Comments on: Australia: jail young children without charges; they wouldn’t do that; oh yes they would Fri, 02 Jul 2021 14:41:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steven Sun, 22 Oct 2017 16:44:40 +0000 The only solution is to fire the JOB of politician. We don’t need those psychopaths anymore. Hell, they don’t even write the Laws they pass themselves, special interests do or Lobbyists do or the legal team for one of their asshole buddies does. Why don’t we change the system to randomly select a congress from the citizenry and give them a job to do, 30 days to do it, and let them work incognito in a collaborative VPN from home? If we need two things done, convene two separate congresses. if we need x things done, convene x separate congresses. I trust regular, qualified neighbors about 1000 times more than I do the lot of those potlickers in D.C. – or in Australia’s version of it.

By: truth1 Sun, 22 Oct 2017 03:42:48 +0000 They could use imprisoned children to blackmail parents into doing whatever. Reach your kids wrong and they will be punished and sent to brothel camps for some “re-education” on how to be “loving” and not complain about it.

By: truth1 Sun, 22 Oct 2017 03:33:18 +0000 Indeed, far sicker. And it is the unmistakable pattern of Satan.

By: truth1 Sun, 22 Oct 2017 03:30:28 +0000 My thoughts exactly, Abe!

By: truth1 Sun, 22 Oct 2017 03:29:30 +0000 That’s what I was thinking, Quebec. Jailed, sent to another prison, I mean, brothel as a sentence for supposed crimes. Thinking badly of the government. Or maybe it was just monday. Any excuse they like.

By: Dan Wed, 18 Oct 2017 10:20:41 +0000 Both sides of the Australian government have sold out to China and the Muslims.
Unfortunately, there is little we can do about this as unlike most developed countries we don’t have laws here banning foreign donations to political parties.

You can only begin to imagine how much this is used abused by all our major parties and foreign interests, so the laws aren’t going to be changed any time soon. They all make too much money from it – at least 3 of the top 10 donors to each major party in every Federal election over the past couple of decades have been Chinese companies or individuals, and at least 5 out of the top 10 donors for each party every election cycle have been foreigners.

As for the the Muslim gangs, they started becoming a problem here right after the government banned our guns in the 90’s. They weren’t a thing here before the late 90’s. The beginning of their rise to power here coincided almost perfectly with the end of the Howard governments’ gun buyback program.

By: Dan Wed, 18 Oct 2017 10:11:21 +0000 This isn’t the first time they tried to push this crap through.

They were first looking at it a couple of years ago after a 15 year old radicalized Muslim shot and killed a police employee, then was killed in a gunfight with other officers.

Their original plan was to try push through legislation allowing police to detain people aged 13 or older without issuing charges. They got caught out on it at the time and it didn’t end up passing
Now they’re trying it again, except they’ve now they’ve dropped the age limit to at least 10.

Also, I think Jon is underestimating how long it will take this lot to start expanding these laws. If they do end up passing this, it won’t be a year before they start pushing the vaccinations onto kids. I’d give the Turnbull government 6 months at most.

They’ve already tried several methods to force vaccinations onto people. It’s backfired on them spectacularly though – the current lot in government fail to realize just how unpopular they are, and many people don’t trust them at all.
Their sudden heavy increase in attempts to force vaccinations onto people has caused the opposite effect to what they wanted and has been getting more and more people to step back and start questioning vaccinations.
And if there is one thing that really gets people to question an issue down here, its the government threatening to impose penalties on those who don’t do it.

By: Dan Wed, 18 Oct 2017 09:43:09 +0000 Well, unlike America we unfortunately never had anything like a second amendment to begin with.

But compared to most other countries, we never really had a major gun problem either.

We had no reported mass killings (shooting or otherwise) for nearly 43 years between 1928 and 1971, and only a small handful since 1971. And most of the massacres from 1928 or earlier were either government run or at least government approved campaigns against the native Aboriginals.

Guns weren’t really on most Australian minds prior to the Port Arthur massacre in 96, which itself was almost certainly a government false flag operation (sure raises questions when all the forensic evidence collected from the massacre was locked up and sealed away by the government for 30 years).
It was a lack of understanding on gun issues over here that made it very easy for government to come in and force people to hand over the guns. The Port Arthur event was used to quickly push through legislation to take guns away from the people and served as the basis of many subsequent anti gun campaigns.

Ironically, there has probably been more focus on guns and gun ownership since 96 than there was prior to Port Arthur. All of it negative of course – no actual discussion or debate on guns is allowed in our media. Only smear campaigns against guns and gun supporters.

What the media won’t tell you here is that criminals are still very much able to smuggle all sorts of illegal automatic weapons into the country. Nor will they tell you that the state of New South wales alone has experienced an average of 20 drive by shootings a month every month since 2011. Low fatalities as these attacks are for now mostly committed by gangs using terror and intimidation tactics. (going to be another matter if the ever decide to just start killing).

So in another twist of irony, we’ve actually had more trouble with gun violence in the time since they banned the guns than before they banned the guns.

By: JB Tue, 17 Oct 2017 18:03:04 +0000 Money and false philanthropy, as Bastiat defined it. Do-gooders are always less intelligent than those who know to leave well enough alone among their neighbors. Prophets, priests, politicians, and psychometrists are always more concerned with managing the affairs of others while their own house is in worse array. It’s the only way they can deal with their feelings of superfluity.

By: JB Tue, 17 Oct 2017 17:53:18 +0000 What I read decades ago was prostitution was the 2nd oldest profession. Since then I have been unable to discover what took first place. But it doesn’t take much perusal of history to see that theft by legal plunder came before prostitution. Earlier this year there was a news release about Italian WIVES resorting to part-time prostitution to supplement household income. As an engineer I’ve worked with Italians and they make good products. Business wise they are very conscious of public response. One can only surmise domestic recourse to prostitution to make ends meet signifies an over-taxed people by a profligate government. Not a lot of economic recovery since Mussolini.Same thing happened during the last 200 years of the Roman Empire.
