Comments on: Reminder: murder at the FDA Sun, 01 Oct 2017 05:23:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brad Barkey Sun, 01 Oct 2017 05:23:44 +0000 The FDA tried to make vitamin C a presciption drug, ask Mel Gibson, he campaigned against it. We used to have vaccines, now we have CDC (control/treatment) instead of vaccines becasue Jonas Salk gave away his polio vaccine for free and the PTB realized they have better make an org to profit from disease instead of curing it or doctors and big pharma wouldn’t profit.

By: Sunshine2 Sun, 24 Sep 2017 20:41:48 +0000 I don’t know. Maybe we’ll just have to wait and see (but not without writing new rules to the game in the meanwhile 🙂

By: Terri Sun, 24 Sep 2017 05:13:19 +0000 Thanks granny, for sharing. prayers and blessings for all the brave folk and those who are being left to suffer needlessly. Prayers for All People.

By: arcadia11 Sun, 24 Sep 2017 02:30:29 +0000 you mean game over?

By: Terri Sun, 24 Sep 2017 01:43:50 +0000 Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sunshine.

By: Terri Sun, 24 Sep 2017 01:38:39 +0000 Truth, our original Republic has devolved into a giant racketeering scheme.
millions are involved and benefit. Our founders knew this would probably happen, but gave the peasants an opportunity to rise above their state of fealty.
Jefferson said “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government,
so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution
so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”
This is the foundation of the Constitution, its laws and constraints are for the government, the creature the people created.

Income tax is one of the greatest frauds and racketeering schemes which deprive people of their right to property and ability to feed clothe house themselves well and to pursue life, liberty and happiness. Puerto Rico or port of RICO (which is the racketeering capital of the world) just got pummeled by a hurricane named after Santa Maria. Is this an esoteric message?

Income can not be taxable for it is simply an equal exchange, there is no profit. There are countless supreme court cases which are very clear about this. How can humans be free if they continue to pay for their own prison? If a significant number of people challenged this legally and lawfully, it would end. There are not enough criminals in government to stand up to an informed active intelligent population.

Here is something that is being used to stop another deadly scam; smart meters, and learn how our corrupt false government really works and what is being done about it.

By: maidinamerica Sat, 23 Sep 2017 06:10:21 +0000 Absolutely compelling! Thanks for sharing!

By: From Quebec Fri, 22 Sep 2017 23:35:24 +0000 The corruption is so deep, that it is almost impossible to stop it.. It would require to fire most of the members of the FDA, or, to completely abolish this corrupt agency..

What could be done? First, there should be a ban on drugs coming from countries like China.who have no regulation whatsoever.

Better yet, turn to alternative medicine. There are enough reliable Internet alternative medicine sites to help people with health problems.

Or, find the best of the best of drug reviewers, and let them create a new kind of FDA. One that is rum by peoples who really care for the well being of it citizens.

By: The Proletariat's Uncompromising War On Art Fri, 22 Sep 2017 23:23:04 +0000 Don’t forget to get your flu shot now at Drugworld Pharmacy.
If you get sick two days later it had nothing to do with the flu shot comrade.
Forward! The Great Leap Forward.

By: Sunshine2 Fri, 22 Sep 2017 21:17:20 +0000 I read this article early this morning. Have read it before, and was still thinking about it later while walking through the rain. The most beautiful rainbow formed in the sky right before my eyes. And a realization almost knocked me off my feet. I did a mental face palm. Didn’t l know this all along – was I hiding this from myself?

I know, a little confusing. Here are the dots… When I saw the rainbow, God’s flag, not some group acronym’s flag, all the crazy stuff coming to light made sense. None of the medical and food corruption, Marxist teaching in school, decline of industry, etc. is an accident. This has been in the works for a few generations or longer. Heck, the FDA was probably an evil organization from its inception.

The goal of course is global rule. In order to do that you have to demoralize, destabilize, shock and then “normalize” nations. The rainbow flag was designed in the 70’s, but it’s only recently been embraced around the world, not just by gays but by other gender confused individuals, and also now by pedofiles. It’s so in your face. Ask yourself, if you are a Christian, who would want to take the amazingly beautiful rainbows God creates for us and pervert its meaning, what it symbolizes? We’ve been demoralized. Anything goes. (Re. Christianity- has anyone found a church in the last decade that doesn’t teach lies?)

Pretty sure we have been destabilized..ongoing destabilization. 911 was a huge shock. The subsequent normalization to homeland security, airport screenings, Govt overreach, fake news, false flags, endless hacking (who doesn’t have all of our personal info by now?), pushes to take away freedoms like choices in medicine and treatment, vaccines, how we raise our children and whether we can own guns. Most people won’t believe even one tiny instance of any of these things, even if you show them mountains of evidence.

Corporations are laying off employees left and right to the point they can barely operate, and not because they need to cut costs or purely out of greed. Do they know something we don’t? Are they being given incentives to commit suicide?

Meanwhile the tech giants are making out like bandits. Linked In, following their tech cousins, just opened a new 83 million euro facility in Ireland. Wasn’t reported in this country. Why?

Could it be that they know we are well on our way to becoming normalized for a Marxist Govt, and our time is limited?
