Comments on: The medical holocaust no one wants to expose Mon, 16 Oct 2017 23:24:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: arcadia11 Mon, 16 Oct 2017 23:24:05 +0000 lol. good point.

By: Ed Mon, 16 Oct 2017 22:06:12 +0000 “there were serious deficits in the US health care system, most notably in lack of universal coverage ”

If she means “insurance coverage”, how would it help to get more people into a system that she has already said was the 3rd leading cause of death in the US?

By: Dennis DaViera Mon, 16 Oct 2017 19:29:10 +0000 This is why the medical community shuns and discourages natural medicine like Cannibis oil and dandelion root.They wants us on the chemical drugs because of the FDA and the lobbying efforts of big pharmaceutical companies. I call that DELIBERATE POPULATION CONTROL !!! Back in the early years of this country that would have considered Treason!!! And the citizens would have rose up.

By: joe Mon, 16 Oct 2017 17:28:31 +0000 The headline article is tough to digest but seems accurate. Dental care is important for other organs like your heart for avoiding future problems as you age. The x-rays do help show cracks that may make matters worse as they often occur. Fluoride in my opinion is over rated and still not researched well enough.

By: Diane Wilson Fri, 13 Oct 2017 12:25:57 +0000 I am so sorry for what you and your children and family have gone through. My heart and prayers go out to you.

By: From the Trenches World Report Fri, 13 Oct 2017 10:35:27 +0000 The medical holocaust no one wants to expose

By: abinico warez Thu, 12 Oct 2017 22:16:45 +0000 Your estimate of medically caused fatalities is way too low – more realistic figure is 450,000 to 500,000.

By: Cathy Thu, 12 Oct 2017 16:36:18 +0000 It is not just hospitals. My mom’s assisted living accidentally gave her another person’s meds. They had to pump her stomach and who knows how much pain that put my mom through. When I went to visit in the morning, there was a lot of confusion and wrappers and the room was disorderly. I went every day and it had been fine the day before. I asked the administrator what had happened. She said by law they didn’t have to tell me, but they did so anyway. They didn’t fire the immigrant aide who made the mistake. I just wondered if she still had problems with the English language and maybe that caused her to mix up the residents. What made me the angriest in this experience was the news that the law did not require the institution to inform the family of the mishap. It should not be okay fro them to hide this – most families would want to have their regular doctor examine the person after such an event. Depending on the medications involved, this could have had much more serious effects on my mom than merely an unpleasant night. I wonder how many deaths are caused by medications in assisted living and nursing homes.

By: Gail Egner Thu, 12 Oct 2017 03:59:47 +0000 Thanks Jon. I’m almost 80 years old. Still in pretty good health and take no prescribed medicines! Being a coward I know the body is very good. If I’m ill–seldom happens, I lie down for a few hours or a day or so–drink lots of water and get well. So far, it has worked. Just a little overweight–too much wine…..oh well!

By: jacobite2015 Thu, 12 Oct 2017 03:37:56 +0000 That doesn’t work anymore for some medical providers…they’ll drop you in a heartbeat for not complying with their vaccine schedule!

Several years ago I was bitten by a dog who got out of an open gate while I was out on a relaxing jog. I sought medical treatment for the bite but refused a recommended tetanus shot. My primary care doctor, who seemed overly upset about my refusal, also tried to push the TdaP vaccine on me. Again, I refused the stupid vaccine arguing that healthy organic nutrition, supplements & regular excercise can do wonders for your immune system. The overly imperious doctor said, “that doesn’t matter, those things aren’t proven by science…vaccines are your best bet for your immunity.” I laughed and said I’m out of here…wishing the doctor a good day (in retrospect I wished I hadn’t made the appt in the first place).

About a week later, I received a letter from the doctor stating that he would no longer be my provider because of non-compliance, rejecting recommended medical treatment, not interested in having a “good doctor-patient relationship,” and all that BS. This shows the power & control that physicians want over their patients. And if you’re not a “good, little & obedient” patient, then the overbearing physicians take it personal and 86 you.

This incident with my primary care doctor was before a family member of mine had sadly passed away from complications from a vaccine-induced autoimmune disease and drug-induced organ failure, which stemmed from the same drugs that were used to treat her autoimmune disease in the first place! Iatrogenic damage at it’s best here! Now…if I have to reluctantly seek medical services (I had to recently for an auto accident), and they start with the vaccine crap, I tell them the story of my family member’s death and they usually backoff.

This is my favorite subject that Jon posts about. I appreciate him bringing out the truth of the system and hopefully this will educate people as to what they’re up against with the medical cartel. And that is the problem; if you really need medical care (accidents, trauma, etc.), you’re faced with having to put up with vaccine BS, even though it has no bearing on the injuries that you want treated.

It would be interesting if a M.D. or other medical professional, who maybe reads these posts on occasion would chime in and explain their obsession with vaccines, and the need to aggressively force them on their patients. Are you, doctors, being compelled by your bosses & the AMA to force vaccines on patients? Are you, doctors, oblivious to the industry-funded safety studies involving vaccines? Are you, doctors, just being obedient to the CDC’s demands and could care less about the serious & sometimes fatal complications some people experience from vaccines?

Lots of questions, but never any answers from the foot soldiers of modern medicine…imagine that. The system is destructive…no surprises there! Spot-on Jon!
