Comments on: To my friends in Australia: the vaccine war deepens Mon, 02 Oct 2017 05:37:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mez Mon, 02 Oct 2017 05:37:49 +0000 Crikey! That’s a heck of a lot of conspiracy! They wonder why we don’t trust them with our children’s lives! 😮


26 September 2017

To Vice-Chancellor, University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia, Professor Paul Wellings

Copied to Professor’s Heather Yeatman and Alison Jones, and 60 UOW academics and staff

Dear Professor Wellings,

Australia is currently implementing legislation regarding vaccination policies that will make this country a medical police state. This situation could not have happened if the University of Wollongong (UOW) had maintained academic integrity in the debate on vaccination. But instead the UOW has allowed industry-associated lobby groups to promote false information about vaccination research – both on its website and in the mainstream media – using the UOW logo.

This disinformation campaign using the UOW logo has been promoted by Dr. Matthew Berryman, Dr. John Cunningham, Professor Heather Yeatman, and Professor Alison Jones. The University also requested that ~60 UOW academics sign their name to the false information provided by Heather Yeatman in her promotion of immunisation on the UOW website.

Heather Yeatman has never researched vaccination or immunisation policies. She is an expert in nutrition not immunisation or immunology. Her comments on the UOW website contradict the in-depth research presented in my PhD on this topic, also published on the UOW website. Promoting immunisation with the personal opinion of a non-expert in immunisation is a breach of academic integrity by UOW.

Here is a link to my interview with Sarah Westall from the US program, Business Game Changers, that describes the political processes that have facilitated this situation. It is titled ‘The Vaccination Debate: Let’s get Serious’ and it has been broadcast nationally throughout the US, Canada, Hawaii and Alaska.

The University of Wollongong is running a disinformation campaign by allowing UOW academics and industry-associated lobby group activists to suppress the scientific debate on vaccination in the media by presenting their false and misleading personal opinions – using the UOW logo.

This has been achieved by adopting the following strategies:
Allowing a UOW staff member, Dr. Mathew Berryman (no qualifications in vaccination science or policy) to use comments from an industry-associated lobby group blog (ReasonableHank – Australian Skeptics Inc) to present false information about my UOW research in the mainstream media (June 2012).
Allowing an industry-associated lobby group activist, Dr. John Cunningham (who has no involvement with UOW and is an orthopaedic spinal surgeon in Melbourne), to make an anonymous complaint of ‘allegations of academic misconduct’ to UOW in 2014 about my research on the whooping cough vaccine completed in 2006. This was 8 years after the research was examined and awarded a High Distinction by UOW academics. The UOW apologised to me for the misuse of its complaint procedures and stated that the investigation was unwarranted. But this information was not corrected in a press release and it has been used to smear my reputation in the media and on Wikipedia. I am unable to change the false comments and opinions presented on Wikipedia.
In January 2016, just after UOW published my PhD on the UOW website (11 January 2016), John Cunningham,made further false and derogatory comments about the assessment of my PhD in the Australian mainstream media (Murdoch’s News Ltd press – 20 January 2016). He was then awarded an Order of Australia medal (OAM) on 26 January 2016 for “Immunisation and Science”. John Cunningham does not have any special qualifications in immunisation or publications on vaccination/policy or immunology.
One week after my PhD was published on the UOW website in January 2016, Professor Heather Yeatman, (expertise nutrition) was permitted to promote false information about immunisation on the UOW website that was signed by 60 other academics – none of whom have done in-depth independent research on vaccination science or policy. Heather Yeatman does not have any special qualifications in immunisation or publications on this topic and she has promoted false information on vaccines using the UOW logo.
In March 2016, Professor Alison Jones (expertise toxicology) was a co-author of a paper that attempts to limit the academic freedom of researchers to scrutinise the science of vaccination. This paper is titled ‘Public Health and the Necessary Limits of Academic Freedom?’ In this paper Jones attempts to argue that the scientific debate should be curtailed in consideration of possible adverse events to human health. This is exactly the opposite to the recognised norms of evidence-based medicine that require full scrutiny of the scientific literature by all stakeholders in order to protect human health.

A medical police state can only occur when there is a lack of transparency and accountability in government policies and in academic institutions. We are seeing this situation develop in Australia today with the suppression of the scientific debate on vaccination.

UOW has breached its charter to promote expert opinions of vaccination on its website and to allow academic debate of this scientific issue by all stakeholders in the issue.

This is aided by the misconduct and fraudulent research that is occurring at the US CDC – the body that recommends vaccines for national vaccination programs. It is not the parents who are investigating these policies that are committing fraud and misconduct – it is our government bodies and national institutions. This is occurring as governments implement mandatory vaccination policies without justification in Australia.

