Comments on: The hypnotic symbols of modern medicine Wed, 23 Oct 2019 17:33:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: livingthedivineplay Wed, 03 Jan 2018 03:34:20 +0000 Very interesting. These symbols you mention are certainly conditioned in us, paired with positive images and a sense of security and well-being. May be extreme for others, but the majority of existing ailments are certainly psychosomatic, stemming from life-negative beliefs and thoughts. When immersed in this kind of an environment, the symbols you mentioned only make the low life image stronger. The first step to health is breaking bad beliefs and cognitions.

By: arcadia11 Mon, 02 Oct 2017 16:48:56 +0000 good point, jv.

By: JV Mon, 02 Oct 2017 15:56:28 +0000 Some of the other “symbols” I have observed in the pharmaceutical television commercials flooding the airwaves…
-smiling, happy patients playing with grandchildren
-smiling, happy patients at the beach, on the lake, etc.
-smiling, happy patients walking, laughing, talking wtih their ‘besties’
I think the power of media images may ENCOURAGE people to be sick/visit their doctor/take these drugs…just because they may be loneley or unhappy.

By: Kenny Mon, 02 Oct 2017 01:31:01 +0000 Dear Jon:


Anyway, I wanted to let you know about some of the health philosophies I’ve been researching lately. Mainly, they are the Natural Hygiene and Nature Cure treatments. They are very similar. Natural Hygiene does not use any drugs to treat disease. The core of the “system” is the idea that there is only one disease, toxemia.

Toxemia is basically the overburdening of the body with waste that it cannot use to repair tissue or put to any good use. When we get sick, it’s really just the body’s response to throw off a good amount of waste or morbid material. Examples would be catarrhs (mucous production), any of the “itis’s” (inflammation), and skin eruptions like eczema. So all of the named “diseases” stem from the same basic issue.

Herbert Shelton fasted thousands of people at his clinic in Texas throughout this last century. By fasting on water only he healed many many conditions. I haven’t finished his book, “The Science and Fine Art of Fasting” yet, but it’s amazing for him to talk about the different ailments he treated with fasting on pure water only.

With fasting, he talks about how the body has reserves it will tap into before actual starvation sets in. The body will break down all that toxic matter and convert what it can to energy and excrete the wastes through the various channels. I think the book is a great wealth of information.

You can find some of his books at and also under the health library, that’s for the latter link.

The other guy I came across is Louis Kuhne from Germany. His book, “The New Science of Healing or the doctrine of the Oneness of all Diseases, forming the basis of a Uniform Method of Cure, without Medicines and without Operations” spells out the one disease theory and he tells about many case histories as well. I don’t even think he was a doctor, but he employed sitz baths and friction baths to get the lymph moving to get rid of the cellular wastes with great results.

I wrote because I know you have the ability to reach many people that might benefit from these ideas of they choose to. I wrote up an article for Ken Adachi, whom I try and keep in touch about these same ideas, but I haven’t seen it posted yet.

Thanks for all your writings, especially on vaccination! I think the one disease theory makes sense. How could all the crap in a vaccine possibly help anyone?

Take care, and thanks for listening.

P.S. I was having skin issues, various excema outbreaks, nothing crazy – I fasted for 4 days on distilled water and my hands cleared up. They hadn’t been fully healed in about 2 whole years! I was happy, to say the least.

I haven’t tried the sitz or friction baths yet because we are building a new house and are living with my in-laws. Oh, the other big thing for health is food combining. Shelton wrote a book on that also. The stomach can’t digest carbs & proteins at the same time so digestion is impaired and poison is leftover that can’t be utilized as nutrition.


Kenny […]

By: Karla Akins (@KarlaAkins) Fri, 29 Sep 2017 14:36:01 +0000 See, I feel the same way, but the medical community views it differently. Like someone said in the comments, they can’t swallow anymore so they don’t do an IV for fluids so that it doesn’t rack up medical bills. But he was a veteran, so I don’t really understand that, either. And like you said, this cancer is a fast killer, so I don’t understand the added suffering of no fluids. From what I understand it’s a painful way to suffer and die.

By: Lord-Pi-314 Fri, 29 Sep 2017 04:24:00 +0000 My mother died from Pancreatic Cancer. They put her thru Chemo (What a waste ), but they never denied her food or water. Who in their right mind would do such a thing, especially since PC is a relatively quick way to go as it is. There ought to be a law against such a thing, even if the patient put that in their living will. Before the fact, there is no way a person could make an informed decision as to what it is like to have food & water withheld. How utterly barbaric and cruel that is.

By: Lea Mon, 25 Sep 2017 18:31:47 +0000 Thank you again Jon for telling it like it is.

Here, I’d like to share some of my favorite doctors comments on a mechanical , lower ack condition called,” Lum-ar facial fat herniation”.
There are many other fancy names as well.
Not one of 8 doctors I’ve seen so far would look up the condition and its treatment.
It is common and causes great pain in around 30% of folks who have them.
Fatty tissue lumps on the lower -ack often caused -y lifting heavy things.
Simply, exploded fatty tissue through the ack muscle resulting in often painful lumps.

I’ve gone to the referred docs like the Thoracic surgeon, Orthopedic surgeon, a dermatologist, a pain specialist and the standard family physician who refer me to folks like these who just don’t want to know.
Here are their findings.

“They aren’t the cause of your pain”. Pain specialist

“We , (the Royal “We”?,don’t take them out…. unless you pay me”. Thoracic surgeon

“Here’s a script for core strengthening”. (Orthopedic surgeon, after saying, “Were you hoping for something weird and wonderful)”?

“They don’t cause your pain.”, (Dermatologist… said 7 times in 10 minutes).

And the classic from yet another pain specialist,

“YOU aren’t a doctor”.

The last one told me “I know more than he does” when asked to look at the M.D’s pulished findings on the internet with case studies and positive treatment results.
He did not read or look it up. None would.
The condition has een know to surgeons since 1939.
Even when holding a copy of the treatment , not one doc would take the one minute to read it.
At least they’re all admitting to ignorance yet decide to remain so.
Ego and willful ignorance.
I’m wondering whether I should resort to plain ol’ whining on the next attempt for help.
Serves me right though, coming in all cocky like, knowing how to help myself and doing the research for them.

Thank you Jon Rappoport for all your great writing and for allowing me to complain.

By: Karla Reisch Akins Mon, 25 Sep 2017 16:52:55 +0000 Sharing your pain, Jennifer, comforted me, thank you for being vulnerable. I have decided not to go back to see him. I want to remember him differently. Thank you, again.

By: Jennifer Mon, 25 Sep 2017 16:04:36 +0000 Don’t feel bad about not going to see your friend. My best friend, my husband, also had cancer and I wish I had never gone to see him the last night of his life. I try to erase the image.

We tried many natural therapies to no avail. He had an acute childhood emotional event he could never clear. We were so glad for the pain killers and in the end he didn’t want to eat. I think they call it cachexia.

I am sorry.

By: Greg C. Mon, 25 Sep 2017 14:09:04 +0000 “Denying food and water” is a standard option, when the patient can’t swallow or eat normally. Then they can give the patient morphine to make them comfortable as possible. It’s not an easy thing to decide, but the idea is to not prolong suffering and run up huge medical bills when there really is no chance of recovery.
