Comments on: Mueller and fake news charges against Manafort Tue, 07 Nov 2017 20:48:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: jmilamdeal Tue, 07 Nov 2017 20:48:00 +0000 Reblogged this on jmilamdeal and commented:
This story was never really covered by the main stream media, but it now may gain some traction since my Senator Grassley and his committee is checking into it.

By: Zip-ped-e-doda Tue, 31 Oct 2017 19:14:31 +0000 CLAIRIFICATION OF PREVIOUS POST – – –

While we slept AFTER Lincoln’s unlawful occupation of an office our Constitution prohibited him from holding since he held the title of “Esquire”, a foreign emolument, the Money Mobsters gradually migrated the unincorporated lawful Offices of the original American government to their unlawful private corporate government created from bankruptcy. The people that occupied the unincorporated Offices were not told, or if they knew, kept their mouth shut as they had families to care for.

With all the deaths, devastation, confusion and destruction from the mercenary action they called war, it was easy for the Money Mobsters to shelter their unlawful criminal fraud by compartmentalization; “the need to know” coining the phrase “Honest Abe” so the public wouldn’t be suspicious.

This same pattern of coining words repeated after JFK’s assignation when the CIA invented the term “conspiracy theorist” to label those who disagreed with the Warren Report. This would marginalized those who disagreed so they would be ignored.

Most people never give a thought to look up the true definition of the word “conspiracy”. The psychopath parasites laugh at our ignorance while they continue committing more frauds. There is no statute of limitations on fraud. Fraud vitiates everything that follows.

Jon’s Matrix collection will teach you how to think. If you don’t want to learn, think of your children/grand children as this will NEVER be taught in government schools. His other publication I couldn’t recall last evening is: Outside the Reality Machine. I will refrain from commenting late evenings when I’m tired.

By: Zip-ped-e-doda Tue, 31 Oct 2017 04:22:54 +0000 Hi there L. Sturm:

Quote: Didn’t Bill have something to do with giving China computer technology? Didn’t Bill have something to do with giving China computer technology?

Remember John Malchase David Shalikashvili? He died July 23, 2011. Former US Army General who also served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Supreme Allied Commander from 1993 to 1997.

Not sure if it’s on this link or another one or a livestream broadcast concerning Shali’s trip to China

I don’t know if they archive broadcasts. /abeldanger

When I read it or heard it, I clearly remember thinking – Damn, that’s treason!

AD reported General Shalikashvili’s parting comments were: “My President requested I leave these files with you”. /watch?v=Ga6B2uP-9fE

By: Zip-ped-e-doda Tue, 31 Oct 2017 02:30:49 +0000 Hi Tom: So glad to note you also read. The original unincorporated government [united with a small u] united States of America is still standing and filed a $279 Trillion lien, that has now been cured against the private corporations that caused and enabled the following:

While we slept, the Money Mobsters gradually migrated the Offices to their unlawful government. The people that occupied the Offices were not told, or if they knew, kept their mouth shut as they had families to care for.

The big event was Lincoln’s bankruptcy and his unlawful General Order #100 known as the Lieber Code shifting the country to Military Rule under the Grand Army of the Republic. There was no Civil War. Congress never declared one and no Peace Treaty was signed after. It was a private foreign mercenary action that began on our shores. Reconstruction followed. All of it was a fraud and unlawful.

I thoroughly enjoy Jon’s writings (The Matrix, blog, the other one…sorry, it slipped my mind this minute – long day, traffic wears me out) and his consistency being “spot on”. Tonight on the long drive home, I finally figured out why he nails it.

Jon trained as an artist many years ago…he knows, and he knows that he knows, artists see things other’s miss. You can’t publish what I’m writing as it freaks some of the public out who never noticed something was wrong. They have no foundation to build on. Many who did notice began research, found it upsetting and stopped. Some never made any effort whatsoever to read and learn the True history of the world. What I admire about Jon’s writing is the way he presents the Truth in a marvelous style providing me belly laughs and cracks me up.

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, check this out. Use a computer to enlarge so you can read all of it.

Obama’s 2015 bankruptcy of THE UNITED STATES (Inc.) Chapter 7, Liquidation is still in progress resulting in another bankruptcy May 1, 2017, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Inc.) Chapter 11, Reorganization.

Catherine Austin Fitts just gave an interview with Dark Journalist. She discusses with Daniel the $65,000 stolen from ever American man, woman and child, plus the missing trillions over the years in “undocumented adjustments”.

By: L. Sturm Tue, 31 Oct 2017 01:04:35 +0000 If Putin had wanted to control the outcome of the US election it would seem he would favor Hillary. She could/ would sell him more uranium and who knows what else. Didn’t Bill have something to do with giving China computer technology? Why are we seeing her everywhere lately? I don’t want to read her statement about anything until it’s released from her prison cell.

By: Zip-ped-e-doda Tue, 31 Oct 2017 00:50:35 +0000 OH PUKE! Hillary’s off limits…MSM claims it’s a crime to investigate her ties to Russia

As the public has finally began to realize the extent of the corruption surrounding Hillary Clinton, including the now infamous Russia Uranium One deal, the mainstream media has gone into hyper-drive to discredit and distract from documented facts and are now going as far as to float the idea that Trump may be committing a crime for simply investigation Clinton at all.
That’s right, in the sick world of the establishment media, Trump is committing a criminal act by even considering an investigation into shady Clinton dealings with the Russians. After all, she is above the law right?
Even more disgusting, the so-called reporters spewing this nonsense…..
Read More

By: paschnn1 Mon, 30 Oct 2017 22:08:12 +0000 *sniff*
Hmm, I’m getting a whiff of Hillary… DNC… and….. and JUST A HINT of AIPAC.

By: Larry Mon, 30 Oct 2017 19:38:57 +0000 Watch /watch?v=6_X0_759smo&time_continue=810

Or enter “justice with judge Jeanine Pirro 10/28/17 CLINTON CORRUPTION, RUSSIA” in the search box.

There’s no way in HELL that this treasonous act by the Obama administration/Hillary Clinton State Department is going to disappear down the memory hole.

(And by the way I’m adamantly opposed to ANY USE of radioactive material in a biological world, “peaceful” or otherwise.)

By: From Quebec Mon, 30 Oct 2017 17:59:06 +0000 @realDonaldTrump: Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign. But why aren't Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus????? ..Also, there is NO COLLUSION!]]> TRUMP ON MANAFORT INDICTMENT: ‘THIS IS YEARS AGO’

One of the best comment on this article:

Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump:

Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign. But why aren’t Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus????? ..Also, there is NO COLLUSION!

By: Tommy Tunes Mon, 30 Oct 2017 17:29:10 +0000 Hey spread this around Special Counsel Bob Mueller and the FBI need to investigate this too !!!!!
WOW: Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on Fox & Friends on Fox News discussing new bombshell revelations that — in addition to the Clinton campaign helping fund the dodgy Trump Dossier — former President Barack Obama’s campaign itself also paid nearly a million dollars to the law firm that was funding Fusion GPS (the firm that hired Christopher Steele to put the dossier together). Judicial Watch believes the American people deserve to know what President Obama knew about the Trump Dossier & what his involvement was.

