Comments on: False flag in Vegas shooting? Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:33:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: elantoh Thu, 09 Nov 2017 15:18:05 +0000 Jon, the David Icke website published your article verbatum with no credit:

By: Theodore Sun, 15 Oct 2017 17:41:16 +0000 Fleshing out my theory on there being multiple shooters — both human and human-operated drones carrying long rifles…

By: Theodore Sat, 07 Oct 2017 13:46:25 +0000 Addendum…

ref this from Buck:

ref this reply from flyinggabriel:

ref this video: /watch?v=zodiGpCdBzQ

My reply…

Between the 42 and 44 sec mark, I do hear what seem to be two ricochets (in the concert event pit).

Parallel to this… eye-witness reports are coming in saying that more than one type of full-auto gun fire SOUNDS were occurring simultaneously.

So, how to account for just the two (so few!) ricochets in the video vs the ostensibly overwhelming number of full-auto rounds being shot (ostensibly causing the associated full-auto SOUND)?

I’m hypothesizing that there were additional multiple shooters “on the ground” — and, much closer to the venue, using semi-auto (NOT full-auto) rifles carrying out sniper operations on the crowd.

This hypothesis is attempt to account for what Buck is saying AND hearing SO FEW ricochet SOUNDS in the many cellphone videos taken by the eye-witnesses AND for accounting for actual deaths and injuries due to gun shots. I’m mean, the number of ricochet SOUNDS from “a sustained rain of full-auto bullets” should be frequently heard (my conjecture).

By: Theodore Sat, 07 Oct 2017 13:29:44 +0000 ref: “Were any actual bullets found on the festival grounds?” Good question. And, also, speaking of any actual bullets found on the festival [astroturf],… in the concert pit videos, i see NO flashes coming of off the alleged ‘many bullets’ ricocheting off the astroturf.


And, I hope the SOUND of “full auto” was not being played through the City of Las Vegas’s EXISTING “Intellistreets” INFRASTRUCTURE, but that the jerks at least took the time to stage their own one-off speaker system. If the former, then talk about rubbing our faces in it…

The following article is from Nov 2013…

“The wireless, LED lighting, computer-operated lights are not only capable of illuminating streets, THEY CAN ALSO PLAY MUSIC, interact with pedestrians and are equipped with video screens, which can display police alerts, weather alerts and traffic information. The high tech lights can also stream live video of activity in the surrounding area.” (emphasis added)

Yeah,… THEY CAN ALSO PLAY MUSIC (a recording of full-auto machine gun SOUNDS), see page-4. It shows Las Vegas as one of their references.

This hypothesis implies Paddock and Paddock’s hotel room was staged!

The evidence is pointing to multiple SOUNDS of full-auto, AND, the evidence is also pointing to SO FEW loud and distinct ricochet SOUNDS from the eye-witness’ video in the concert pit. I believe there is currently NO eye-witness testimony — from those in the concert pit — about ‘many, many’ loud and disturbing wizzing-by of bulets.

Within the context of this hypothesis, it looks like the “Techno sound DJs” overlooked having to also play the ‘sustained-rain’ of ricochet SOUNDS in the concert pit, or, deemed it to ‘too much effort’ to stage the speakers for that, or, deemed it too challenging to make the ricochet SOUND sound ‘authentic’?! Hey, using a directed-energy acoustic ‘Voice of God’ weapon, you could beam in the ‘sustained-rain’ of ricochet SOUNDS, no? They didn’t think of that or have access to that weapon? BUT, then I guess, even if you did that, it still would not give you the ricochet SPARKS.

Here’s an article Infowars did in Nov 2013 on the “Intellistreets” technology installed in the “street lights and street furniture” in Vegas…

Las Vegas Installs “Intellistreets” Light Fixtures Capable Of Recording Conversations

by Mikael Thalen

November 9, 2013

here’s the quote…

“The Las Vegas setup surrounding City Hall includes such features as emergency notification flashers, PLAYABLE MUSIC AND A SOUND ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM, all controlled from an Ipad. (emphasis added)

“‘Actually, there’s a server that’s housed by the company that’s providing this product and we’re communicating with just a wireless, wi-fi connection,’ Neil Rohleder of the Public Works Department told My News 3.”

By: Tom Sat, 07 Oct 2017 09:13:05 +0000 Yes but it seems that at some time after 911 these serial perps realized that they could fake it just as well without actually killing anyone. That explains a lot of the false flags since 911.

By: Tom Sat, 07 Oct 2017 09:09:26 +0000 Victims and shooter were all actors. Nobody died.

By: Tom Sat, 07 Oct 2017 09:06:19 +0000 Yep, the whole thing was fake, indeed.

By: Tom Sat, 07 Oct 2017 09:02:32 +0000 “no other civilized country has the same problem with gun murders as the United States”

Pure balderdash.

By: Tom Sat, 07 Oct 2017 08:51:36 +0000 Thank you for explaining the bullshit so well. Now I don’t feel so alone any more.

By: Tom Sat, 07 Oct 2017 08:41:53 +0000 100% correct except that Paddock is also an actor and not dead at all.
