Comments on: Jon Rappoport on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory: the OPIOID CRISIS Sat, 09 Nov 2019 17:20:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Damjan Gjorgjiev Thu, 02 Nov 2017 19:41:11 +0000 No intention to input anything nationalistic here, just to give explanation to the meaning of the word ‘opium’. It means ‘intoxicated mind’. It’s a Macedonian word. OPI(j)+UM. The Greek roots shown in dictionaries is just red haring

By: Raina Thu, 02 Nov 2017 18:17:36 +0000 Lea,Listening to last nights presentation by Jon Rappoport and after reading all of the above astute comments, I found yours to be especially insightful and touches the heart of the issue of non-pain opiate addiction, as well as, the use of other substances, such as alcohol,anti-depressants, psychotropic drugs, etc. I also agree with the benefits of hallucinogens [that have been banned] most likely for their spiritual restorative properties. I view the dependence upon substance as a way to escape emotional & spiritual loss, as well as, one facing themselves and becoming the best version of ‘me’ as they can be. Of course, this serves the ‘elite’ that wish to keep the masses subdued, uneducated, ineffectual, disenfranchised, and lost. Kudos to You!

By: Lea Thu, 02 Nov 2017 06:40:37 +0000 Jon, While I’m listening to you on Coast right now, I think it’s important to point out that opioids are necessary for North America in order to keep the Methadone and Su-oxone industry alive and kicking.
Money rules and so does government funded drugs serving as cheap and even ore harmful alternatives.
Not one addiction “doctor” can tell one what these govt. funded alternatives do to the human system.
I live in Canada with” freeish” health care.

Interesting to note that Methadone isn’t even used y palliative care doctors due to the difficulty of dosing..said to me from a palliative care doctor at Toronto’s Mt. Sinai hospital.

Interesting to note that there’s just pharma/govt. “help” for those using opioids/opiates and NOT stimulants, (cocaine, speed, etc.).

Another interesting point that I’m sure you know Jon, is the fact Ayahuasca, LSD , Amanita mushrooms and other specific hallucinogens happen to prove extremely effective in curing addictions to alcohol, stimulants, opioids/ates , depression, PTSD among other spiritual/psychological ailments.

An addiction doctor I’ve visited in the last year told me he tried to isolate the medicinal properties from the Ayahuasca plant , “without the mystical experience”.
I told him “Well, what’s the point”!

All I know is the fact that alcohol is the gateway drug, the govt. wants folks”down”, not “up”,
(Cheery Gum anyone)? and there’s soo much cash made with the fake and prolly harmful Methadone and Su-oxone .
No one in North America sees yet that Portugal is the country that knows what it’s doing concerning drug use and users.
Folks in Vancouver can use free govt. sanctioned heroin 3 times a day if they qualify.
Toronto is considering something similar .

People freak out saying , “Oh no, making opioids free, would cause people to rush out and do it and die, making junkies galore”!
Anyone who wants to use drugs will do so illegally first, just like cigs, alcohol,and any other dope.

This a health issue, not a moral one and I wish people would realize this.
The reason that people in general want to get “altered” is the main concern.
If someone has pain give them relief.
Spiritual pain is similar.
People are in physical, spiritual and mental pain.
Why else do they get high?
Dr. Mate is the man to discover.
Thank you Jon.
I appreciate all you do.

By: Roger Fuller Wed, 01 Nov 2017 22:41:46 +0000 I am bothered by the whole War on Opioids. Especially with the Government’s history of the War on Alcohol; War on Street Drugs etc. . All my life, I have known of ordinary patients who desperately need their pain medecine. So I sympathize with commenters like ” The Outlaw ” . There is a huge and legitimate demand for pain killing drugs by genuine pain patients. I don’t know of the exact details of the drug companies wrongdoing on this category of drugs: the Opioids; but there should be an honest investigation.
So, Jon Rappoport, as you have pointed out in your earlier articles, Psychiatric Drugs are a total fraud and have been around much longer. ( 63 years since Thorazine ). And I say that stupid and brainwashed people demand psychiatric drugs; but there has never been a need for them. The overwhelming medical evidence shows that the Psychiatric Drugs cause psychosis, massive neurological damage, massive physical damage, and are the cause of most of the disease in the USA. They actually cause a great deal of the pain that makes opioids necessary in the first place. Psychiatric Drug induced headaches would be one of many examples.
The Peoples real war should be against the Psychiatric Drugs: the Worst drug group of all.

By: jacobite2015 Wed, 01 Nov 2017 12:09:37 +0000 I can hardly wait Jon…you’re an excellent guest on George’s show and convey your information and points very well!

I really enjoyed the last show you did with George about the medical system. I hope you can do some more on that subject & vaccines as a regular guest on Coast.

By: Tracy Wed, 01 Nov 2017 10:26:20 +0000 a bit OT, but have been reading about the remarkable effects of Iboga/Ibogaine in healing all types of drug addictions, with no side effects and often just in a single dose. however, 20 people have died in 20 yrs from Iboga, mostly chronic drug users who have not been screened properly or properly supervised during treatment. More info on line (where else?) or in “The Noble Lie”.

By: the atomic punk Wed, 01 Nov 2017 02:35:56 +0000 Did they try candlelight vigils and hashtags? They brought the girls back and deposed Kony while saving Uganda. Forward! Yes we can. Hopey changey. Umm…umm…umm.

By: Tim Wed, 01 Nov 2017 01:37:17 +0000 It’s not an anesthetic. Complete block of pain occurs with real anesthesia.

By: fauxscienceslayer Tue, 31 Oct 2017 23:03:27 +0000 “Meet the Billionaire Family Behind America’s Opioid Crisis” at ZeroHedge website

This family produces OxyContin, the epicenter of this lucrative racket….

By: falcon Tue, 31 Oct 2017 21:09:15 +0000 a user of these drugs will develop tolerance. if they later have a requirement for real pain relief, opiate options will be limited and they could end up in agony (as some oxycontin users discover when they get cancer).
the tolerance factor contraindicates using these drugs for anything other than serious pain relief.
