Comments on: More than one Vegas shooter, the evidence builds Sun, 15 Oct 2017 17:42:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theodore Sun, 15 Oct 2017 17:42:01 +0000 Fleshing out my theory on there being multiple shooters — both human and human-operated drones carrying long rifles…

By: doncline Thu, 12 Oct 2017 00:52:43 +0000 Given that nearly every politician with a ‘D’ after his or her name has used the Las Vegas tragedy to justify more gun control at the same time they admit, categorically, that no gun control law would have prevented the Las Vegas tragedy — and now ten turncoat Republicans have signed onto a bill imposing a five- or ten-year sentence for anyone found to be in possession of a “rate of fire enhancement device” — without identifying what that may be, shoelace, belt-loop, lighter trigger pull, shorter reset, quicker finger, etc., making the legislation ‘void for vagueness’ — I think it should be fairly easy to identify who these liberal monsters are.

By: flyinggabriel Wed, 11 Oct 2017 12:12:32 +0000 I agree with both bonos. If we could only nail who these “Leftists monsters” really are ….

By: JL Wed, 11 Oct 2017 05:13:55 +0000 Good info, but the guy was not a sniper by definition.

By: JL Wed, 11 Oct 2017 05:11:43 +0000 It doesnt take military experience to do what he did. Guns were invented to be easy to fire, cf crossbows, cf bows. He fired at a massive crowd of 20,000 people. Shooting randomly, its almost a given that 1 in 40 would get hit with bullets, shrapnel, and stampeding. That more werent hit is a testament to how quickly everyone took cover. If there were a second shooter, depending on location, the death and injury toll would have been doubled. A second shooter is plausible, but the investigators said they found no one interacting with Paddock in surveillance video.

By: doncline Tue, 10 Oct 2017 17:55:43 +0000 And rightfully so, given that the only other beneficiaries of a mass shooting are the Leftist monsters who dance in the blood of the fallen in their efforts to deprive everyone of their rights — all their rights, not merely their right to keep and bear arms, for without the right to keep and bear arms we have no defense against the destruction of all ou rights. Oh, and do I need to point out the destruction of our 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 10th Amendment rights occasioned by background checks compelled as a precondition to the exercise of the government privilege to keep and bear arms? Government has no authority to issue or deny permission to exercise a right, and background checks have never prevented a crime in the history of the planet — and were never intended to. They were and are intended to sucker law-abiding citizens into waiving the aforementioned rights so government can claim they have none left to exercise when the ‘permission’ is revoked.

By: doncline Tue, 10 Oct 2017 17:48:25 +0000 If you work in the metallurgical field then you also know that in the absence of very careful controls (such as that imposed by microprocessor-controlled demolition) steel will not soften everywhere to the same degree at the same time, and that’s why the engineering firms who design controlled demolition of buildings make the big bucks: Without controlled demolition, demolition causes buildings to fall over, not come down in their own footprint. Oh, and do I have to point out that in the absence of being hit by an airplane, there was no reason — other than controlled demolition — for Building 7 to come down in its own footprint either.

By: ruffsoft Tue, 10 Oct 2017 03:59:10 +0000 RE Sandy Hook (a poison the well promotion of the CIA): Newtown’s only undertaker (or is he another of the hundreds of hired actors?) stated: “Honan said his staff at the funeral home has been given the grim task of trying to hide the bullet holes for a week’s worth of wakes.

“We’re trained to cover them up,” he said. “We have people with special skills to do that. Some caskets will be open and some will be closed.”

An open casket, he added, “brings the reality of the situation to light and helps bring closure” for the families. Honan said his clients are “handling it well overall . . . considering what is happening.”

Just as bad money drives out good, absurd conspiracy theories, serve to protect the guilty from the valid conspiracy allegations. The only beneficiaries of mass shootings are the gun makers whose sales soar and whose stock prices rise. Cui bono?

By: Steve Tue, 10 Oct 2017 03:34:46 +0000 I work in the metallurgic field jet fuel does not have to melt steel. Steel loses most of its structural strength well below the melting point.

By: ruffsoft Tue, 10 Oct 2017 02:55:10 +0000 “Honan (Newtown’s only undertaker said his staff at the funeral home has been given the grim task of trying to hide the bullet holes for a week’s worth of wakes.

“We’re trained to cover them up,” he said. “We have people with special skills to do that. Some caskets will be open and some will be closed.”

An open casket, he added, “brings the reality of the situation to light and helps bring closure” for the families. Honan said his clients are “handling it well overall . . . considering what is happening.”

[Who] has been lying to you?
