Comments on: Vegas security guard cancels interviews, then goes missing; concert witness escapes shooting uninjured, testifies there were multiple shooters, then dies at home Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:29:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: flyinggabriel Mon, 06 Nov 2017 05:30:10 +0000 Personally I think the guy deserves a fecking medal for replying at all.

You made it worth it by basically coming full circle and endorsing the very point he was making. Now you know what the back of your head looks like.

By: truth1 Sun, 05 Nov 2017 20:00:34 +0000 I will address your 1st contention here. I know you are not here for honest discussion so the rest has no incentive for me.
Eye Witnesses. Indeed, one or two witnesses might not get all details the same. But assuming they agree on the most important point in a case. Physical evidence is nice if you can get it. But the more witnesses you have, the more likely you will get a clear consistent picture. I will cite the Titanic sinking and the JFK murder for examples. Many things were related by survivors of the Titanic. Some seemed to contradict others, but what really happened was that different witnesses related the Titanic’s state at different times. One say the back end of the Titanic in the air. Another said the back end had broken off and was all that was left and then it went down, too. Both things happened. They were both right but addressing the different stages of the Titanic in its break up and sinking.

Many related the same things in the JFK hit. 50 witnesses on one point. That is uncontestable. Many say they saw/heard a shot from the grassy knoll. That does not mean other shots did not come from other areas. but that atleast 1 came from the knoll seems trustworhty to me. Many reported that the limo slowed down to a crawl near that knoll or stopped. Some think a rolling stop is a stop and some thinks its a crawl. We’re splitting hairs for definition. That’s all!

that you can even dispute the value of multiple witnesses speaks volumes about you object that I would not give the time of day. Sorry troll. Truth1 out! Hey, what took ya so long to respond?

By: Jim Carrey’s heavily vaccinated, time-traveling Soviet twin and FCC censor Sun, 05 Nov 2017 05:49:30 +0000 I expose basic errors in Ozzie’s characterization of evidence types and, for this case, provide readily available evidence he implies doesn’t exist, and you tell me to study logic and evidence under him. You, O humbly named one, have nowhere to go but down to an altitude with adequate oxygen. But given your slightly more sober second reply, after flyinggabriel smacked you, I’ll take apart some more.

“Never said a concert did not take place.” Well, flyinggabriel already rather amusingly refuted this claim. In other words, you did effectively say so by simply agreeing with Ozzie that there is “no real evidence of said event” when Ozzie was referring both to the concert and shooting. That’s the only reasonable conclusion the reader can come to without further specificity.

Eyewitness testimony is second tier to physical evidence generally, sure, but that’s when you have direct access to the physical evidence and control of the crime scene (or can trust those who do). Which, here, for us, needless to say, is far from the case.

“should the sum of evidence have contradictions”…Right, you and others pushing “nobody died/was wounded” theories with certainty after these events ought to consider the sum of evidence. Instead, you hone in on what you think is evidence of fakery and then dismiss anything that would be evidence of a real attack as non-evidence. Contrary accounts from those who claim to be survivors are automatically thrown out, not because of objectively obvious crisis acting, but because they have to be lying to fit your theory. You’ve made a decision that it was a total fake, but this is a logical leap beyond what you can be certain of given your lack of direct access to an uncompromised crime scene and the totality of evidence.

As Jon has stated, “know what you don’t know.” And as he tried to cram through your skull, just because two scenarios appear to contradict doesn’t mean it can’t be both. Some seeming contradictions are not mutually exclusive, true contradictions. Others are. Understand the difference. For example, fakery/staging/acting filmed along with a real attack — not mutually exclusive; only one lone shooter in one location vs. multiple shooters in different locations — mutually exclusive. Remember that drills are often vectors for real attacks, as on 9/11/2001 and 7/7/2005 (I think I’ve graduated beyond level 101 in false flag psyops, thank you).

“Whether Ozzie’s every point was right or not, most were”…No, he made two basic claims, that there was no evidence he deemed compelling to meet his standard of proof a) that the concert took place and b) that there was a shooting. The earlier statement that he hadn’t seen evidence of promotion can be nested in the first claim. As it is apparent there was promotion, the whole of claim “a” is shown to be that much more nonsensical. If you think the concert in question did occur, then you are already dismissing half of Ozzie’s statement.

