Comments on: JK Rowling, Clooney, Trudeau: put immigrants in your homes Tue, 26 Sep 2017 23:26:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doreen Agostino Tue, 26 Sep 2017 23:26:00 +0000 What about the Vatican? Pope Francis told Europeans to open their hearts and even homes to migrants.

And what about billionaire George Soros? In a letter to Bloomberg Business, Soros, a member of the Bilderberg Group/New World Order, admitted HE is the one acting behind the scenes to fund the MANUFACTURED refugee “crisis” in Europe. Soros created a fraudulent group MASQUERADING as a conservative one, backed by left-wing foundations including his Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS). The group launched an online advertising campaign in defense of bringing Syrian refugees to the United States.

By: Dominus Tue, 26 Sep 2017 00:32:28 +0000 Trudeau 2 shouldn’t feel displaced. After all his ancestors chose Canada 10,000 years ago when they crossed the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska and onwards into the Great White North. He is a genuine 50% native person. His father Trudeau 1, was 100% native. If you observe their facial features closely and picture them in war bonnets of eagle feathers; they are clearly from the native indigenous profile. Trudeau 1 was adopted by an affluent Montreal French-Canadian family. He was a coward because he avoided military service in WW 2 courtesy of fake medicals. All Canadian veterans are aware of this poignant point. C’est vrai ! Trudeau 2 should be a brave metis and allow migrants to settle in tents or at least teepees on the grounds of 24 Sussex Drive, Ottawa. In native speak the capital Ottawa means ‘meeting place’, how positively ironic !

By: maidinamerica Mon, 25 Sep 2017 23:33:25 +0000 I’m sure your good faith statement will pay off….As soon as anyone would realize there were no new Harry Potter books, movies, accessories, or fan clubs and having driving by the ‘ol Rowling place to see it overgrown and in shambles, would anyone notice? And Clooney and Trudeau, not to be outdone follow suit with currently no sign of Ms. Clooney, Clooney blockbusters, or communist dictates coming out of Canada, would anyone wake up?….

By: Larry Mon, 25 Sep 2017 19:55:35 +0000 GodDAMMIT, Rappoport …leave those poor lil’ rich kids alone!

By: Bunny Mon, 25 Sep 2017 17:33:23 +0000 They are ILLEGAL ALIENS ,not illegal immigrants.
I have several problems with the invasion by aliens.
The federal government is playing legal favoritism by letting only non-citizens (illegal aliens) break the law.
Since supposedly “We are all equal under the law” , clearly we should also be free to disregard federal law and break any of them at will.

one of federal government’s actual jobs as stated in the constitution is to protect the citizenry from invasion…federal government is too busy protecting Afghanistan’s borders and Iraq’s borders to protect OUR borders…since it is NOT doing what we pay it to do, we should stop paying taxes EN MASSE.

It is clearly absurd that law breaking aliens are protected by the constitution whereas actual taxpaying citizens who have lived here from birth are not.
Clearly this is CASE OF NOT REPRESENTING THE CITIZENRY, and as per writings of the founding fathers, we are free to DISSOLVE said government, and create one that actually does represent us

Upshot, please feel free to go to Mexico without a passport or papers, and see how long it takes to get thrown in jail.

By: bdoyen Mon, 25 Sep 2017 17:02:26 +0000 Think of our country as our great big house. We would no longer want invaders to cross our property lines and force their way into living in our personal home than we should allow them to cross our borders and live in our country illegally.

By: Marilyn Guinnane Mon, 25 Sep 2017 16:18:03 +0000 davidgaskill: You missed the point entirely, ol’ buddy..

By: Marilyn Guinnane Mon, 25 Sep 2017 16:17:03 +0000 Oh somebody, PLEASE, send a copy of this to Rob Reiner.

By: davidgaskill Mon, 25 Sep 2017 13:25:21 +0000 Unfortunately, this idea reinforces the notion that government should force ALL citizens at a certain level of income to take illegal immigrants into their homes.

By: rightwingconservativenewsblog Mon, 25 Sep 2017 13:21:14 +0000 Reblogged this on Right Wing Conservative Jew's News, Conservative Politics News Site and commented:
“Millionaires Muslim Migrant Maisons!”
