Comments on: Texas church shooter: what no one is saying about the insanity of his prior conviction Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:28:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: truth1 Sun, 12 Nov 2017 03:55:59 +0000 Richie from Boston had video footage up from another source that showed a big tarp fence all around the church to hide it from view and many satellite trucks from news orgs and similar to keep any prying meddling truthers from getting footage to expose it. I’ve never seen this sort of hiding before. You should all check it out. Its amazing. New tactics being used.

It seems to me that they are concerned with too many getting too smart about all this. So now they are going to make crime scenes unavailable to the public. Maybe more are getting smart and this is not a welcomed development for the magicians of the media. Oh, I’m all broke up. Coverup an sequestering an entire building and site equals absolute guilt.

By: Argentwind Sat, 11 Nov 2017 23:37:57 +0000 Suppose the entire thing is an out and out damn blasted lie, and the “criminal” is a prop, part of the stage magic being used in an attempt to manipulate and control us? Think on it. The “people” who carry out operations of this sort aren’t called “The Masters of Illusion” for nothing.

By: Argentwind Sat, 11 Nov 2017 21:55:34 +0000 Your sense is correct, it is an illusion designed to distract, drain energies from the target audience, and render them less a threat to the manipulators.

By: Argentwind Sat, 11 Nov 2017 21:50:32 +0000 “The emotional sob stories that are supposed to get dumb useful idiots angry”.

Exactly. The majority of people are ruled solely by their emotions, and whomever can produce effective propaganda to manipulate those can easily control them.

By: Argentwind Sat, 11 Nov 2017 19:14:05 +0000 Proof of what? What someone with an agenda wants someone else to believe is so or not so. I do my own research, and everyone should. The last person in the world I would listen to is someone who makes a statement like that.

By: John Shaka Sat, 11 Nov 2017 11:56:49 +0000 Good points, CPP. Just for the record, the comment I made about November 5 being the kickoff to the ANTIFA fantasy revolution was my speaking in generalities.

While November 4 was considered the first day of the “revolution”, it was hyped to be an on-going revolt that would build in intensity until the “fascists” were removed from power. Of course, we see that they couldn’t even muster enough support to make even the first day a success, so it all becomes a moot point anyway.

As for the very plausible assertion that November 5 was chosen to coincide with Guy Fawkes Day, I was aware of the significance of this date as well, but failed to tie it in.

Anonymous was planning their annual “Million Mask March” on that day to celebrate their embodiment, and accused ANTIFA of attempting to upstage and disrupt it by choosing that weekend to get the revolution (that wasn’t) off the ground. But if both ANTIFA and Anonymous are deep state operations as so many people assert, the entire “feud” becomes another dog and pony show perpetrated by the deep state, and the church shooting becomes another false-flag perpetrated on the very day commemorating the granddaddy of the modern false-flag phenomena.

Furthermore, when I heard the death toll (26) of the church shooting, I immediately harkened back to the Shady Hook false-flag. Quite an irony. And within minutes, people online were reminding us that it was also the anniversary of the Fort Hood shooting. Yes, how convenient is that?,

By: truth1 Sat, 11 Nov 2017 03:10:37 +0000 That is a good point. They are beating a dead horse with these tactics and they have seemed to have changed their style a little. No immediate news coverage like the Oklahoma bombing, that turned up many contradictions, like reports of more than 1 bomb being found unexploded, etc. No scenes of ambulances, police or anything like that. Just the after story so that they leave less room for mistakes. CCP had some great links. The picture collage does remind me of Sandyhook. And of course, the anti-gun rhetoric and the overdone stories like a grandam absorbing 9 bullets so her grandson could live or something like that. The emotional sob stories that are supposed to get dumb useful idiots angry.

You know, I am seeing a lot more NY plates here in Southern Maine. Normally, it would be Mass and NH plates. Now NY dominates and they are buying up apartment building, too. I wonder if NYc is on the target list. That would suck for Maine if t was a Nuke unless it was winter so that arctic cold would keep it from coming up NE.

By: Ron Hollis Sat, 11 Nov 2017 00:28:32 +0000 The proof can be found at the sources that follow.

By: truth1 Sat, 11 Nov 2017 00:21:31 +0000 Awesome link! A total put on. Lots we are not told. I don’t have all the answers but my spider senses say. total hoax. Details will become clear with time.

By: CPP Fri, 10 Nov 2017 23:57:21 +0000 It is indeed worth considering intentional “incompetence”, especially when adding the additional info I detailed in my comment below.

That ANTIFA “super-soldier” remark might represent foreknowledge, but if so, likely planted to lead down a path to nowhere except ridicule as a right-wing conspiracy theory (as with the Vegas perp/patsy). “Symbolically, the date signified the kick-off to ANTIFA’s fantasy revolution.” Close, but the supposed ANTIFA revolt day was Nov. 04.

The Sutherland Springs massacre happened on Nov. 05, which is Guy Fawkes Day, anniversary of the 1605 gunpowder plot to blow up the British Houses of Parliament… ‘Remember, remember, the fifth of November…’ Some consider it to have been an inside job, like Webster Tarpley, who characterizes it as the beginning of “state-sponsored false-flag terrorism or synthetic terror in the English-speaking world.”

This Nov. 05 was also the eighth anniversary of the Fort Hood massacre, and I notice the death toll of this one (26) is exactly double that of Fort Hood (13). And 2+6, or 2 times (1+3) = 8 (years apart). The official Sandy Hook death toll was also 26. And of course Devin Kelley was 26 years old. And back to Guy Fawkes Day, the Gunpowder Plot was comprised of 13 conspirators.

There does appear to be a pattern of shooting attacks against (mostly) white-republican Americans…The Republican baseball game, a country music festival, a small town Texas Baptist church… If there is some underlying connection and agenda, it starts to look, at least in part, like attacking pro-gun people using guns.

“…the great culture clash that they so desperately need should they hope to remain relevant in a rapidly awakening world.” Nice line…certainly applies to Charlottesville.