As to what Ozzie’s personal standard of proof would be for either a) or b), this cannot objectively be deemed right or wrong, but could be judged reasonable or not. He does not make any points that are “right”, and I don’t find his assessment to be reasonable, especially that we must meet his undefined standard of proof that anything but a stageplay happened at all if we are to continue discussing the case; all the more so given that he appears to have made little effort to look for the evidence he demands.

I’m not sure what you mean by “real people’s names”… Names of those officially killed were released, and some of those injured were interviewed, with names, etc. What is it that would allow you to definitively distinguish between them being genuine or people with fake identities? It just sounds like more begging the question — they’re assumed to be fake to match your total-fake theory.

In an earlier comment I made under Jon’s “Vegas shooting: real vs. fake” article I warned of the fake-event narrative being pushed and spread and what that would lead to:

“Care is especially important here because the effort to uncover and expose the truth of these events is poisoned by the “it’s fake, nobody died, they’re all actors” narrative that has come to be at-the-ready following any of these attacks. It’s a great way to tarnish those questioning the official versions as callous, insensitive, paranoid-delusional, and generally disgusting.”

Lo and behold, look at what’s been happening:

(Just do a search for “vegas conspiracy theorists” and most of the top results are articles about angry trolls calling the victims/survivors actors and going after them)

These are vile, useful idiots going and doing a big favor to those trying to cover up the reality of what happened in Vegas (and other events) and the who and why behind it. Tarnish, tarnish, tarnish the truth seekers and send people back into the waiting hands of Big Brother MSM. That’s why I believe professional disinfo operatives have been rabidly pushing fake-event / crisis actor narratives online.

I also wondered in that earlier comment whether a primary objective of Sandy Hook was to get the ball rolling on the “fake/hoax event” idea and then build that meme over time until you have “fake event” hysteria overtaking and discrediting the truth community / independent media.

Well wouldn’t you know, Newsweek has a version of the harassment story ( that actually mentions that “Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones called the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting…a ‘hoax'” and uses this as context for the current social media trolling of Vegas survivors/family, adding that “The reach of well-known conspiracy theorists like Jones is massive…” Similarly, this version from Salon ( also name-drops Jones at the end with an external link, after mentioning previous “online abusers” following the Sandy Hook and Pulse nightclub events.

So in the media the current fakery-possessed trolls are traced back to Sandy Hook skeptics and associated with Alex Jones, and all of the above are associated with “conspiracy theorists” in general (i.e. those questioning/rejecting official versions). That’s how the game is played.

And yet the official story continues to unravel…


By: truth1 Sat, 28 Oct 2017 02:50:26 +0000 I notice that you’re quite upset with me, you have no word or message For Ozzie ti answer. It would seem your only goal is to find fault with anything I say. I don’t waste too much time with shills. you got got your axe to grind. Carry on for all I care.

By: flyinggabriel Fri, 27 Oct 2017 23:23:03 +0000 No, I retract, not even god can do this. Just read the opening comment by ozzie – linger on point “a)” – then read your 1st reply – linger on that. Repeat until penny drops.
If you want to modify your gushy endorsements a week later, talk to the hand mate.

By: truth1 Fri, 27 Oct 2017 05:26:21 +0000 Eye witness testimoney can be false when not accompanied by the physical evidence that should accompany it. For example, someone says Joe Smith was shot and killed in this spot 3 minutes ago and there is no Joe Smith laying there nor any blood, either. Many crimes include a variety of evidence and should the sum of evidence have contradictions, then you have problems. Whether Ozzie’s every point was right or not, most were and that the concert promoted, if so, is only 1 error. Where are the bullets, blood, etc. How about some real people’s names who died or were wounded and treated? Sorry CCCP but you only refuted one thing, leaving the bigger argument in tact. The event was a fake as a whole. Nighty night!

By: truth1 Fri, 27 Oct 2017 05:16:19 +0000 Never said a concert did not take place, but that a masacre took place? that I dispute! Evidence Please, to refute my assertion?

