07:22:12 +0000 Extract from my novel Saddam’s Sister :

‘Do you know the greatest disaster to befall the pharmaceutical industry?
Smallpox. By eradicating Smallpox, from the population, they wiped out a huge potential market and profit.
In Sri Lanka, in 1948, there were 2.8 million malaria cases and 7,300 malaria deaths. They introduced widespread DDT use. Malaria fell to just 17 cases and zero deaths in 1963. From 2.8 million to 17. After DDT use was discontinued, Sri Lankan malaria cases returned to 2.5 million in the 1968 and 1969, and the disease remains a killer in Sri Lanka today.
Now there are many arguments and theories why DDT was discontinued and is not sprayed widely, but it is clearly a matter of fact that spending on anti-malarial drugs for 17 people is far, far less than spending on the drugs for 2.5 million people. Extrapolate those numbers world wide and you would go from 40 million sufferers per year to about 300 cases, hardly enough to base an industry on the manufacture of anti-malarial medicines.
The only major anti-DDT campaign was based on the story that the egg shells of wild birds in North America were getting thinner because of the toxicity of DDT. As the Americans say ‘You are shitting me.’ The Brits are more polite, ‘You are kidding, right?’, 39 million 999 thousand 700 sufferers because some bloody bird has a thin egg shell.’

By: Theodore Fri, 15 Sep 2017 22:22:21 +0000 and, also, Jon Rappoport breaks this story in 2009
