Comments on: The Deep State trafficking killer opioids Wed, 29 Aug 2018 03:04:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: itooluvkayaking Wed, 29 Aug 2018 03:04:58 +0000 While this is totally accurate, I feel there are a few more forces at play in the Big Dandy Opiod Problem. Some things that need to be acknowledged when discussing drug legislation, prescriptions, and abuse:

1. Some people are in chronic pain. They have shattered discs, nerve damage, Dr. Gregory House Disease, etc. They have conditions that current medical science can’t sufficiently treat. For them, it’s either mindnumbing chronic pain, or opiods.

2. For doctors, there are two ends to the opiod issue’s spectrum. At one end, you have corrupt doctors who do literally nothing but run shell clinics that dispense opiods for the right price (or, as poor call it: deal drugs). At the other end you have conscionable doctors who care about following the rules so much that they prescribe extra strenth tylenol for infected, abscessed molars. This actually happened to a friend of mine, who was prescribed three of these things to tide him over until his dental surgery that was a week away. He nearly went completely insane from the pain.

3. The fact that districts with the highest rates of opioid addiction were the most likely districts to vote for Donald Trump in 2016 may have not been a coincidence. There has been a great deal of research on the relationships between addicitons and decision making. On the coasts, adderall prescriptions are written at vastly higher rates than in the middle of the country. Amphetamines are related to more calculated, machine-like decisions being made. New York City voted very, very blue. Opioids are related to bolder, riskier decisions that favor shaking things up to make things better, hence the extremely high correlation between districts hit the hardest by the opioid epedemic and votes for Donald Trump. Neither of these are inherently right — it just illustrates the fact that drugs have a social engineering utility to them, which opens prescriptions and black markets up to a whole other — and very underreported — set of actors with agendas.

4. The more sensationalized and amplified the opioid epedemic gets, the worse it is for addicts. The single largest predictor of relapse is isolation, and receiving a lot of attention for an addiciton is — although intended as support — very isolating. For the same reason, jail is an insanely poor way to treat addicts.

5. There’s a reason that the research chemical — “synthetic drug” feels like a bizarre term, to me, because any non-holistic drug is synthetic — market is so popular, and it’s not abuse — it’s class stratification. The more affluent the person, the easier it is for them to get an adderall prescription to be more productive at work, a benzodiazepine ‘script to relax and get to sleep on time, a vicodin ‘script for their herniated disc, and so on. Meanwhile, economically disadvantaged co-workers are expected to keep up with this level of productivity — regardless as to whether it’s healthy, it becomes the norm. China’s there to fill that niche.

I’m not sure where the right answer lies in all of this, but it involves being simultaneously less draconian toward drug use, while also employing better, more universally applied oversight of drug distribution. Which…. that’s a confusing nut to crack. There’s probably no great solution, but the one that contributes the least to socially engineering the public for either profits or politics is probably the one to look for.

By: Mark Yanes Thu, 01 Feb 2018 07:13:21 +0000 This is better than listening to my nephews talking about the comic books they’re going to write. Alcohol is still a more deadly public health crisis that remains the Elephant in the room. You can add tobacco and fast food to that – doesn’t come close to the opioid epidemic. I agree it’s a serious problem. But there’s no deep state. It’s greedy people in boardrooms who figured a way to create a disease and treat it too. Greed. If that jackass in the White House would stop jibber jabbering about border walls, start building rehab facilities. Remove the user, remove the problem. No users, no need for opiates except for medical reasons.

By: Abe Wed, 08 Nov 2017 00:06:37 +0000 When one looks at our food and water, and all the chemicals in it, were having an overload of chemicals. The obvious solution is to get the chemicals out and get our brains and body back into a chemical balance. But those responsible for today’s problems have the answer. For a chemical imbalance, there solution is more chemicals. We need a major overhaul on the FDA and other alphabet agencies and actually hold those who had a vested interest other than the American people accountable, and change the laws there whores put into place to protect them, and hold those whores accountable as well. From my own experience, the Veterans Administration hands out drugs like candy on Halloween! I wonder how much longer saying no to drugs will be an option at the VA?

By: Edgar Allen Rhye Tue, 07 Nov 2017 14:49:31 +0000 Quite infrequently, watching TV is a chore to remain calm with frequent drug ads taking up the great majority of commercial sponsor breaks, peppered with drug addiction therapy & lawsuit representation ads. People suffer mass emotional stress, so, a pill for this, that or the other is proffered, at great peril to the viewing consumer. Any who buck the system are identified & dealt with harshly. For example, my “non-compliant attitude” has been “diagnosed” as anything ranging from psychopathology to psychosis. Mental health experts are merely projecting, among other things.

By: sundancer55 Sun, 05 Nov 2017 20:36:25 +0000 Sorry but the problem with overseas poppies is a whole ‘nother story entirely. This is something American’s are having to deal with here and now and it’s falling mostly on the taxpayers because of corrupt doctors et al, as if we don’t have enough to deal with already.

If foreign countries have to deal with it as well, let them handle it in their own way.

By: Abe Sun, 05 Nov 2017 19:32:17 +0000 I guess people can get whacked out and go after the judges.

By: sundancer55 Sun, 05 Nov 2017 18:40:11 +0000 I read that article at ZeroHedge a few days ago. It’s excellent reading. It’s also sickening reading.

How do we get people like that? I mean, what creates that sort of horribleness in the human race?

By: sundancer55 Sun, 05 Nov 2017 18:36:02 +0000 This has become such a wide-spread problem now, that IMPHHO, anyone who gets addicted to opioids is doing so because they wanted to – – and because they can (with the aid of their criminal physicians). This should not be a problem of the US gubmint to take care of, it should be on PHRMA’s hands. We need to find a judge with the gumption to reverse that awful ruling saying they have no liability for any wrongdoing in things directly related to their products. Pills can kill – – – that should be the FIRST warning label on every single prescription bottle handed out to “patients” and maybe they’ll use their heads and think twice about taking the crap.

Well, one can hope, right?

By: SanityClaus Sun, 05 Nov 2017 06:27:37 +0000 The pentagon serves the BritishEmpire/N.AT.O. U.N. HEROINE MAFIA. The pentagon wipes it’s ass with the Declaration of Independence. Just like south east asia, the pentagon poisons and murders our children with heroine from central asia. Afghanistan is a nato narco state. Your story about synthetic opioids distracts from these essential pertinent FACTS.

By: JB Sat, 04 Nov 2017 13:14:03 +0000 106,000 deaths out of 350 million per year, bad as it for those whom the bell tolls is just a mere 0.03% of the total population. It can hardly be classified as “population control” or “weapon of mass destruction.” Hospital deaths from misdiagnoses and related drugs fatalities are much higher, as is deaths in psychiatric institutions. Then there are highway fatalities and cardiovascular related deaths ahead of the opiod “epidemic.”

One should keep a balanced perspective with these issues.
