Comments on: The mind game designed to produce losers Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:28:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Barnwell Sat, 28 Oct 2017 08:55:30 +0000 “Modern education doesn’t teach you how to think; it teaches you what to think.” John Taylor Gatto See: “Dumbing Us Down: the Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling,” by John Taylor Gatto

By: Jacqueline Worthington Sun, 22 Oct 2017 02:40:27 +0000 We know that in general humanity is basically good as is demonstrated in the recent hurricanes in Texas for example. This is what they fear like minds grouping together with a positive agenda. We need to spread the word that people do have power if they follow their heart and exercise kindness and love to others. Thank you so much for your most interesting blogs Jon. Though your language you simplify situation that too most people are complicated to comprehend. Never stop your valuable work.

Cheers Jacqueline

By: Rhonda Sat, 21 Oct 2017 14:12:29 +0000 Right on! Exactly what I have been trying to get people to see! This explains perfectly the pervasive climate in the U.S. right now! It is so clear to see!

By: Both-er Fri, 20 Oct 2017 05:28:17 +0000 Some examples of both:
God exists and created evolution.
Reincarnation is another system created by God.
We went to the moon and also played some staged video while astronauts were checking out glass building remains there.
9/11 was a planned demolition and the hijackers weren’t trusted to fly the planes so they were remote-controlled. (flight 93 was intended for building 7)
O’s birth certificate is fishy alright but he was born in Hawaii, just that it would have been too dicey for the father to be known as malcolm x, a spittin’ image of o. x’s and o’s. Well-played by the left, used a stand-in father.

Las Vegas, my theory: Paddock routine arms bazaar show-and-tell with knowledge of the hotel, used freight elevator & cart, but he had toxoplasma in his brain making him a jerk and his bosses decided he’d make a nice patsy. Some shots were from the room, some from a helicopter, look that up, and/or others from 250 yards away, look up vegas “forensic acoustic”. Authorities can’t reveal any video because it would be obvious many players were in-the-know. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, wink-wink.

By: eewindsor Fri, 20 Oct 2017 05:14:20 +0000 Well stated. Thank you Jon.

By: cfservant Fri, 20 Oct 2017 02:27:40 +0000 Ellemy, if you want to see what I believe, you can click on my screen name and it will take you to my blog, which is where I write what God teaches me each day through the reading of his Word.

Thanks for responding. Yes, I understand the vastness of the deception. Sue

By: ellemy Thu, 19 Oct 2017 19:32:29 +0000 Dear Servant,
Congratulations on your journey out of the matrix! I was wondering if you have been led to see yet that “the whole world lies in the wicked one” and this whole world system is based on lies? Even lies dressed up as truth to keep our minds conitnually recycling in that frame of reference of good and evil. We could debate and debate and expose lie after lie and still there is no end of it! That is what the matrix of this evil systematic duality does to keep one enslaved.

Truth is not found by obtainiing a correct answer inside the matrix through logic. The matrix IS mystery babylon, a confusion of systematic propaganda through and through. It is a bottomless pit that leads to death of soul and spirit in the knowledge of good and evil….which is the the duality and the foundational basis of the hegelian dialectic. This world is the shadowlands, the valley of death and there is no truth in it! None!

Human reasoning and logic doesn’t teach us this, but the receiving of the power of an endless life… the spirit of God. When God has opened our minds to truth, the distractions of the “seen” temporal world are what we leave behind. It is the veil that darkened our minds through the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life, the true logos, therefore is wisdom and knowledge of the “unseen”. When you know truth, you know life and possess true knowledge which only exists outside of this world’s realm of smoke and mirrors.

By: ellemy Thu, 19 Oct 2017 18:18:48 +0000 Brilliant! This takes one completely out of the matrix and even the need for logic or disseccting events. It is a matter of single minded conciousness and waking up to life in the now realm where there is no duality or death or parasitic appartions of false constructs. The debating and opining on the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is the matrix that enslaves our souls and leads to death of spirit and breath of life. Truth is not in knowing correct facts, it is the receiving of an endless life that exists outside of the realm of time.

By: Shane Fowler Thu, 19 Oct 2017 14:27:19 +0000 You hit the nail right on the head with this article. Out of all my email subscriptions your work is what I read most. You are a voice of logic.. good to know there are people out there like you that not only possess the knowledge but can articulate it to the masses as well.

By: cfservant Thu, 19 Oct 2017 01:57:09 +0000 Certainly black and white, good and evil, and right and wrong still exist, but they don’t throw logic and reason out the window. Too many people believe whatever they hear or read, if it comes from what they consider to be a reliable source, probably because, in most cases, they have been programmed to do so by their schools, and by the news media and TV.

I know that I grew up believing what I saw on TV news, and never questioned if it was true or false. It was the news, so I assumed it was true. I also grew up believing left and right, politically speaking, literally existed, and that the good guys were the Republicans and the bad guys were the Democrats. I also believed everything I read in my history books in school, and that our politicians were telling us the truth. So, I also believed that our government and military in America were the good guys, until God opened my eyes to see the lies and deceptions, and then I began to question what I had been taught, and to see that everything I had become to believe was real and true was not necessarily real or true.

So, I know what it is like to be in the “all A” or “all B” camp, but no more, not for the past 11 years, anyway. And, I believe a lot of the reason I was in one camp or the other is because of TV and its hypnotic effects on our minds and how it dumbs us down to where we don’t question what we see, and we don’t use logic and reason, but we end up just repeating what we have been taught, and then if someone dares to question whether or not it makes sense, we have been trained to write them off as oddballs or as conspiracy theorists. Well, now I am in that category of “conspiracy theorist” because I use my mind and I question what I see, and I use logic and reasoning, and I ask if it makes sense, and I pray, too, for wisdom and discernment to the only one who truly knows, and that is God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, because he is the one who opened my mind.
