Comments on: The Jesuits and Tupper Saussy Wed, 17 Jun 2020 23:25:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jennifer Wed, 20 Sep 2017 18:22:50 +0000 lol

By: Bunny Wed, 20 Sep 2017 00:52:14 +0000 OMG…they came to the door AGAIN today…
(before I read your post)

They always come when I am in the bathroom, and when I don’t answer to a knock on the door start ringing the bell.

I mean what the hell?
I’ll ask them about the ark next time.

Because they ticked me off, I was a little “terse”, and forgot to hand them my Vegan Outreach Brochures, and forgot to , start badgering them about their dietary habits, and give them the lecture…

By: CPP Tue, 19 Sep 2017 03:25:38 +0000 Turns out I HAD heard of Tupper Saussy and Rulers of Evil.

He and that book were mentioned at the end of a comment that I had saved from under a YouTube video of an episode of Caravan to Midnight with John B. Wells (Episode 485 L.A. Marzulli & Roger Stone). I just went back to that comment section and looked for it, because it seemed to be in reply to another one, but strangely only found a couple comments referencing that comment in a thread, but that longer comment which mentioned Saussy was gone. Maybe because the commenter was basically calling Wells and others shills/gatekeepers?

Anyway, here’s the full comment, preceded by the comment it was in reply to: (note these are a year old)

Lee Beezy:

Silver will be $30-50/oz within the next year or two… and really wouldn’t be surprised if it broke $50 and kept going at some point. Btw… Roger (Stone) will implicate a lot of people, and tell a good bit of truth, but will never finger the one that matters, the top of the pyramid: the Vatican and their Jesuit controllers.


That has always been the problem. Everything I’ve ever sent to Wells and others, and I’ve been following the satanic bread crumbs for more than 5 decades, things that refer to the Vatican/Jesuit/Freemason connecting pieces, is never addressed. By almost all these self appointed “conspiracy experts”. They show up over the years, gain a following, and lead them down the road to the cul de sac where they are contained and kept from spreading info to others, walking in a circle like Israel in the desert w/Moses for 40 years. That is how they control the spread of truth. You can’t destroy truth, so you have to contain it. People who expose the Vatican portion usually end up in another dimension…. Like Malachi Martin. Pray for Leo Zagami. These “show hosts” are pied piper, damage control agents. You are supposed to feel like you are furthering the cause of truth, because you’ve found a home in a movement with a really cool/sharp person, usually claiming to be christian, while actually, you are contained in the hay stack with a couple needles, but not the full info. Ross Perot is a great example of how it works. When he got too close to becoming a movement, actually electable, he “adjusted” and came back when it was good for installing Clinton. Bush senior had no intention of winning. I don’t understand how these folks like JBW and others can speak with so many people who ARE expert in their little puzzle piece, always fail to connect specific dots, always the MAJOR dots are left hanging in space. They are allowed to say anything up to the really important stuff, and their listeners don’t question. You don’t even have the listener phone in with JBW. Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, the list is endless. These guys know, because I email the stuff to them all, and I’m hardly the only one. They know. They seem to fit, the Jesuit profile. Read “Rulers of Evil” by F. Tupper Saussy for an education in Jesuit history and methods, and ask yourself how these prominent “media personalities” line up.

By: CPP Mon, 18 Sep 2017 01:10:50 +0000 I hadn’t heard of him or the book; a bit surprising. This certainly expands on your earlier characterization of the Papacy and the Jesuits that you say control it as “the granddaddy of all intelligence operations”. It’s interesting in what you quote that Masonry is understood as a tool of the Jesuits, given that their infamous oath paints Masons as enemies.

From the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction:

“I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth”

But then co-opting Masonry for their own purposes could fit with this seeming contradiction, especially considering the following from the introduction to the Oath:

“My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.”

And regarding your “intelligence operation” statement, in addition to the above, this is explicitly stated in that introduction:

“You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source…”

Quotes taken from:

By: timetowakeupamerica Sun, 17 Sep 2017 16:32:26 +0000 The ENTIRETY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION, HAS BEEN COMPLETELY HIJACKED BY “JEWS”

When did it happen? By 1540 AD. But, that was just when it ~ STARTED. It was a “fait accompli” by about 1815 AD. (Find out why, below).

