Comments on: Brave New World and individual power Fri, 03 Nov 2017 02:54:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 03 Nov 2017 02:54:14 +0000 WRONG, From Quebec

Palestine is formed from ancient Aryan script and it means [words to the effect] “the land where no one can live” or “No man’s land”. Does not Israhell constantly STEAL Lebanese water?

The location I had for Hitler was Bolivia. Interesting the Israelite “dissident” SPY Roi Tov is (or was) “stranded” there. According to the KGB, Hitler died in 1976 (I’d need a calculator to work out his age, assuming the “official” DOB isn’t fraudulent). As for the JFK scam, ROFLAO is all I can say. You really think they would release the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??

By: From Quebec Thu, 02 Nov 2017 03:56:23 +0000 By the way, Palestine never existed.

And have you notice in Trump released files on the Kennedy assasination,that it was said that Hitler escaped to Argentina and lived till 95 years old.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 02 Nov 2017 03:07:20 +0000 Jon

Given that Orwell’s “1984” was published to mark (?) the year’s anniversary of the reformation of Israel at Palestine’s expense in 1949, wouldn’t it be poetic if Hitler’s Havaara (Jewish uninterrupted repatriation or “home coming” to Palestine) Pact with German “Zionists” (Havaara is the only recognised authority to my knowledge) on 25th August 1933 marked the anniversary of “Brave New World” by Huxley.

I have scoured Google but can find no “original publication” date.


By: From Quebec Wed, 01 Nov 2017 21:13:00 +0000 A bit off topic,Jon,

But, you must read this compilation on the VigilantCitizen website: : It is incredible all the information they have.:

A Compilation Of What We Know About The Vegas Shooting On October 1st With Source Links

By: Tommy Tunes Wed, 01 Nov 2017 16:26:49 +0000 Don’t you think its strange that after the ISIS connection was made that the FBI is now calling it quits on the worse mass murder in US History ??? check out the Video on what was going on outside HOOTERS …..

By: Tommy Tunes Wed, 01 Nov 2017 15:45:32 +0000 *******ATTENTION ******* Here is the Brave New World we live in …….
Is this the guy who Congress should be trusting to investigate the so called Russian terrorism of our 2016 election ????? Shouldn’t the FBI be locking up the CRAZY PEOPLE like the GUY IN NY yesterday as well as the FRAUDS ????

By: Tim Wed, 01 Nov 2017 15:35:51 +0000 Quote from Lee Silver: “Indeed, in a society that values individual freedom above all else, it is hard to find any legitimate basis for restricting the use of repro-genetics. I will argue [that] the use of reprogenetic technologies is inevitable. [W]hether we like it or not, the global marketplace will reign supreme.”

I suspect that Dr. Silver has not fully appreciated the ramifications of genetic manipulations in wild type situations. What I’m talking about is that molecular biologists and related professions are typically creating genetic variants of test animals (typically mice, but not only mice) that are then grown and kept under special pathogen free conditions. This will be where the GenRich types will come to grief, under conditions that are not pathogen free, and under conditions where the diet is not strictly controlled. We (wild type organisms) have inherited genetic material that has been thoroughly tested in evolutionary history. The GenRich types will not have this advantage. A big problem with genetic manipulations is that the signosome/signalome has extremely complex feedback communications that tend to defeat the genetic manipulation under wild type pathogen containing conditions. But I could be wrong. Roll the dice. It’s your future. Personally, I’m not interested in tempting fate with genetic manipulations.

By: Comrade Kulak Wed, 01 Nov 2017 14:10:39 +0000 Here in Flyoverstan we read Animal Farm in 5th grade and in 10th grade it was 1984.
By senior year Brave New World was to be read. I can assure you these books are no longer in the curriculum but maybe one day Fahrenheit 451 will come to pass.
Gaia worshippers will say it is for the trees and worshippers of the control over other people will say it is for the good of the collective. Brainwashed zombies will nod and say more Soma please.
BTW-Soma is an actual drug. Forward! Yes we can. Keep the Kulak scum out!

By: Al Soto Wed, 01 Nov 2017 13:33:17 +0000 Bravo!!!!
