Comments on: The brain vs. consciousness: the real debate and the phony debate Thu, 30 Nov 2017 00:19:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: alotonyourmind Thu, 30 Nov 2017 00:19:07 +0000 Hi! I found your blog post incredibly interesting, and it had in part inspired me to write my own blog post on consciousness. I did reference your blog and this post I hope this is okay! You can check out my blog post here:

Best wishes!
A Lot on Your Mind

By: Jim Fri, 10 Nov 2017 16:50:34 +0000 “[W]hich one is primary, the physical process or the process of consciousness? Doctor Skullskins would like to prove that my brain is responsible for my thoughts. He attaches electrodes from an encephalograph to my head and proposes to show me the different signals and graph curves that the machine writes out according to whether I am thinking, fantasizing, or dreaming. I sit down in a chair, and everything is prepared. Then Doctor Skullskins turns to me and says, “Now, Mr. Kuhlewind, please think the following thought: ‘Two plus two equals four.’ Did you hear that? He asks me; I am supposed to think about two plus two. And he asks so politely! But if my brain were the cause of all thought, why should he address me, what do I have to do with it all? He should deal with my brain, if that is the cause. Or does he intend me to pass on his request to my brain? It seems that this is what he has in mind, in which case I am, after all, an important part of the process. I can fool him at this point: instead of thinking “Two plus two equals four,” I can call to mind a cops-and-robbers film or the opera Boris Godunow. Or instead of “two plus two,” I can think simply “Now I’ll fool you.” Or I can silently recite something from A.A. Milne. But I can also comply with the doctor’s request. After all, it was so polite – it all depends on me. What I am to think depends entirely on me and furthermore, what my brain does depends on me. When I choose something, waves appear on the screen of the measuring apparatus according to what I have decided. In any event, I have to begin and then the brain follows, moment by moment. Halfway through my “two plus two” I can decide to recite Bilbo Baggins’ traveling song from the Lord of the Rings: I desire it and my brain follows suit, more or less like the bow and violin played by Mr. Szering. Is there no case in which the brain is the determinative partner? Certainly – at least when I have a headache. Also when I fall into a chain of associations. But when I am wide awake, then the brain obeys me quite completely. And because I can decide each moment how I will behave in the next moment – especially when this question of the encephalograph gets me excited – there are no grounds for claiming that my brain is responsible for my thinking. I bear the responsibility for who I am, as we have just proved experimentally. And by addressing me, as he must to begin the experiment, the doctor shows that he is also of this opinion. Only he doesn’t know it yet.” (Georg Kuhlewind, ‘From Normal to Healthy: Paths to the Liberation of Consciousness,’ 1994)

By: White Eagle Tue, 07 Nov 2017 00:24:34 +0000 Perhaps Consoiusness is a field generated by our heart…in otherwords, our soul, where we feel our emotions, love, anger, fear, etc. Last I heard, one researcher said that the heart actually was made up of 60% neurons, … and the Bible even said of us, that the blood is where the life is, when it forbid the use of blood as a food. I suspect there is LOT about our biology that scientists do not understand.

By: Norman Kangas Fri, 03 Nov 2017 20:18:32 +0000 Jon I admire ur energy and enthusiasm. Very enjoyable to read. I’m not sure too many souls can even accept the idea that they’re not just human bodies. I’m a long time member of Eckankar and enjoy the understanding I have. Anyway keep up ur excellent work. I’m ever growing also. Thank you.

By: truthbetoldinlove Tue, 31 Oct 2017 13:25:59 +0000 Peace love & light.
Lovely article by Jon, who argues that consciousness is not from the brain matter. But rather it is the inherent & coherent force that binds all creation at all levels.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 31 Oct 2017 03:02:50 +0000 Jon

I guess that makes those with activated pineal gland (“third eye”) very threatening….!


By: Jennifer Mon, 30 Oct 2017 18:04:16 +0000 It is that each sort of species has their own speciel mind, which in humans is in the Pineal. Our conscience is our Speciel Mind’s counseling of us, and therefore our connection to God. It is the Speciel Mind in the sperm which impregnates the ovum and gives it the memory to reproduce itself. For the first two months it is more like a cancer growing so fast, then the Speciel Mind begins to exert itself and arrange and build the body according to the Speciel Memory.

God works through the Speciel Mind to keep our world in harmony, not all natural selection. As we understand it presently, God can change the genetics through the Speciel Mind to change beak function and shape, ability to digest different foods, or to adapt to different climates.

By: Jennifer Mon, 30 Oct 2017 17:59:52 +0000 Are you speaking about “Morphic Resonance?”

By: Steven Kivari Mon, 30 Oct 2017 16:20:20 +0000 On a related item;

By: Graph Man Mon, 30 Oct 2017 15:57:45 +0000 Yes, the Double Slit Experiment! High School Physics 101, but yet so many neglect the easy to understand basics.