Ever heard of King Izas of Edessa? Um, you just might want to find out about him. He was the EARTHLY warrior king of the “jews”, and true historical “Jesus”. You see, the “jews” aren’t awaiting a savior from the skies, but an actual earthly king to lead them to their “jew” world order!

Jesus: King of Edessa | The TRUE origins of JESUS CHRIST w/ Ralph Ellis (Part 1)
YT /watch?v=n7aczBdyFw0

Jesus: King of Edessa | The TRUE origins of JESUS CHRIST w/ Ralph Ellis (Part 2)
YT /watch?v=mlXkKkkQilM

There really are but two questions to be asked: 1) WHO, EXACTLY, GAVE US WESTERN CIVILIZATION? 2) Are the “jews” famous for their MANY & GREAT civilizations of antiquity?

Of course, it doesn’t take a degree in “rocket science” to answer either of those two questions. However, CLEARLY, true History has been “occulted” (which just means HIDDEN), from the masses, or those un-initiated in the “mysteries”).

The PROCESS of Western Civilization being hijacked by “jews” truly began in earnest, when the TRUE Aristocracy of England, the young landed & titled (but fiat-cash-poor-) nobility/noblemen of England, began marrying the daughters of wealthy “jew”-ish bankers & merchants, their offspring, having a “jew”-ish mother, were now considered “jews” among the “jews”, but now, also had land & titles of English nobility (in name only.)

Downloading the TRUTH, in 5,4,3,2,1… (Do you KNOW who actually RULES America? Find out.

1) An ABSOLUTE MUST Read! Is the New World Order “Jewish”?

2) The “Jewish” Conspiracy is British Imperialism:

3) Banking Cartel is the Cause of Humanity’s Woes:

(Or, is it HUMANITY, ITSELF (by going along with the Western Int’l Central Bankers & their policies, along with their Allied “Globalists” & legions of minions – jesuits, freemasons, socialists, social-justice-warriors, communists, & sion-ists/zion-ists) that is the problem?)

4) Read ALBION & ZION UNITED: THE BRIZI/JEWZI WORLD MENACE, by Veronika Kuzniar (1940).

5) Read ENGLAND UNDER THE JEWS, by Joseph Banister (1907).

Watch these two videos:

A) All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars
YT /watch?v=5hfEBupAeo4

B) Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness – Documentary
YT /watch?v=tz8pzG02oxU

Who Gave Us Western Civilization? (Athens, Greece. From WHOM ~ from which TRIBE, exactly, are the ancient Athenians descended? (see #2, below) Also, who exactly, gave us the Declaration of Independence, & the U.S. Constitution, AND ITS BILL OF RIGHTS?)

Was it Asians? Arabs? Africans? Latinos? Eastern-European-Slavics-or-Yidz (Yiddish-speakers)? (Think about it.)

Again, the answer to THAT question does NOT require a degree in “rocket science’.

Quote: “The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. (((We))) will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.” — (((Max Horkheimer)))

Egalitarian-ism? Add yet ANOTHER “-ism” to the ever-growing list of Western “elite” “Jew”-ish “-ism’s” !!! You see, the Western “elites” are playing us ~ ALL ~ off against each other, to keep us distracted from their FIAT RULE.

Question: Who, which tribe, exactly, gave the world CIVILIZATION? Who were the ancient Athenians/GREEKS? Where did they come from? FIND OUT!

Have you read the work of COMYNS BEAUMONT? He wrote several books, probably the most important of which are 1) THE RIDDLE OF PREHISTORIC BRITAIN, 2) BRITAIN: THE KEY TO WORLD HISTORY, and 3) THE GREAT DECEPTION: SYRIA, BRITAIN AND THE ROMAN CONSPIRACY (all of which can be obtained NEW, here:

According to Comyns Beaumont, Britain IS the “Holy Land” of the Bible (Old Testament). In fact, he states in the intro. that the history of the Old Testament is the history of Atlantis. IF you read Italian Engineer FELICE VINCI who wrote THE BALTIC ORIGINS OF HOMERS EPIC TALES, you’ll see that what COMYNS BEAUMONT was writing about in his work, is fully supported by FELICE VINCI. Also, read ATLANTIS FROM A GEOGRAPHERS PERSPECTIVE, by ULF ERLINGSSON. (You can obtain both of these books, by F. Vinci & U. Erlingsson, on