Human health is at risk if universities are allowing lobby groups with vested interests in government policy to use their procedures to promote false information on vaccines to the public using the university logo.

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Judy Wilyman
Bachelor of Science, University of NSW
Diploma of Education (Science), University of Wollongong
Master of Science (Population Health), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Wollongong.
PhD in The Science and Politics of the Australian Government’s Vaccination Program, UOW School of Social Science, Media and Communication (re-named the School of Humanities and Social Inquiry in 2014).

By: Mez Mon, 25 Sep 2017 18:57:45 +0000 Enmasse LOL… those of us who are fully aware of the situation with vaccines are in the minority.

I’ve lost count of the number of people who have expressed they feel perfectly safe vaccinated but, if the next person doesn’t vaccinate, they know they could still catch that disease. Its like talking to crazy people, only these people make crazy people sounds completely sane HA!

Anyhoo, I fear we have already lost our country, let’s hope I’m wrong! Here’s my blog if anyone wants to keep up with the baloney going down Down-under. Cheers!

By: james Mon, 25 Sep 2017 01:52:42 +0000 If the parents in Australia don’t take a stand for their children in mass numbers then they are doomed it’s that simple. Same here in the USA. We either stand up enmasse and say NO to the insanity of vaccines or we lose our country. A vaccinated populace is a sick populace and it is clear to anyone who researches vaccinations that they are a mass culling of the population. Thank-you for keeping us updated on what is happening in Australia

By: Mez Sun, 24 Sep 2017 20:39:25 +0000 The Eureka Stockade (1854) – Under the Magna Carta’s right to bear arms:

On 3 December, there was a civil-war between the people and the police (supported by the military) caused by a disagreement over what gold miners felt were unfair laws, taxes and policing of their work by government. Although the people out-numbered their opponents, what resulted was a massacre, they were cleanly defeated and, consequently, the Magna Carta was dropped by all the states and territories.

“The most harrowing and heartrending scenes amongst the women and children I have witnessed through this dreadful morning. Many innocent persons have suffered, and many are prisoners who were there at the time of the skirmish but took no active part […]” – The Argus Newspaper

By: Mez Sun, 24 Sep 2017 19:10:34 +0000 Much of this was going on well before drugging & gun-laws. At first settlement, Australia inherited a Human Rights Bill from England but it was completely dropped by all the states without referendum, without the knowledge of voters and without anything to replace it with. All that was required was the Queen’s consent.

Since WWII all we ever had was the Human Rights treaty with the UN, which stands for nothing if the UN won’t protect us when our government violates it. How can WE THE PEOPLE hold the power if our rights to political participation are heavily policed and violated? How can we even be called a democracy when our government corruptly rigs elections and only gives us a choice between one dictator or another for over 70 years?

America has regular referendums, complete separation of powers between the executive & the courts and a Human Rights Bill. We have NOTHING! Our government won’t even allow us referendums on anything but giving them pay rises and retirement pensions.

The Queen of Australia holds ultimate power here and always has, not The People.

By: prof605 Sun, 24 Sep 2017 02:49:28 +0000 Clem, I fully agree with your statement, I feel the children, will be ‘granted’ consent & to a childs mind, this is nigh on saying, you are a grown up now…
This will lead to the childs supposition, that they are adult enough to make decisions in other areas too. One of these will be the inference of lowering of the age of consent for health & gender fluidity = sex consent age is also lowered.

I had the misfortune to be stalked by a pederast when I was a preteen [he was the son of the local police seargent] fortunately I was able to escape majority of his machinations by the skin of my teeth, but I did witness his sick behaviour from afar, I am sure he had been preyed upon by his father & local masonic lodge…with the language patterns & behavioual display he exhibited.

What was once hidden, is being revealed, sadly most are so caught up in thethick of thin things, so as to be blind.

By: Mez Sat, 23 Sep 2017 22:02:12 +0000 This little boy is still missing, presumably in state care being forcibly treated against his parent’s consent. It’s a horrible nightmare no parent should ever have to face.

By: genocidal politician Sat, 23 Sep 2017 09:57:01 +0000 Its actually elected bureaucrats as much as it is it is medical people,
non medical people with state power,
elected by some small population area within a state deciding over and above medical people what will and won’t be forcibly prescribed,
suddenly an elected politician becomes all knowing, being elected makes them knowledge supremacists somehow,

By: IMNAHA Fri, 22 Sep 2017 16:54:16 +0000 This is what happens when a populace is drugged and disarmed. It sounds like a resum ption of British colonialism enforced by the Chinese policing model.
