Comments on: A truly free and open market Tue, 20 Nov 2018 16:00:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: NaturalWoman Tue, 20 Nov 2018 16:00:14 +0000 Why not go to someone who can heal your own liver? I’ve seen this happen, it can be done. Instead, you’ve twice subjected yourself to a very harmful outrageously expensive surgery at others people’s expense, getting another liver that has you don’t know what kind of issues.

By: ANdres Wed, 04 Oct 2017 21:12:33 +0000 We could agree, but something great tragedies or events produce changes in the less expected manner, so we never know and many things can happen.

By: kennyalligood Wed, 04 Oct 2017 17:20:54 +0000 Regardless of what big ideals and utopian dreams you add to something, compulsory acts do not constitute a human right. In the US there is compulsory education and health insurance (and many other things contrary to the ‘land of the free’ misnomer) but as is evident from both industries they are failing miserably with billions in dollars in taxes already thrown down those drains.

Our society is geared where everything has a value and we need to toil till our end days to survive it. Human nature is such that greed and looking out for ‘you and yours’ is the most important care. These things need to be changed before pie in the sky dreams like you suggested could be reasonably discussed.

By: greg Wed, 04 Oct 2017 09:21:32 +0000 The corrupt NHMRC is doing what it can to prevent access to natural therapies in Australia, by producing a ludicrous report that claims that none of the 17 therapies looked at are effective.
The same morons also produced reports ignoring wind turbine syndrome and harm from fluoride. Are they evil or just plain stupid?

By: ANdres Wed, 04 Oct 2017 01:24:14 +0000 How is healthcare a human right?, ideally in a healthy society we should care for each other, why are we providing free education? In reality nothing is “free” but paid with our taxes, in theory we have free education because as a society we would like to have an educated population that eventually will benefit all of us economically, socially,etc.etc. I believe that people understand or at least in many societies that having access to free education is a human right. We can discuss about the quality of education but this would be another topic due to the complexity of the issue.
I believe that with healthcare the same principle applies, at least is a value accepted in the majority of developed countries, of course prevention should be the first step of any healthcare system but once people are sick society should take care of them without letting nobody behind, eventually everything depends on our values therefore many could disagree. Do we want a humanitarian society or do we want everyone on his own? It depends on what we define what is a human right? Therefore in the majority of developed societies a healthcare system that is paid with our taxes is accepted as a human right. ANd if we look at statistics the states spent much more money in healthcare per inhabitant than other developed nations yet the results are not as good in comparison.

By: kennyalligood Tue, 03 Oct 2017 17:06:30 +0000 How is health care a human right? Certainly you can lambaste the system and I completely agree with those points but attributing that industry to a human right, I miss how that works in a system that bases everything on some monetary value – which I feel is the very foundation of what is wrong in this world.

By: ANdres Tue, 03 Oct 2017 14:57:48 +0000 I don’t understand why in the USA people still consider medicine as a commodity, I live in Canada and had 2 liver transplants and everything by free, if this would happened in the USA I would be dead or homeless, almost every developed country has a similar system where everybody is covered, is our system perfect? Of course not but in general much better in terms of coverage and fairness, doesn’t matter if you are poor or rich. ON top our system costs much less per inhabitant than yours, how is possible that a country that spent so much money on wars and social control is not able to provide a decent health care system for their own people?, are you so brainwashed? Sorry to say it but because I admire the USA for many achievements but a fair health coverage is a basic human right and many people seem to believe that hat it should be a business.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 03 Oct 2017 03:32:39 +0000 Jon

I would suggest you could have stopped at “your dollar” and continued with a very different article. Until you lance the boil and expose the poison, I’m afraid the rest is window dressing; symptoms of “unknown causes”.


By: Terri Tue, 03 Oct 2017 01:30:12 +0000 Western medical priests and the drug pushing pharmaceutical manufacturers know if medicine was a true free market, they would go out of business because people would be able to discover real results from real practitioners; those who practice natural medicine and understand what vibrant health really is..

By: James Freeman Mon, 02 Oct 2017 19:11:34 +0000 The answer is ‘LIMITED GOVERNMENT’.
