Comments on: The Individual, his freedom, and victory Mon, 20 Nov 2017 00:21:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theodore Mon, 20 Nov 2017 00:21:33 +0000 Right now I’ve got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone…

“Marines have landed at Langley to assist President Trump in securing Washington DC while threats of a coup still loom…

the following video…

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 25 Oct 2017 02:35:22 +0000 Good comment and correct. Human society [if there is such a thing] is about balancing interests of individuals for the benefit of the group and not “cattle management”.

By: bob klinck Mon, 23 Oct 2017 17:13:55 +0000 Anybody who does something without believing it will be profitable (not necessarily only for himself) is thwarting the goodness potential of the world and is psychologically warped. That being said, the idea that everyone must in perpetuity struggle to carve out a place for himself in the economic domain ignores the thanks we owe our predecessors and contemporaries for the society of abundance (actual and potential) that their efforts and imagination have created. “Hey–slap! slap!–wake up: the number of industrial robots–mechanical slaves–is doubling annually and has no theoretical limit.” The proletariat is obsolete. Now all we need is a sane and civilized adaptation to the new economic reality that will relieve the financial powers of their outrageous claim to ownership of mankind’s cultural heritage.

By: bob klinck Mon, 23 Oct 2017 16:49:44 +0000 Funny title: “MY Way” plagiarized from the song “Comme d’habitude” by Claude François, who was ‘accidentally’ electrocuted in his bath.

By: bdoyen Sat, 21 Oct 2017 21:58:50 +0000 This was excellent, thanks. Jon, love your logic and especially your optimism that people are becoming aware.

By: bdoyen Sat, 21 Oct 2017 21:55:53 +0000 Wow, Ozzie.

Profit is not evil.

In a free society, the person who creates has the right to set “value” as you put it. The “correct price” as you call it is the amount the buyer will agree to. If the creator prices his product too high, no one will choose to buy. Too low, and he makes no profit and may go out of business. If the government forces us to buy a product or sets the price, we are not free.

In a free society, we may choose to do work for no profit, which is what volunteers do for a worthy cause of their choosing. But a free person also does work for profit so that he is able to be responsible for his owns needs. Whenever a third party interferes in our freedom to set our own prices, we are not free and do not have a free market. Capitalism means that you and I can agree to an exchange of services, goods or money without being controlled by a third party. We do not have capitalism in the US because we are not free to create this exchange without all manner of government interference.

If I am really good at raising vegetables and my neighbor loves to make garments, we can set the “value” of one good against the other and have an exchange so that we each can concentrate on that which we do best without having to do everything for ourselves.

I do not understand why people are so confused about this. It’s really very simple. Perhaps everyone should have the experience of starting a small business in their youth; it would help later to understand why their employer should be making a profit.

Being free to interact with each other is vital–or else we are slaves.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 21 Oct 2017 10:44:12 +0000 I clearly outline the reason for my terms. Anyone less than ignorant would have READ them. I do not profit from the enterprise. In fact, quite the reverse.

By: From Quebec Fri, 20 Oct 2017 04:05:53 +0000 Jon Rappoport hosting the 4th hour on the Alex Jones show, today:

Start listening at 13:50

Alex Jones (4th HOUR Commercial Free) Thursday 10/19/17: Jon Rappoport /watch?v=GhFVY2RPt2g

By: From Quebec Thu, 19 Oct 2017 22:54:21 +0000 The song title you were looking for is: ‘No Such Thing’.

But my favorite song from John Mayer is this one:

John Mayer – In The Blood (Lyrics Video) /watch?v=NgL8HT0a_Gg

By: Tom Thu, 19 Oct 2017 17:20:48 +0000 Reminds me of the Song from John Mayer(?) with the lyrics that state “Its a lie I have to rise above”…I cannot remember the song….but that lyric comes to mind. Good article.