It appears FROM THE ACTUAL EVIDENCE, that the remnant of “Atlantis” (Old Testament-era history) which exists today can be found in the NW British Isles. The original “Pillars of Hercules” were the southern tip of Norway, and to the South and West, Denmark (NOT Gibraltar or Cadiz, Spain & N. Africa/Tangier, Morocco). Question: What lay beyond these ORIGINAL “Pillars of Hercules” (or Herakles)? Answer: The British Isles (Plato’s Atlantis). Some 12,000 years ago (and more), the British Isles were still ATTACHED to Europe, by a land-bridge, which connected ancient Ireland with Denmark, a land-bridge which is now submerged, beneath the English Channel, & North Atlantic. According to Comyns Beaumont, the Shetland Islands/Orkneys are a remnant of ancient “Atlantis” or “Atland”. It is most likely that this is also the source of the Mexican “myth” of “Aztlan”. These ancient “Hyperborean” people were a SEA-FARING people, LONG prior to Leif Erikson! They were very likely the people who were the “Bringers of Civilization”, following THE BIBLICAL FLOOD, to places like EGYPT, SUMER, and the INDUS VALLEY, as they migrated out of the Sacred or Blessed Isles, to warmer, more hospitable climes, after the Cataclysm!

The ancient “British” Peoples affected by the Cataclysm which sunk portions of ancient “Atlantis”, and brought about the so-called “myth” of Atlantis ~ MIGRATED SOUTH ~ to the much warmer Mediterranean (and carried their ancestral memory, oral history & “myths” with them!) The ancestors of the Classical Greeks ~ were “Hyperboreans” ~ the Bronze Age and earlier Northern and Western European Peoples, who inhabited present-day Britain, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland (Read Felice Vinci & Comyns Beaumont). The so-called “Celts” ~ really all the descendants of so-called “Indo-Europeans”, including Germans, and Scandinavians ~ these “Arya” peoples share a common ancestry and history, that has clearly been tampered with since the time of ancient Rome, and Roman Emperors Vespasian & Constantine. (The Romans hunted down and slaughtered the Druid Priests of Anglesey, Wales, around 60 AD. Read Terry Jones’ BARBARIANS, to find out who the REAL barbarians of that era were! The Druids were the men of KNOW-ledge ~ the HIGH PRIESTS OF THEIR ERA!)

History begins at Sumer? Sure it does (facetious). The real question is: Where was UR, originally? Civilization arrived already in its highest form, from the beginning in Sumer, Egypt, and the Indus Valley, as if it had been transplanted there from somewhere else! Recall that Menes, the son of Sargon of Akkad, Uniter of Upper & Lower Egypt, is buried in Ireland. Recall also, that Meritaten, daughter of Akhenaton, also called Scota, returned to her ancestors’ ancient homeland (the British Isles) and is buried there as well. (Read L.A. Waddell in his work The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons. Also, read Ralph Ellis’ books, or find & listen to his interviews on youtube regarding King Izas of Edessa, cited above, & of Queen Scota.)

It appears, that we have been DECEIVED well beyond even our wildest imagination(s). Our Western CIVILIZATION & heritage is FAR GREATER, HISTORICALLY than Western “elite” (Anglo-Judaic, SION-ist, ZION-ist) & COMMUN-ist “Jew”-ish (really, predominantly 90%-yiddish) POLITICAL CORRECTNESS will now allow. According to Comyns Beaumont, and his VERY convincing array of evidence brought forward in his work, supported by the work of Italian Engineer, Felice Vinci, we can thank Emperor Constantine for the 1,600+ year confusion, regarding the TRUE location of the earliest recorded events from the Old Testament, as well as thank Emperor Vespasian & his “jew”-ish historian, Josephus Flavius, for concealing the true historical identity of “Jesus”. By the way, according to Ralph Ellis, King Izas of Edessa is the origin of the “Myth” of King Arthur.

