Comments on: Vegas shooting: real vs. fake Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:31:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: nanabaakan Thu, 25 Jan 2018 00:21:03 +0000 @Alex, I must say that I agree with you, thanks for stopping by. Blessings

By: Theodore Sun, 15 Oct 2017 17:37:36 +0000 Fleshing out my theory on there being multiple shooters — both human and human-operated drones carrying long rifles…

By: Steve Grage Tue, 10 Oct 2017 16:36:47 +0000 You don’t employ crisis actors if the event is real. A staged event will employ crisis actors as has been done in the past. There is no shooting, bombing, car, or truck victims. The modus operandus of the perps is not to actually kill anyone. Las Vegas appears more of the same. I have not seen one shooting victim, evidence of bullets, etc. Plus, pouring blood on a crisis actor with no wound doesn’t sell a wound to me.

By: Trish Tue, 10 Oct 2017 11:25:12 +0000 Gaslighting

By: Abe Tue, 10 Oct 2017 09:04:30 +0000 I’m wondering if they going to Loretta Fuddy Paddock? (fake death and move out of the country) If there even was a Stephen Paddock? I’m starting to think this whole Paddock thing is miss direction to make people look up, instead of down. The media is totally ignoring the “Active Shooter” at gate #7 early on the police scanner tape. Plus it sounds like there were several drive bys going on at other casinos at the same time. That $100,000.00 he wired should of set off a
“Suspicious Activity Report” (SAR). 10 grand or more is to set off a SAR to keep us safe! One could live quite well, off a 100 grand in the Philippines. I didn’t want to leave 10 years ago when I was there.

By: CPP Tue, 10 Oct 2017 05:36:19 +0000 The illogic comes in when you equate a film acting performance (even a good one) to what you think real life behavior should look like, and say that if it doesn’t look that way it must be the bad acting of crisis actors. It’s fallacious reasoning.

An on-screen performance meant to express as much raw emotion as possible vs. people being filmed/interviewed during and after a traumatic event in various stages of shock and grief and with various ways of processing it are night and day by comparison. Not to mention interviewers stopping and cutting out parts where the interviewees become more emotional (as in the first vid I linked to) — essentially the opposite of what a movie director would do.

It’s easy to contrast bad acting with great acting, but you can’t just map that comparison onto crisis acting vs. real response. Acting (which can be judged on how “good” it is) vs. real (which can’t) is much less straightforward to compare than acting vs. acting. The bad crisis acting you speak of should look distinctly off-key or forced, even to those not looking for it, to even begin to question the person(s) authenticity (assuming that’s all you have to go on regarding the person(s)).

“People filmed WW2 and Vietnam under fire, and it’s much easier today.” Yes, but they knew they were going into battle, planned filming into it, and these wars lasted years. Smartphones now, yes, but in the context of a few minutes of a surprise attack on unprepared civilians. You might as well ask why a bunch of North African migrants didn’t take selfies in the water after their boat capsized in the Mediterranean, given that you got such good footage on your scuba diving trip.

How would people know if they were in a safe position without knowing exactly where the firing was originating, where it would be aimed next, how many assailants there were, if they were on the move, what the ammunition being fired could traverse, etc.? You wouldn’t know you were safe unless you were too far from the action to capture bullets hitting the ground (much of which was turf, not pavement) on camera, especially with a large crowd obscuring any view of the ground. And the overriding response of anyone who felt they were in harm’s way would be to save themselves and others (as in the accounts of survivors), not video record a hail of bullets. You wouldn’t be documenting jack shit, Ken Burns.

Never mind that firing may have originated from different vantage points and even ground level, and not only or mostly from an elevated angle where misses would be hitting the ground in close proximity to the crowd. There’s zero reason to believe there were only automatics firing blanks.

Cynicism is just an inversion of naiveté; both involve looking through colored lenses, so both can and do get in the way of perceiving truth. Now if you want to and can elaborate on any of that odd Pentagon funding, given what a monetary black hole it is, I’m all ears.

By: rediscover911com Mon, 09 Oct 2017 19:02:20 +0000 Most plausible story about Paddock: It was an execution.

Stephen Lendman Sums Up the Media

By: Marilyn Guinnane Mon, 09 Oct 2017 15:59:02 +0000 Abe, someone else commented on some blog, somewhere, exactly what you just said, that the eye color was off. I wonder who they whacked to take Paddock’s place? And don’t we all wonder just what part was Paddock’s in this grisly play.

By: Patrick Hair Mon, 09 Oct 2017 06:17:11 +0000 I was comparing a good acting scene by ?Vanessa Redgrave?? crying over her dead son “Jesus” with bad crises actors. There’s nothing illogical about that. Unless you’re lumping all acting performances as the same thing. They are different. And some are much better than others. I am remarkably cynical. My older brother worked (works) in the pentagon for 44 years. His office funded some odd things. And my first “wow, how did YOU know that” was in the 7th grade. Considering the unlikelihood of being hit (586/22,000-30,000), there would be plenty of people in a safe enough position to document the event. And with misses outnumbering hits from an automatic weapon at night and at a distance, there should be plenty of video of the property being torn up . Today everyone has a cell phone or iPad. But I don’t see that. If I were there and was not being shot at directly, I’d be documenting it. Yes, they would get that on video because it would be common. Way more common then dead and wounded. People filmed WW2 and Vietnam under fire, and it’s much easier today.

By: Abe Mon, 09 Oct 2017 04:02:11 +0000 William Mount on his screwtube channel was saying his eyes were the wrong color to. I’m color blind so I couldn’t really say. I seen that faked picture too. That wasn’t Stevie in the picture which is what I expected.