By: flyinggabriel Wed, 25 Oct 2017 21:13:37 +0000 God help us – if you think there exists no evidence that a concert even took place you didn’t get there with logic and evidence – no matter how double major your head got knocked. You’ve just joined the “one-or-the-other” brigade of monochrome thinkers that the perpetrators and narrative writers simply adore. And trotting out the old “you must be from the government” line to serve up amidst laboured attempts at subtle ad hominem insults, come on – so hackneyed you should be embarrassed.

By: truth1 Wed, 25 Oct 2017 18:31:05 +0000 Are you Jim Carrey? Robin Williams is dead so I’m ruling that out, but you’re one he11 of a comedian. I’m still laughing. Which branch of government do you work for? I guess it hardly matters as they are all alike.

I can’t help but notice that you are avoiding admitting the signs and symptoms that should be everywhere in the video clips I have seen, not only, during but some examining after. No bullet hole marks. Dealy Plaza in Dallas had bullet marks embedded in concrete. The kitchen RFK was in, looked like swiss cheese for all the bullet in the walls and doors. But not one in the outdoor arena of Lost Vegas. I saw no blood anywhere. I did not see that many people, either. I saw heard of many contradictions.

Well, CCCP, I think you should take a course in false flag psyops 101. Avoid Universities and take some logic courses, too. I got a double major from the College of Hard Knocks. It was the best degree I ever got. Let me guess, you had vaccines when you were young. I understand. Never trust government or the Media or the vague Status Quo.

Ozzie graduated with honors in Logic and Evidence 101. You ought to ask him if he’d be willing to tutor you. Look, you got no where to go but up.

By: CPP Wed, 25 Oct 2017 05:01:25 +0000 In a comment on the following article, Ozzie stated that circumstantial evidence is not evidence. And above he appears to refer to eyewitness testimony as “hearsay”. Both of these characterizations are patently false.

Joe is in his house alone. Bob is video-recorded entering the house, then leaving the house. Jill then enters the house and finds Joe murdered. No one actually sees Bob kill Joe and no tangible evidence is found directly linking Bob to the murder (DNA, fingerprints, Joe’s blood on Bob’s clothes). The evidence against him is circumstantial only, but is strong enough evidence to consider him the prime suspect.

And hearsay refers to second hand accounts. Direct eye-witness testimony is not hearsay.

Ozzie then asks for “concrete” evidence not only that a shooting occurred but that the concert took place at all (a multi-day, multi-artist, annually recurring event no less) and expects to be taken seriously, given his demonstrated understanding of how to assess evidence. Who’s insulting whose intelligence?

And in his earlier comment he states that he found no evidence the concert was promoted. Apparently he didn’t look very hard:

Here are a couple examples of promotional pages for the 2017 Route 91 Harvest Festival:

Here are the same pages at pre-event dates via the Wayback Machine:

June 09, 2017

Sept. 09, 2017

Those like yourself are falling for an agenda to cause a dissociation from reality in truth-seeking segments of the populace — to send them over the deep end, in other words. Earth is flat, all celebrities are Illuminati emissaries, all terror-type events are whole-cloth “fake”, wherein any victims or witnesses are also “fake” (i.e. in on it). Any family, friends and associates who act as though said victims and witnesses are real are also in on the ever-expanding conspiracy in which everyone but your mother is a crisis actor. Add in the notion in this case that an annual, multi-day concert might well have been a hoax, and pretend it plausible that a bunch of country music performers and all their people are also in on the big bamboozle. Quite a trick, that.

You might as well just go all-in: Las Vegas doesn’t actually exist. It’s just an artificial mirage in the desert generated by hologram technology invented by Nicola Tesla’s secret twin sister when she was six years old. When you visit “Vegas” and approach the hologram, you traverse an invisible jump gate that takes you to Neptune. That’s where “Vegas” is. What happens there stays there because nobody ever leaves. The Neptunians just send clones back to Earth. Yes, Carrot Top, Celine Dion and Cirque du Soleil are Neptunian…so are most magicians. It all makes sense.