NOTE: Prior to about 1500 AD, it was considered a SIN by the Vatican (punishable by ex-communication) for anyone to charge INTEREST (USURY) on a loan! (Per Historian, Michael A. hoffman II) Gee, I wonder what changed?)


Here is what MOST Americans are unfortunately practically TOTALLY ignorant of: “Jew”-ish (predominantly 90% Yiddish/Khazar) control over Western Civilization including ALL it’s primary institutions!

ALL ~ the information anyone requires to KNOW why the world (and especially AMERICA) is the way that it is ~ is readily available on the Internet. Yet, how many WHITE, CAUCASIAN (non-“Jew”-ish, really non-Yiddish, non-KHAZAR) AMERICANS of NW European Descent (especially “Leftists” & ZION-IST “Christians”) KNOW the following established FACTS from history:

#1 The “Society of Jesus” (Jesuits) was created by “Marrano” or “Converso” “Jews” led by Ignatius Loyola, from Spain, in 1540 AD. Secretly-practicing “Jews” gained total control over the Vatican, by 1540 AD!

#2 Jesuit -trained Ingolstadt Professor Adam Weishaupt created and rolled out, the “Order of the Illuminati” (May 1, 1776) in order to HIJACK Speculative FREEMASONRY (est. 1717, London) FROM THE TOP, for the Rothschilds. By 1811, the Rothschild name appears in the official membership list of Freemasonry.

#3 Mayer Amschel [Bauer] Rothschild became the financier to William IX of Hesse-Kassel in 1789. A “Jew” was now in control of a GOVERNMENT’S money-supply. (William IX of Hesse-Kassel inherited a fortune, when his Father Frederick II earned about 5 million British pounds from renting Hessian mercenaries to England in it’s war against the American Colonies ~ a nearly unheard of sum at that time. Rothschild now administered this fortune & had major influence over Hesse-Kassel’s finances).

#4 In AD 1815 as Napoleon was losing the Battle of Waterloo, Nathan Mayer Rothschild essentially took a controlling position on the London Stock Exchange. In that same year, the British Pound surpassed the French Franc as the reserve currency of Europe. The British Pound would maintain this position for the next 105 years. During that 105 years, practicing-“Jews” would become accepted as members of the HOUSE OF LORDS! in English Parliament.

#5 In the 1820’s, the Rothschilds became “Bankers to the Vatican” (& to the “Jew”-ish-controlled Jesuits). Think of this as a “JEW”-ISH (Yiddish/KHAZAR) CORPORATE MERGER and consolidation of power & control.

#6 COMMUNISM is a “Jew”-ish creation. It was created by Moses Hess & Karl Marx (& Friedrich Engels). 1/4 “Jew” Lenin, and “Jew” Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) ~ both FREEMASONS & COMMUNISTS ~ were FINANCED by Western ZIONIST “Jews” Jacob Schiff, and Paul & Max Warburg. The newly formed “Bolshevik” government in 1917 in Russia, was at least 72-82% “Jew”-ish in composition, with at least 265 of those “Jews” hailing from the Lower East Side of Manhattan (whose parents & grandparents spoke YIDDISH, and hailed from Eastern Europe!) According to Nobel Laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, some 66 MILLION Russians (mostly ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS) ~ Peasants ~ and Nobles ~ were SLAUGHTERED by these “Jews”, between 1917 and 1953. (In my research, I even found a YALE-connection, to Mao, who under his COMMUNIST-inspired regime, slaughtered some 20-40 million CHINESE. Recall that Yale is home to the Chapter 322, Skull & Bones secret society, to which Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush, and George W. “Dubya” Bush belong, as Alumni.)

