Comments on: Stealth socialism: follow the money Mon, 06 Nov 2017 20:34:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: rightwingconservativenewsblog Mon, 06 Nov 2017 20:34:26 +0000 It’s the mirage of the real Matrix

By: truth1 Sat, 04 Nov 2017 01:38:44 +0000 PT Barum said there is one born every minute. and 90% of those born now are lost. You know, i think the left likes him. Once they see what he is really up to, they will call him the best prez ever.

By: truth1 Fri, 03 Nov 2017 20:23:11 +0000 Sorry to be repeating myself, but handouts via socialism are always appealing to too many on both sides because they get a check that says its from the government as if that was the true exclusive source of the money. I remember one dumb young woman calling it Obama money.

but as you are likely ware of, it comes from the majority funders of the taxes, the poor middle class, poor because they give it all to the gov to give ti our enemies. who then make us even more poor.

It is amazing that theoretically intelligent creatures can be so stupid. So if I may indulge (I’m doing it anyway), We see what we want to see and justify what rewards us, even if it is immoral. Bribery was totally forbidden in the bible. Now one could say that if one person wants to give another money, by mutual agreement, then its OK. but that, too, is too simplistic. Bribing, which is really what handouts from the gov are, is the surest way to destroy a nation and its moral fabric which our survival depends on. But since at least 90% are dumber than dog turds, we shall soon fall, all around the world, since socialism does not have any national boundaries and swallowed the whole world up in its cancer and invites Immigrants to come have others care for their families.

What could possibly go wrong with that? Not a damn thing. It will work like a charm to total idiots not worthy of being called human or decent.

By: truth1 Fri, 03 Nov 2017 20:10:19 +0000 Right Wing, the funniest thing about this? if we have another election, both sides will be sure that their candidate is going to save the world. They never learn.

By: truth1 Fri, 03 Nov 2017 20:07:05 +0000 Ah, yes, that’s it! A great video. Thanks Arcadia!

By: Roland Dao Fri, 03 Nov 2017 05:35:30 +0000 2 5G wireless Topics to consider: /watch?v=ZqM4y8hPhic /watch?v=_Fi_0VTS-D8

By: arcadia11 Thu, 02 Nov 2017 01:39:14 +0000 james corbett: ‘how big oil conquered the world’ and the second and even better’ why big oil conquered the world’

By: rightwingconservativenewsblog Wed, 01 Nov 2017 23:22:43 +0000 Socialism is Death

By: rightwingconservativenewsblog Wed, 01 Nov 2017 23:21:54 +0000 “Government” and politics have been recently rediscovered as compete bullshlt. What Trump is doing—which nobody seems to have caught on to—is taking it ALL down. He’s going home, vatos….

By: rightwingconservativenewsblog Wed, 01 Nov 2017 23:19:35 +0000 I WOOD NOT HAVE BELIEVED ANY OF THIS SAY 2 YEARS AGO, NOW IT ALL SEEMS TRUE,
