Comments on: Was the Vegas shooter a patsy? Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:32:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joyce Wed, 17 Jan 2018 23:38:11 +0000 Love your logic which resonates with truth. Perhaps if someone went back and asked the the hotel employees working the hotel the day before and the night of, if they recall anyone purported to be making deliveries going to that suite and particularly if the maid from 3 days before and the day of the LV shooting recall if his suite had a do not disturb sign outside the door, considering that policeman’s remark about Paddock’s remains!

By: Joyce Wed, 17 Jan 2018 23:30:15 +0000 Seem to recall one mention made that one of the policemen on the scene of paddocks suite allegedly remarked that he had viewed many bodies and it looked like Paddock had been dead a few day already when they entered the suite after the LV shooting! Wondering if that policeman is still alive, since several of the survivors have died accidental deaths, and it seems to be concentrated among those reporting shots coming from more areas – even shooters inside the panicking audience!

By: Joyce Tue, 21 Nov 2017 23:01:31 +0000 Really appreciate his remarks about McVeigh being a patsy. Seeing a letter addressed to Obama by a Jesse Trentadue regarding Obama’s appointing Eric Holder, Jr. as Attorney General and protesting because Holder blocked the investigation of his brother Kenneth Trentadue. The time of his death made me think it had to be connected to the OKC and sent me digging deeply on line because that name had never been mentioned in the MSM during the furor over OKC. In the files on OKC, found Eric Holder, Jr. was on the federal payroll prior to the OKC, in a special office created just for him and was appointed to investigate the death of Kenneth Trentadue, who allegedly hung himself with bed sheets while under federal detention in Oklahoma/ Family said no way it was suicide. When first digging found video of Eric Holder interviewing medical examiner who did post mortem on remains of Kenneth Trentadue. Found warden of prison had graciously offered to cremate the body for free and ship his ashes to the family. Wise mother
declined the offer and she and his wife assisted the medical examiner in removing all the concealing make up they had put on him – saying it was so thick they had to scrape it off with dull knives. Google the name & prepare to view remains that appear to have been tortured, not a suicide. The medical examiner told Eric Holder (not realizing that he was the fox guarding the hen house) that this was a homicide, not a suicide, but with what the federal government was saying, he couldn’t put as cause of death so he had put unable to determine the exact cause of death. Also found an allegation that Eric Holder, Jr. had signed papers authorizing the release of the materials allegedly used by McVeigh to be released to him. McVeigh and Nichols said they had planned to use those materials at night – when the building would have been empty. A week or two later went back to site searching for an answer not found in earlier digging. Found the video of Holder interviewing the medical examiner and the allegation of Eric Holder, Jr. signing papers authorizing the release of the materials to McVeigh had been removed and no answer to my question, so tried typing “To whom, or what agency, was the papers signed by Eric Holder, Jr. authorizing the release of materials to Timothy McVeigh go?” The answer returned to my question was “the FBI”. Those old enough to remember that event won’t need to be reminded there were 3 undetonated ones inside the ruins and 3 FBI agents fingerprints were on found on them!

By: Ken Cybulska Sun, 29 Oct 2017 08:30:07 +0000 Re: Vegas Shooter -UR asking the wrong Qs: What was he HIGH ON?? Why no Official Toxicology Report? Was it the same thing that happened to me? […]

By: Theodore Sun, 15 Oct 2017 17:38:03 +0000 Fleshing out my theory on there being multiple shooters — both human and human-operated drones carrying long rifles…

By: Ghzsd Tue, 10 Oct 2017 03:40:27 +0000 Another strange thing is why the shooting stopped after 10 minutes. I doubt paddock even knew of the events planned that night. Motive? George Soros plot to get guns out of our hands? Who knows, but paddock makes NO sense at all.

By: Jeff Norman Sun, 08 Oct 2017 08:21:37 +0000 “How did Stephen Paddock, the purported Vegas shooter, get all those weapons into his Mandalay Hotel suite?” Put guns inside luggage, put luggage on a luggage cart, rolled cart into elevator and then to room. It happens constantly. Not the least bit suspicious.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 08 Oct 2017 02:47:19 +0000 No your a spook.

By: Michael Burns Sun, 08 Oct 2017 02:46:18 +0000 I don’t want to believe the media…I don’t even tune in to what they have to say…what they have to say is lies.

Now what if there’s two operation going on here…hm. Sin city; it’s not hard to find a patsy.

By: the postman Sat, 07 Oct 2017 17:20:02 +0000 It could be that we didn’t see the entire plan unfold and those weapons were intended for use later.