#7 ZIONISM is a “Jew”-ish creation. Its creation is attributed to Theodor Herzl (1897). It is a “Jew”-ish RACIST, SUPREMACIST IDEOLOGY. It was during this same era that we had the orchestration of events that led up to WWI, and WWII, which enriched the Western International Central Bankers (predominantly “Jews”, YIDZ/KHAZARS) immensely, and assisted them toward their goal: SUPPOSEDLY A “HOMELAND” FOR THE “JEWS”(!) in Palestine. However, what the creation of Rothschild-Israel (est. 1948 in Palestine) REALLY was, was the establishment of a NATION-STATE totally in the hands of the predominantly “Jew”-ish Western International Central Bankers and their “Committee of 300″ “globalist” Allies and legions of ZIONIST, COMMUNIST, & FREEMASONIC minions, based primarily in the ‘City’ of London. How many WHITE, CAUCASIAN MEN & WOMEN, OF NW EUROPE & OF NW EUROPEAN DESCENT (INCLUDING AMERICAN SOLDIERS, AND GERMAN SOLDIERS AND CIVILIANS, WERE KILLED IN WWI AND WWII? Conservative estimate: 106 MILLION. Yet, the “Jews” constantly cry ALLIGATOR TEARS! over the vastly-exaggerated “6 MILLION” “Jews” reported (falsely) to have been “gassed” and “exterminated” in their nearly-completely fabricated HOLLOW HOAX! Zyklon-B was used to stop the spread of LICE & TYPHUS! (Read THE HOLOCAUST HOAX EXPOSED: DEBUNKING THE 20TH CENTURY’S BIGGEST LIE, by Victor Thorn, available for a mere $25 on Texe Marrs’ website! What a bargain. $25 for the TRUTH about the most massive hoax of the 20th Century!) It appears, that Hitler’s ~ ONLY ~ crime, was putting the “Jews” TO WORK! in the LABOR Camps, which supported the German War Effort ~ against the “Allies” ~ the U.K. (“Jew”K), U.S.A. (“Jew”SA) & France.

#8 All the “liberal” causes are “Jew”-ish in origin. Primary among them: Political correctness. (Feminism is also a “Jew”-ish creation. Gloria Steinem, Betty Freidan, Barbara Spectre ~ “Jew”-esses. Gloria Steinem was backed by the CIA/CFR. “Jews” created the NAACP. Do your OWN investigation, and you’ll see. It was “Jews” behind Communism & Nelson Mandela.)

#9 All of the following are part of the Western “elite” TECHNOCRATIC “Jew” (predominantly KHAZAR) World Order AGENDA: “Gun Control”, “Global Warming” – oops! – “Climate Change”, “War on Terror”, “War on Drugs”. 5G “INTERNET OF THINGS”! “Gun Control” is to dis-arm the masses of Americans to totally subjugate them to the Western “elite” “Jews”. “Climate Change” or “Global Warming” is the brain-child of the CLUB OF ROME, one of the FRONT ORGANIZATIONS of the “COMMITTEE OF 300″, the “CROWN CORPORATION” of the ‘City’ of London (Rothschilds/Rhodes’/Milner Roundtable Groups). The “War on Terror” is a pre-planned effort on the part of a) CENTRAL BANKING, b) BIG OIL, c) WEAPONS MANUFACTURERS, & d) CIA/MI6/MOSSAD & the PENTAGON ~ to wage a never-ending war, for profit & total control. The “War on Drugs” is equally a total sham, because the Western “elites” originally became so rich due to the BRITISH OPIUM TRADE WITH CHINA, under the British East India Company. The TOO-BIG-TO-FAIL BANKS, behind the BIS/IMF/World Bank/ECB/”Federal” “Reserve”/SWIFT Payment System (like HSBC, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs) ~ LAUNDER the proceeds! The 5G “Internet of Things” is for 24/7 surveillance and TOTAL CONTROL (which “they” term FULL-SPECTRUM DOMINANCE). The House of Saud was placed in power by the ‘City’ of London & MI6. The “28 Pages” blaming SAUDi Arabia for 9/11 is clearly ‘the West’ throwing their PROXY, Saudi Arabia, under the bus, very conveniently, and completely ignoring the TRUTH, which is that the blame for 9/11 rests squarely with the CIA/MOSSAD. (ISRAEL IS NOTHING BUT A PROXY, JUST LIKE SAUDI ARABIA!) Who do you suppose is behind the OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER OF THE UNITED STATES allowing the entry into the U.S., of CHEAP LABOR from Mexico? Why do you suppose they are constantly demonizing PUTIN, and Russia, as somehow having “hacked” the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election? RUSSIA is a RESOURCE-RICH country. Putin kicked out the “Gang of Eight” (“Jew”-ish BANKERS & Industrialists) who formerly controlled Russian Banking and Industry, such as GAZPROM. Putin nationalized these critical industries, returned their rightful ownership to the sovereign Russian people, and sent the Billionaire “Jews” either to jail, or running for their lives (in exile). How does SHILL-ary Clinton fit into all of this? Remember ~ MENA, ARKANSAS AIRPORT ~ mid-1980’s. Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. G.H.W. Bush was Vice-President under Reagan. (G.H.W. Bush was also former Director of the CIA, and ~ CLEARLY ~ IMPLICATED IN THE JFK ASSASSINATION, of Nov. 22, 1963.) CIA Pilot, Barry Seal was transporting guns to the Contras in Nicaragua, from the MENA, ARKANSAS AIRPORT, and on the return flight, transporting COCAINE into the U.S., for distribution in American cities. All under the watch of G.H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton ~ the two primary lackeys of the CIA/CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), which answers to CHATHAM HOUSE formerly the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) in the ‘City’ of London(!) ~ all FRONT ORGANIZATIONS for the Western “elites” (“Jews”).

