Comments on: Open letter to NFL players: you’re being used Sat, 30 Sep 2017 19:13:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: flowergirl Sat, 30 Sep 2017 19:13:22 +0000 I agree with your point of view especially with the asset seizure laws that Sessions loves so much and wants to promote which turns the police force into a criminal organization which they were already halfway there even without it. I see the the cops as thugs with guns who want to pull me over for accidentally crossing a line drawn on the street and then extort a $500 fine from me. And it does seem as if they are mostly racist and go after blacks quite a bit and it does seem to be getting worse. I am a white conservative libertarian btw.

However, this doesn’t negate what Mr R says in this article. Even if the statistics are lying, which I don’t doubt, his perspective is still valid and profound.

By: honestliberty Sat, 30 Sep 2017 04:15:06 +0000 ohh bleak. c’mon…
don’t kick over the plastic table and leave the tea party you hosted. Respond like an adult. Responding in that manner only provides us the information we already knew: you are a vapid social justice warrior, virtual signaling, wannabe intellectual.

However, there were some points that I agree with regarding the way some police treat civilians of all backgrounds. However, that article you posted was far too insufficient to make your points.
Come back and really get to the core. Or maybe, push yourself and let’s talk about how the idea that police are necessary is mind control and obvious slavery. Why? There is no such thing as external authority. Let’s talk about the realness of our individuality. Are you willing to engage in that level of debate?

“FUCK YOU.” ? C’mon bleak, thats child’s play. Grow up. Get real. Let us get down and dirty into some legitimate conversation about what really matters.

By: skip barker Thu, 28 Sep 2017 20:25:09 +0000 Great work only hope it does not fall on deaf ears, and blind eyes.

By: beverly Thu, 28 Sep 2017 04:06:59 +0000 An electronic thumbs up to your on-point article Mr. Rappoport. This anthem kerfluffle is another in a long line of “events” manufactured or instigated by powers that be to 1) oust Trump or weaken his ability to govern; and 2) to distract/divide/conquer the sheeple which makes it easier for powers to cement a fascist agenda. I have the feeling Kaepernik’s Rosa Parks moment may have been a covert op courtesy of Soros. The guy was pretty mild mannered and after a lousy 2015 season he suddenly he turns into Malcolm X. Notice how we now rarely if ever hear anything from Kaepernik. If he was so passionate about “the cause,” one would expect to see him in the news often leading protest marches, giving interviews on the issue, etc. The black masses (don’t call p.c. police; I’m black) have been unwitting dupes of Democrats and liberal elites for a long time. The corrupt, self-appointed black misleadership class is as big an impediment to progress as the right wing scarecrows they use to keep the bleeple in line. Athletes can kneel for the next 10 years and police brutality will still be a problem – along with the 99 other problems many of which Rappoport talks about in this article and on the Richie Allen Show interview. If Kaepernik and friends really want to make a difference, they’d pool their funds to build a factory in Detroit, Chicago, or Baltimore that makes merchandise/equipment for NFL and other sports leagues. Start out small with one or two plants to provide jobs including jobs for people with criminal records who have major difficulty finding work. Pay decent wages of at least 15/hr to lift help people out of poverty. Solicit venture capital from grandstanders like Spike Lee (he’s trying to get Kaepernik a job in NFL; try creating jobs for the millions of blacks who really need a hand!) and the liberal snowflakes in the entertainment world. BTW, white people also are victims of questionable and plain old WTF police tactics too. But the media doesn’t report these stories because it benefits the powers that be to treat police brutality as a “black issue.” I am not making light of the real problem of “police gone wild.” I am saying the black masses have even bigger problems that they need to address and this has to be done at the grassroots level. You can’t depend on the black misleadershippers and their Democrat plantation handlers who’ve done nothing in the past 4 decades to improve your lot in life.

By: Dwight Thu, 28 Sep 2017 02:36:35 +0000 When blacks have turned inward to deal with our problems, racist whites have blunted those efforts. Remember Marcus Garvey was building black businesses and the government deported him.
Remember in Oklahoma blacks were building thriving black businesses and racist whites burned what was CALLED BLACK Wall Street to the ground. So, if you mean well write an article telling racist whites to keep their hands off of our progress. Tell Trump to keep his Cointelpro operations out of our economic building organizations. There are whites who DON’T want us to progress. Keep them at bay or they Will be dupes for the illuminati and stir up a hornets nest.
There are those among blacks who will build and progress. We need racist, envious whites to keep their hands off.

By: Bud Wed, 27 Sep 2017 19:56:42 +0000 Not being ‘Used’
Naggers gonna nag. By and large they resent and hate whites, and white institutions. The police force is part of parcel of white society, order and law.
Deport Liberia or Haiti.
SNF or Serious Negro Fatigue has really set in

By: bleak (@bleak) Wed, 27 Sep 2017 16:37:13 +0000 f*ck you.

By: arcadia11 Wed, 27 Sep 2017 15:38:44 +0000 nicely summarized : – }

By: neil Wed, 27 Sep 2017 12:11:15 +0000 Brilliant dissection once again Jon. Thank you.

By: Noel Gillett Wed, 27 Sep 2017 10:45:46 +0000 Police shooting are the smokescreen, and the antics of the NFL are being coordinated with Black Lives Matter so as to distract from the fire–economic war and mass incarceration, a.k.a “The New Jim Crow”. The fact of Kaepernick’s name starting with a K (K-Street lobbyists, Special K Cereal, the cereal of serial killers and the twin pillars of the temple of Solomon) and his jersey number being the Freemasonic “lucky number 7” (the G) on a team called the 49ers which is 7 squared and has digits referring to the number 13 (as in the Kingship of the thirteenth bloodline) thereby confers the nature of his antics as being that of a typical sigil. Ho hum. It’s all about triggering the right wing backlash, all choreographed and pageantry pushed to the limit. Same as it ever was.
