Comments on: Vegas shooter: the “bump stock” revelation contradicts the official scenario—Oops Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:30:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theodore Sun, 15 Oct 2017 17:35:55 +0000 Fleshing out my theory on there being multiple shooters — both human and human-operated drones carrying long rifles…

By: matthinds25 Thu, 12 Oct 2017 22:58:35 +0000 He didnt need to be accurate to be deadly in this situation, there was a crowd of 1000’s. he just needed a way to spray hella bullets out, the bump stock was ideal, unfortunately. im ready to take action:

By: Lamberth Thu, 12 Oct 2017 22:20:51 +0000 Thanks for your comment and I agree.
I like sarcasm, cynicism and black humour to describe our current situation.

They’re becoming more and more audacious in their acts because they are more and more desperate.
They’re scared sh*tless that they’re losing control of the populace and will stop at nothing to prevent it.
Problem is, 85% still believe in their lies and propaganda, I come across this on a daily basis.
In fact, it’s getting worse IMO.
With all information now available to us that can educate us about our TRUE past, our present and therefore our future (in no uncertain terms thanks to people like Jon Rappoport), the ignorance is staggering.
You can’t even say “they’ve got them hook, line and sinker”. They don’t even have to throw out the line anymore.
Just throw the bait into the water and the fish will just jump into the boat.
How easy is that?
Of course it helps greatly if you have the MSM media whores to throw the bait for you.

By: truth1 Wed, 11 Oct 2017 15:39:24 +0000 Lamberth, I like your style. Now I am going to try my shill imitation routine. Those magic bullets are like, real, dewd! I work for the CIA and really, (would I lie to you?) these were one of our secret inventions of which we also used later to make guided missiles for the military. Magi bullets can be reused, too, if they are not too beat up like the one they found on Kennedy’s stretcher. We reused that one on a number of occasions. We put away a lot of innocent (maybe) people with that bullet. We even give each bullet its own name. And I swear I have never done this kid of thing before. Your my first time.

But seriously, Paddock might well be alive. And I dare say some notorious people put in prison might not be in prison most of the time. In fact, I wonder if some “arrests” and supposed court cases might not be fake. That is, they uses crisis actors and put on a show and get us all riled up. Back in the 90s, those abortion clinics blown up or abortion doctors shot? I’ll be they were fake, too. Stages to make conservatives look evil. I have looked into those and you might be surprised at who phony they were, in all likelihood. Our society has become so deceitful and diabolical that we would be fully justified in believing nothing that come from the media whores and shills.

I’ll say this. If we are being tested as a species, for intelligence or strength of mind and intellect, we are getting rigorously tested. But as long as one knows patterns, then one will always notice the break patterns that expose something new.

By: Lamberth Wed, 11 Oct 2017 07:16:46 +0000 Where have we heard this before, about the alleged killer using an unreliable, inaccurate weapon even if he should know better because of previous (military) experience & training.
Ah yes, Mr Oswald and his alleged weapon of murder, the Italian-made Carcano.
About the worst shooting implement to use if you plan to knock off a rather high-profile target from
a rather significant distance. You really want to make that first shot count. Oswald, the dumb-arse nut-case just didn’t think it through that a good job starts with the right tools.
Or so the story goes…

We’re getting bored and out of ideas, what BS have we used in the past that we could woe the ignorant public with this time.
Hey, remember the JFK job, why not re-use that. That story still stands, let’s build on it a bit.
We may soon through in the magic bullet scenario, just to spice it up a bit further.
Patsy Paddock didn’t really fire all those bullets at all.
No, no.
The bullets all became super-magic bullets, twisting and turning from one direction to the other as if doing the polka.
Explains the lack of shell-casings nicely, doesn’t it?

I doubt Paddock is even dead. They probably put him out to Pasture.

By: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 16:33:00 +0000 The target was a crowd, not individuals, so accuracy really not a concern. It’s really that simple. I’m ignoring motivation and possible conspiracy here, just addressing the “accuracy” nonsense.

By: Alex Tue, 10 Oct 2017 16:14:57 +0000 Yes comrades, you have probable figured out by now that Harvey Lee Paddock got his skills by taking a Distance Learning course in ballistics from the Osma Bing Loser Shooting Institute in Tel Aviv. It was Prof. Shlomo who diligently mentored Lee in doing those precision trajectory calculations for his Carcano Rifle using Lee’s precision Abacus. Carcano was chosen by Lee as it is a favorite weapon used by true shooting marksmen of this Universe. One thing Lee forgot from his schooling by prof. Shlomo however, was that his calculation sheet should have been eaten AFTER the calculations were done. Thus preventing anyone from finding out that he got his training from the world famous institute in Tel Aviv.

By: astraeaisabella Tue, 10 Oct 2017 11:24:41 +0000 Of course it was a set up – but they do not care at all whether we are fooled by it or not – it is designed to make America less and less stable, less and less confident, more and more fearful and more and more divided. It is all designed to cause fear and misery to the people of America and Europe – and perhaps the entire World. It started with 9/11 and it is not going to stop unless someone very brave stops it soon.
If there is anyone who can stop these misery making disgusting “people” the only one I know of with the courage and intelligence to deal with these vile and stupid criminals is Mark Koernke.
He can be heard at a radio station called The Micro Effect at the program called The Intelligence Report. Americans need to get behind strong leaders and good MEN before it is too late.

By: CPP Tue, 10 Oct 2017 05:55:38 +0000 Will Dance, but apparently not to the MSM’s tune.

This story’s unraveling faster than a ball of yarn in a pen of kittens.

By: middleway Tue, 10 Oct 2017 04:44:12 +0000 Enjoy the show Ms. G, enjoy the show.