#10 On Dec. 23, 1913, the so-called “Federal” “Reserve” Act was quietly passed through Congress while most in Congress had already gone home for Christmas. (“Jew”) Paul WARBURG, of the 16th Century Venetian “Del Banco” family is among the co-creators of the “Federal” “Reserve” (who met in secret on Jekyll Island, GA, in 1910). Wait a sec. What, exactly, is a descendant of a 16TH CENTURY (1500’s) Venetian “Del Banco” family doing co-creating the so-called “Federal” “Reserve” in ~ AMERICA ~ in 1913? !! Good question, eh?

#11 ~ 90% of those who call themselves “Jews”, today, are descended from YIDDISH-speaking people from Eastern Europe, who have ~ NOTHING ~ WHATSOEVER ~ to do with the ancient HOLY LAND of the Bible (neither in the FAUX holy land of ancient Palestine, nor in the ACTUAL, TRUE HOLY LAND: Old-Testament era Ancient Britain!).

#12 ~ How many Americans are aware of the now 1600(+) year DECEPTION of Roman Emperor Constantine, who transplanted the Old Testament events which occurred in what we today call Britain, into the land of Palestine? (Read the STUNNING! evidence of Comyns Beaumont in his books previously cited). Likewise how many americans are aware of the fact that Roman Emperor Vespasian & his “Jew”-ish historian Josephus Flavius concealed the true historical identity of “Jesus”, the warrior king of the “jews” ~ King Izas of Edessa? (Read Ralph Ellis. Also, read THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE, by Arthur Koestler.) The TRUTH shall prevail.

Still, Americans continue to rush headlong (somnambulently) over the cliff when all the info. they need is right there at their iPhone & iPad fingertips. When will we stop fighting all these wars for “Jew”-ish International Central Bankers and all their allied “globalists” & legions of libtard minions? When will we print our UNITED STATES NOTES through the U.S. Treasury, and by-pass the so-called “Federal” “Reserve”? When will we STOP FUNDING THE TECHNOCRATIC “JEW” (predominantly-or-90%-yiddish) WORLD ORDER (NWO/JWO)? When will we return to the RULE OF LAW ~ the U.S. Constitution?

By: Steve Hinton Sun, 17 Sep 2017 05:31:02 +0000 Great Article Jon..!

And I believe the Jesuits are RUNNING THINGS TODAY…!!!

Steve Hinton

By: bdoyen Sat, 16 Sep 2017 19:35:50 +0000 Thanks so much for sharing this.

By: mysticalraven Sat, 16 Sep 2017 16:07:12 +0000 Reblogged this on The Mystical Raven and commented:
A fascinating read.

By: Andrew John Sat, 16 Sep 2017 12:49:10 +0000 And this is why it made it to Harper Collins.
To cast aspersions on the Church built upon Saint Peter and founded by Christ. The Roman Catholic Faith

By: Andrew John Sat, 16 Sep 2017 12:38:53 +0000 Not correct. Jesus said that the Gates of he’ll will not prevail! The Jesuits are the counter church i.e Jews and their lackeys the Freemasoms e.g. Vatican Ii.

Jesus said I know those who are my Church meaning Catholic and are not but do lie..
