Comments on: Las Vegas mass shooting: more than one shooter? Mon, 06 Nov 2017 22:39:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Noelle Mon, 06 Nov 2017 22:39:39 +0000 Where have I been? I Thought everyone knew Adams was controlled opposition? Love your description of him!

By: Lin0 Marchetti Mon, 06 Nov 2017 20:28:35 +0000 if you are talking about Mike CIA insurgent Adams…then please reboot your opinion of him and look at him like the 2nd slickest used car salesmen of this century. He tells some truths to gain followers and Report…then he does 180deg flip and goes all government narrative on you. Ask yourself, where did this guy all of a sudden come from!? Have you seen his lab? How could he afford that lab? Is he really a scientist!? Where is the proof barbara vick? – Anyway, much of what he says about everything does not logically fit into the real world. However if he is trying to prove that there were multiple shooters…well it does not take any supposed scientist to figure that out so I think he has lost some credibility somewhere else and he’s doing that audio forensic breakdown to build his credibility back up with new viewers to his multiple websites.

By: Lin0 Marchetti Mon, 06 Nov 2017 20:18:08 +0000 TRUTH=RATES OF FIRE FOR M60=500 / AK-47=600 / M14=700 & what you hear on every video is only fucking 500/minute. So the only gun used in the attack was ONE KIND, an M-60 from the 1950’s, set up with a gatling trigger and belt fed. Please please stop telling your ignorant truths and learn how to count beats / gunshot reports. My theory is multiple M-60’s were used in this event. IF people were actually killed / injured by gunfire. IF not, then IRAC makes custom Rate-Of-Fire sim-fire guns for hollywood…Also iRobot makes electronic remote systems that can fire any weapon…

By: barbara vick Fri, 20 Oct 2017 06:34:34 +0000 There has been an audio forensics breakdown done by a scientist who does that sort of thing for a living AND he happens to be an avid long distance target shooter. Basically, he knows whereof he speaks. Just put in audio forensics of two shooters and it should come up. His proof is backed up by some of the videos showing gunfire coming from the second, closer location.

By: Theodore Sun, 15 Oct 2017 17:42:31 +0000 Fleshing out my theory on there being multiple shooters — both human and human-operated drones carrying long rifles…

By: Marilyn Guinnane Thu, 05 Oct 2017 20:15:38 +0000 Ha’ashkee Ndaa (etc) — Please refer to one of Jon’s most recent posts with the video taken by a Ballagio Hotel guest. Nothing about this case points to a lone gunman! Where, for instance, are the casings in Paddock’s suite? Were they all picked up except the few shown on camera? There would have to be a plethora of casings! You know what I now think? I think the poor slob never fired any shots. He was picked as a patsy, murdered, and trained experts sent a volley of bullets onto the music attendees from various other venues. It’s being said by military men that the location of Paddock’s hotel suite was too far from the crowd for the bullets to maintain velocity. In other words, the bullets would’ve petered out. I don’t have any knowledge of this sort of thing; am just passing along what I’ve read.

By: Ha'ashkee Ndaa'Ke'O'N'dee Thu, 05 Oct 2017 19:10:04 +0000 The rates of fire of an AK-47, M-14, and M-60 are between 600 and 750 rounds a minute. The lone gun-man, Stephen “Lee Harvey” Paddock, fired a large (.30) caliber rifle/machine-gun, full-auto intermittently, for around 4 minutes. A banana “clip” magazine holds 30 rounds. In no more than 20 seconds “Lee” fired 90 bullets on target and that time includes loading the 2nd and 3rd banana “clips” of each 3-clip unit. In 1 minute our boy fired at least 270 rounds. In the much less than the 4 minutes he fired all 900 rounds of 30 magazines, on target. About 600 people were killed or wounded. Some bullets missed people on the way down but ricocheted off the pavement and killed or wounded people on the way back up and out. Some other bullets went through the 1st victim and struck a 2nd person. So, “Lee Harvey” missed with more than 300 shots but still hit close to 600 people. Do the math, the numbers add up. Paddock was the lone gun-man.

By: David Abel Thu, 05 Oct 2017 02:15:58 +0000 Let me guess, during a mass casualty situation, you’re going to take your time and precisely count the proper number so you can give an idea? It was a rough guess so they had a basis on where to initially search

By: Dawn L. Hernandez Wed, 04 Oct 2017 18:41:23 +0000 If he was indeed the only person involved, he likely smuggled the weapons in inside of large pieces of luggage. He had a history of long stays in comped rooms at casinos. From the viewpoint of hotel management, he would have large pieces of luggage. I also think he would leave these weapons locked inside of the luggage until time to use them. A good ammo crate will hold a couple thousands rounds–but will weigh a ton. Question: Do hotel maids go into the customer’s luggage uninvited? I would think that would be a firing offense. I’m not convinced a maid would have known his intentions, and he might have used the “do not disturb” sign, as pointed out by Marilyn.

By: flyinggabriel Wed, 04 Oct 2017 09:55:36 +0000 Even so, hangering and maintaing two of them isn’t cheap. Seems his lifestyle was pretty comfortable and well funded.
